Assblaster was right

Check out the new chainlink logo.

Other urls found in this thread:

Bigger version?

With all that evidence I am getting more certain by the day that he is a real deal

the LINK LARP gets sadder by the second

Who or what is assblaster?

He was the real deal after all. Chainlink is our ticket to the moon after all.

Did specifically mention a new logo?
I don't remember reading that, does anyone have a screenshot?


Where is this OP?


It is not a good logo. Way too many visual elements.

>assblaster was right.

just by observing his posts hes be wrong about Link so far. Its gonna keep tumbling into nothingness.

And it looks sort of retarded. Like sombody who doesn't know how to draw had a real good go at it.

WTF the old logo was so great that all people memed it.

Are the coins listed on Kyber now the ones that will be there at main met release? No REQ?


AssBlaster never said anything about a new logo, or Kyber?

looks like fucking shit

>no development for almost half a year
>oracle software has existed for ages which doesn't require some useless meme token (oraclize)
>"w-we made a new logo guys"
To the moon am I right pahj- I mean, guys?

The only thing he said was that the logo was intentionally boring.

AssBlaster never mentioned a new logo as far as I know. This "new" logo looks absolutely fucking shit though. I'd be seriously pissed off if they changed it. The current one is perfect.

Current logo is shit. Looks like it was drawn by a developer.

This new logo does look a lot more professional, I must say. Like something a bank would use.

This is one of the shadowforks. Chain chainlink

This one still isn't great but it's leagues better than the current one which is way too busy to be discerned at anything less than a quarter of your average amerifat's 6 inch smartphone screen

Reminds me of pic related. Looks a little better in high-res but still, I love the old logo :'(

Come on guys, that is LNK not LINK

>WTF the old logo was so great that all people memed it.
how the fuck am I supposed to make memes with that new logo?

Eurochad who told us linkies we would all be rich.

Then the evil non-linkies doxxed him

haven't seen this in awhile.

They should change the name to ChaiBlocks

Anyone who believes this dumbshit straight from a biz user deserves to lose their money

Thanks just sold 100k
No news.


Ah fek OP you're a faggot


user you must buy all the link you can get this is truly the only way to feed your lambo delusions. Don't be stupid buy now.

You fucking dumb shit - its a totally different coin, not related to ChainLink...11/10 autist


Thanks, just bought 100k.

This logo took 32 million and 4 months to develop. You just can't recognize state of the art technology. If you zoom in the logo contains everything needed for a smart contract. They are almost ready now to make their first twitter post. By 2020 they will have a go developer hired.

Wtf how can this coin be worth so much worth than chainlink?

the absolute state of Veeky Forums

The bubble has bursted.

Yep i can't even imagine how many fell for the link memes.

I have 381 link will I make it even a bit?

>Yep i can't even imagine how many fell for the link memes.

not many they mostly bought into an ico called mobius

this, they need a nintendo style cube, not this braindead faggotry

Kyber whitelisted backers will be able to trade on Feb 11 and i am just sitting here sobbing.

If we're gonna have 5000 Chainlink threads a day, at least they're getting more depressing

I told you guys to sell at its peak and now what, despite the dips

Draw wojaks running around the boxes

I'm hoping this is FUD, but if these retards are seriously thinking this is their new logo.....

What happens with the memes now?

Seriously? I hope this is a troll thread, this logo SUCKS


It's actually Kyber's fault, they listed Chainlink with the wrong logo

AAAAAA, Jason Parser hacked Kyber Network

>my cuben who is my cubenn

You will be greatly compensated for your service, private.
Thank you for your duty.


do they allow you to trade if you have a kyber genesis token on your address?


yeah, everyone else will be a pleb for the next few months

uglyyy i want my old logo baack