I'm opening a private Telegram for pre public information on coins, exchanges, new listings, new partnerships, ICO's, etc. The Telegram will contain information before its available to the public (in most cases) as this is legal in crypto, it can be very rewarding. Before anyone says "jail bro", this is perfectly legal.
This is the only time I'll post on here so... If you think this is a LARP, or you think it's trolling, do not reply to this thread.
If you are interested in joining then drop your email or throwaway email.
I'm sure some of you are already aware of me, so less' get to it.
I dont see how that works, you're starting a telegram group, advertising under your own name but won't tweet it out so you take no responsibility if it goes wrong. lel.
Had a look around your twitter and your other handle. Pretty nice lifestyle the bonus being you became an early adopter. Not by chance though. Nice.
Henry Gonzalez
If this actually you, just want to say cheers for the good info. When you go on Veeky Forums and see wojacks the whole time, people like you who I follow on twitter make it much easier on days like we've had.
Wow a line about you not wanting people questioning your scam? Really makes me think. How does tweeting it out "taint you by Veeky Forums" when it would be two separate postings?
John Hall
This is no larp, I assure you. Again, please carefully read the OP again.
Josiah Peterson
Fucking pajeet looking for personal buyers of his bags
If you think that, then don't fucking reply. Quite simple.
Hour or three, at least
Evan Green
Ofcourse, I mainly used BTC to buy drugs on DNM. I mean, you do the same from what I can see but also invested it and became rich. You live in London, right? Nice Lambo you got yourself. Your typing style is similar to his.
Easton Wilson
Then why are you spamming this thread every other day?
Because it becomes harder and harder to unload bags on people. Groups like this are run by whales and drones will buy whatever they're told. Rather simple
Joshua Lee
Also it's not legal you are being reported to the SEC and cyber crimes unit """Cobain"""
Alexander Perez
Question why not just post the link to the tele? Instead of emailing everyone, and then posting the link?
I'll check back in 30 if the thread is still up. Emails will be sent within 2-3~ hours.
I've never posted this thread before. My fans may have though.
Do your research, newfags.
It's perfectly legal
Jordan Butler
wait so this is just so you have people paying you to be dumped on? the fuck?
elaborate how you get early info
Ian Young
RAW. nice
Austin Foster
It's a private group. You pay for entry, dumbass. Do your research, again.
Because I'm a whale and people like me.
Hunter Moore
He doesn't, he just needs to unload his bags that are getting way too heavy. The fact that he keeps reassuring people that it's legal means that's it's a fucking scam. On the other hand this board is full of pajeets and they're the first to fall for this crap
Gavin Butler
If you are a follower of the real person, you know that he doesn't and wouldn't do this type of shit. There are plenty of great resources for nucoiners that don't scam you out there, like Cryptoaquarium. Anyone asking for money to give you an edge in this market is not your friend. You are the mark.
I follow crypto twitter. The only handle worth following is @PeterLBrandt. Besides, if you guys want to figure out good buying signals do the following:
>Sign up to Trading View >uk.tradingview.com/cryptocurrency-signals/ >adjust filters like so: RSI - MACD Level - MACD Signal - Volatility - Change - Traded Vol >look at the 1D view >look for coins which are oversold >see if they have good volatility >see if they have any news events coming up
There are websites that do this for you. Look at atomsignal
Jack Gray
Telling any board on Veeky Forums to not do something is the fastest way to get them to do something.