Serious Discussion: What the fuck is wrong with normans?

The norman brain is a total anathema to me. What drives these creatures? What is their thought process?

The norman's investment habits are totally bizarre, the norman enters into a market that is already up 9000% and expects to continue to make money. The norman doesn't even attempt to understand what it is he's investing in beyond shallow, vague slogans or chants. The norman gets emotionally invested in things he hasn't put the slightest amount of effort into understanding. The norman will try and tell you that it's really you who doesn't understand when the norman himself can't even explain what his coin does. The norman will buy and sell at the strangest time with no forethought at all about what his price target is.

To be frank, nothing has hurt the crypto market more than its very first encounter with the norman. I'm afraid it won't recover just like most of us didn't recover after coming across these feral beasts for the first time.

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normies invest into things they understand and requires no additional effort to decipher. Smart contracts? Sounds weird. Tron Web 4.0? Sounds like the future.
Normies want to feel smart just like you and me, just like everybody. But they only have their normie toolset to evaluate technology and that toolset only tells them stuff like "web 4.0, facebook, partnership with microsoft" = good.

How can a norman hear the phrase "Web 4.0" and that's all it takes to convince them? How is it so simple to persuade normans?

lol I remember getting TRX airdropped on Binance. Was like who that’s clever marketing, normies are gonna be all over this one.

Normies have a big trust in government and society, that is their defining trait as far as I'm concerned. They are normies because nothing ever went so terribly wrong for them that they had to change. So their trust in society makes them think that their current level of understanding will always be enough to get ahead just like it has been enough so far. Obviously this isnt exclusive to them, we are all lazy to a certain extent but I consider it the most defining trait of a normie: To be content and trusting in the system.

imagine a mind without the ability for abstraction
that's what it is, normans live exclusively in the now
reality is whatever they're experiencing
if everyone around them is all about tron, then tron is a revolution
and "everyone" can be as small as half a dozen guys at the pub
the norman brain doesn't know where the dollar comes from
he doesn't know how the engine in his car makes the wheels turn
he has no idea how the organs in his own body process food and water
he sure as hell has no clue what a blockchain is
at school and other places he will memorize words about these concepts and throw them back at you, but he has not learned anything beyond navigating social settings
think of where you were a young child, many aspects of life were eerie and it's likely you held some paranormal beliefs (even if just something as simple as santa)
the norman has essentially the mind of a child
to him everything remains a black box
he's content to have his little corner of expertise, which he doesn't even truly understand but repeats motions he has been taught
he's had an ok life and experienced moderate social and sexual success with his norman friends, so that means he's doing it right
the norman lives a happy life, as long as you don't force him to think
the normal actively despises thinking
point out a logical flaw in his reasoning, and the norman will go absolutely crazy
it's not so much being called stupid. it's the primal fear of confronting the great unknown
when afraid, both dogs and normans bark
the goal is to scare this unsettling stranger, but also to reassure themselves
i am norman, i am here, i am strong, i exist
once discussion is made impossible, the threat to the norman's mental model is gone and he can resume his blissful ignorance

To me the worst part of this whole thing is the business sycophancy. There are literally tens of thousands of people who follow the company Ripple and will defend them to their death. They're not only invested financially but emotionally as well. At least with Bitcoin or Monero there is (or was) an idea; a greater purpose about freedom from financial institutions. Even ignoring the fact that such institutions are literally Ripple's clients, the bottom line is that it's fucking insane to be a drone for some small startup because you bought some of their digi-money.

People invested in stocks don't behave like this. If you hold AAPL you don't scream "FUD!!" every time someone mentions the downsides of an iPhone. It's fucking cancerous.

Is this copypasta? This is great

Top tier copypasta, user.

crypto culture is so fucking cringy now.
HODL and To the moon are so overused.

I was trying to convince some moron on here to sell his 1 million TRON when it was like 2 times it's current price and he wouldn't listen to me. It's funny calculating how much money he lost from the ATH.

Saw a dude at the gym with a HODL shirt where the O was the tron logo.

>People invested in stocks don't behave like this. If you hold AAPL you don't scream "FUD!!" every time someone mentions the downsides of an iPhone. It's fucking cancerous.

Those stock traders are not norman, user.

What the fuck even is TRON? I stay out of all that shit. Too easy to get caught upside-down on the flavor of the month shitcoins. Eth and XMR for me

I don't think you know what the word anathema means.

>not xmrg
Norman pleb detected.

This also explains why math majors are the most autistic. Seriously, normans are unable to delve into places unfamiliar with them, their minds just block the doorway immediately.

Just chiming in to say your analysis of the normans is quite sound. Nothing ever pushed them beyond the threshold of societal acceptance and normalcy. Everything has worked as they expected so they have no reason to go deeper. I think that by better understanding the normans, we can also better understand ourselves.

