The Americans are going to start dumping soon, aren't they

The Americans are going to start dumping soon, aren't they.

Yeah, fucking weakhand burger faggots

Europe always dumps. That’s the meme not Americans. I wake up at 3:50am EST everyday to see the market lower than when I went to sleep.

About an hour left before they wake up again.

yeah, dumping buckets of cum into your mum's snatch

America is the one keeping all these shitcoins afloat though

yeah, dumping buckets of shite into your mum's mouth

yay 2% gains time to sell my bags and buy a delicious mcdonalds breakfast to celebrate!

shut up burger, chinks do!

My ass I’ve been watching this shit and creating eurocuck posts every morning around 5am




Yep just woke up. About to take my morning dump on you fags. Thanks for buying the bull trap. Congratulations on this seriously.

God damn it, America.


I swear to god it happens EVERY day. I have the timeline of my charts at 12h and you can see the dip when burgers wake up. They get taxed like in communism and still trade around for 5$ gains.

Been watching this shit for years, burgers dump, chinks buy and dagos hodl.

you have to talk!

Hmm... I wonder why the “Americans” are doing this??

lolwut, yesterday's meltdown wasn't stopping until america woke up and put a stop to it. sit down, eurocucks.

yup they need beer and snack money for the superbowl