

Earlier today our team created Shadow Pyramid, the next fad to wash your money down. So far many have. Mainly for the thrill of having a chance to grab a dollar from a stranger, to be more iron-willed than them. It's a mix of luck and spite, merry and malice. Hell, if we don't tell you that it's a Ponzi scheme off the top - it may be illegal.

The main draw to our dark money machine is our dividends. Anytime 'they' lose, you win. If your heart is true and your hand steady, then baby you just might make a penny or two. There's a thousand people right now playing the stock market and dipping. We made $100,000 come together in just under 5 hours this morning. Where will you be when we do it again?

See you at www.shadowpyramid.com

wtffffffff its a scam!

hi nice one

you fucking clone assholes are just diluting a lucrative model that would LITERALLY print money if you would just all use the same fucking pyramid! THE PYRAMID PROVIDES.

ETHPYRAMID.COM. THE 2nd GEN OG. Fuck your faggot clones.

Didn't dev cash out on ethpyramid today

EthPyramid WOULD have printed money if 75% of it wasn't owned by early devs and whales who could dump on you. Shadow Pyramid is literally IMPOSSIBLE to be dumped on because all the investors are poorfags. There are NO whales in this coin, which is extremely strange.

can confirm, fifth investor, 0.01 entry. Am poorfag

EtherPyramid is a Jewish trick because of the 4x logarithmic shit.

this, fuck EHTP devs

how is it different in Shadow ?

but now less of a poorfag :-D

ethpyramid accept no clones

>you fucking clone assholes are just diluting a lucrative model that would LITERALLY print money if you would just all use the same fucking pyramid!
Yeah, print money for Divine who bought literally all of the earliest coins. That log function is a beast, the first 150 ETH worth of tokens are extremely prime real estate and more than half of that space was taken by the devs. Divine put in 5 ETH before it went public and cashed out 120 within 12 hours, before any early investors could even so much as 2x.

EthPyramid is a pyramid with all the top layers reserved. This is a pyramid with the top up for grabs.

difference is everyone who entered early deposited next to nothing. Which means the top is still stretched out / reachable. AND impossible to empty out



beware of shadowpyramid!! 60ETH in contract and 2500 tokens created, compared to ETH pyramid 300 ETH and only 5000 token, something fishy with SHadowpyramid,
i own nether but just to clarify

EthPyramid had 25,000 at 600 ETH but devs cashed them all out.

Look at this


This pyramid contract only has 3 ETH in it it seems to be abandoned.

I’m trying to make a new site that links to it which should be ready today. If you buy in now you can be on the ground floor

m8 that's how it works, tokens get more expensive the more people buy. That's how the devs of ethpyramid were able to own the vast majority of it even though they put in a small fraction of the total ETH - they bought it all up front minutes before the actual launch.

Shadow doesn't have that problem, as it started with a small trickle of investments. Nobody owns half the tokens in this pyramid - we all got a slice and there's still slices to be claimed.

Coordinated pump incoming

so how do I do this?
buy tokens with eth
sell tokens when I want to
and withdraw?
if I don't withdraw do I lose money?

>the ponzi
>of the people
really now

1. buy tokens with eth using metamask.

2. wait and watch dividends increase and price increase.

3. withdraw dividends when you want and watch price increase then sell once you've 10x

but if people sell before me and there are no buyers the price drops? and I can't sell