I've talked with a few, and they legitimately believe that Tron can go to $20k "just like bitcoin''. Their brain sort of shuts off when you try to explain supply and market cap

A guy came up to me at school while seeing me read some crypto news and told me he made 30k on ripple in December and that he wants to get into Tron next. This was beginning of January, I wonder how he's doing now.

>well that’s pretty much economically and mathematically unfeasible.
>nah bro I’m pretty sure it’s gonna moon, my buddy told me just hodl so that’s what I’m gonna do

>normans are unable to delve into places unfamiliar with them
They are extremely inhibited by fears of losing their social standing which they rely on as a primary means of survival. They need others to whom they can defer responsibility. If things don't work out, then it was because they're leader failed them. They are absolutely terrified by true accountability and responsibility for themselves.

>I think that by better understanding the normans, we can also better understand ourselves.

Norman discussion threads honestly deserve a sticky. We must understand the Norman to beat the Norman

well put

>because they're leader failed them

only a normie makes a spelling mistake like that

You don't beat them. You harness them. Haven't you noticed there is a constant competition among elites to gain shares in the norman market cap?

The norman thinks crypto is like his sportsball

Your don't know me. It's her turn.

>You don't beat them. You harness them.
the moment the Norman ends is the moment the Overman comes into being

I think Tron is a scam coin but it would be hilarious if it goes somewhere and this guy becomes a millionaire for having iron hands.

Norman (TRON) is but bridge between ape (XRP) and and the overman (???).

Do you have the courage to walk down the bridge user? What is at the end?

That's easy. Crispr-cas9 genetic engineering to cure stupidity, poor health, and short life span. This enhanced generation then engineers and even more enhanced generation. We have reached the limits of natural selection and are the threshold of ushering in an era of gods on Earth.

TRX is for sure garbage and propped up above a cent because of Teen Hype Dad.

But there is a chance it hits fifty cents simply because he found a way to harness unfathomable retardation.

French here. Why don't you say "normies"?
Normans are people from Normandy and they are perfectly fine.

>cure stupidity
take one look at modern american universities and tell me that stupidity has anything to do with iq

>People invested in stocks don't behave like this. If you hold AAPL you don't scream "FUD!!" every time someone mentions the downsides of an iPhone. It's fucking cancerous.
But iPhone hodlers do

I expected this reply. You're absolutely correct to a point, but when we have 200 IQ individuals, who will where as the leaders among their peers? Keep in mind there are intelligent people directing the current sentiments we see pervading academia.

I just farted and it smells like Chernobyl

Emerge* phonefagging norman I've been exposed. SHUT IT DOWN

>trusting French opinion

Gtfo la faggot

>who will where as the leaders among their peers?
very intelligent retards

>Keep in mind there are intelligent people directing the current sentiments we see pervading academia.
yeah, and most of them have simply overthought their own human biases.

a 90 iq person watches someone drive by in a very expensive car and thinks "he doesn't deserve that car, i deserve it, i want it" and does nothing more

a 140 iq person watches the same thing and thinks "i'm going to obtain footage of him doing something embarrassing, then i'm going to blackmail him with it and destroy his life until he's forced to sell his car to pay for his psychologist, and i'm going to ambush him and push his buttons until he sells it to me on the spot for $1,000 and a packet of gum", and then actually does it.

you don't want a 200 iq communist.

Exactly, they live and die with a pack mentality. Oh the other members of the pack aren’t going this way? It must not be secure, I’ll go their way. Most of society has to consist of these clusters in order for civilization to functionally operate. If everyone could get past their own fear and lust for security, there would be no reason for humans to converge into communities.

There's nothing to learn from the normana, user, unless you mean capitalizing on their stupid investments, and in that case it means the cheapest coin on Robinhood. Normans are legit like NPCs. If you want your soul to die, sure try and learn from them. Otherwise you're on your own or can follow guidance from a few great men that have existed.

Who said I want to learn from them? I mean, it’s helpful to understand their role in our world and in our lives to a more defined degree in order to benefit from their limitations and better navigate this life.

I think biz isn't very different. Everyone just shills what they've invested to. Maybe the have a vague understanding of it, but the competition gets ignored, because that would take too much brain activity.

Fuck off Norman

>the original frogposters

To be fair, he's right. Trx will moon like every other scamcoin because the market is retarded and full of speculation only. Just look at bitconnect. Shit rose 150% in 3 days after they exit scammed.

Dunning Kruger etc. They think they are fucking geniuses for getting into crypto before everyone else they know in their lives and are confident that they will become rich because they saw some crypto scam videos that fed into their delusions. They aren't capable of critical thinking. They have no sense of self.

Normies aren't sentient, they simply follow the herd and that's why things like the stock market are total bullshit. You can't predict nonsense herd following that isn't based on any sort of logic.

Nice. The only thing I would disagree with is the happy life part. Most normies are unhealthy miserable neurotic fucks

So i should look into mobius?!?!?????!!!

more than 10x

bccwent up 10x i mean
after the exit

Sorry we don't speak baguette here

you can learn what not to do (such as get married) from normans

Fucking brilliant
