How useful is crypto actually?

Not trying to FUD. But let's think a little about this 500 billion industry. What are actual use cases for crypto currently? Other than the meme
>muh decentralized blockchain ledger
blockchain was around already 10 years ago.

Current crypto use cases
>XMR to buy drugs off interwebs
>ETH to launch scammy ICOs
>Fucking ponzi schemes are the closest thing to actual blockchain useage

so.. uh. is this actually even useful? everybody is speculating on POTENTIAL. But what can you currently do with it?

Zero responses. No counter arguments? 6 year old technology with literally nothing to show for it

The same argument could have been applied to countless other emerging technologies prior to their mass adoption. If you can’t see a bright future for crypto you lack either imagination, intelligence or both.

It's in the phase of distributing tokens and coins so that the networks are secure when the main nets launch and the products are used. This is why this speculative bubble is different. After 2013 there was nothing really new to drive the price. This time the bubble popped but over the course of coming months many different projects are launching their products and the fundamental value of the tokens and coins will be discovered. Blockchain and smart contracts are a huge departure from business as usual; it's no surprise it's taken a decade or longer to discover and test they're uses so they're ready to go into production.

>hurr durr what can I use this for
Nice bog tho

solid argument

Transaction medium and smart contracts .

This kind of tech can be used to build isolated marketplaces for all kinds of decentralized tech. Allowing personal PC owners and people with spare cycles to easily and thoughtlessly participate in the new internet of decentralized storage and if they hammer out the security compute.

The block chain is literally the building blocks for the next iteration of application hosting as we know it. A new internet with 50% more funtari.

No don't invest, it's a terrible idea, just like the printing press, alternating current and the internet.

good responses

I already sold most i had at 15k, happy i did.

You misspelled futanari
Terrible comparison, most of the projects are vaporware

>tfw Veeky Forumsbros want to shill and fud pajeet coins instead of intellectual discussion

>decentralized storage
Literally worthless. Sorry, that's one of the worst examples of benefits of blockchain.

what makes you think it's a $500 billion dollar industry first of all? market cap is in no way indicative of how much the crypto space is worth currently

It's the only metric we currently have. We could include all blockchain related companies and discuss some potential crypto economy and say it's a multi-trillion industry but it wouldn't change the point of the original post not even one bit

You just don't understand the technology. Its the fucking future brainlet

There's no point made in the OP because you don't have a clue what blockchain technology actually is.

give me a rundown on what you think blockchain technology is first so i know i wont be wasting my time writing something out

All the credit cards just BTFO'd all crypto.

i heard it can be used to track vegetables...dats sum world changing shit bruh

Sure. Without Googling and top off my head: it's a programmed network consisting of data blocks that can be used to either store or transfer information/hashrates.

A good case use of that: antiviruses using blockchain for security protocols due to sha256 being pretty damn solid.

that's the short of it, probably bit off with some of the specifics.i used to sell cybersecurity solutions for what's it worth.

>A good case use of that: antiviruses using blockchain for security protocols due to sha256 being pretty damn solid.
why is this important? what are they using now? why is this better?

i'd say blockchains most revolutionary use case is in the financial and personal banking industry. there are billions of people in the world without access to bank accounts and even those that do have access to bank accounts can have their funds taken away from them if the government deems it necessary. this happened in cyprus where most citizens had a solid 30% of their bank account taken from them because the government fucked up. also other fiat currencies in countries like Venezuela, greece, brazil, india etc have been completely fucked due to their governments poor decisions. this type of technology can bring billions of people up to par when it comes to personal banking as if they have bitcoin for example, it can't be taken away from this just because the government feels like it. this is just one use case of crypto, there are others but this is in my opinion the most impactful.

I think the tech is useful and solid, but very much doubt that the actual profit from any blockchain tech is even close than the money and hype currently invested. Most of the current coins and tokens can be replaced with a simple database.

Look at "startups" though, Uber and Twitter have been bleeding money for years and keep going. Capitalism is irrational, the fact that the current valuation is unreasonable does not mean it will not last another decade.

You're not really wrong OP. But everyone here is pretty much betting on potential. And with potential, anything is possible, good or bad.

I've thought about it
>it can't be taken away from this just because the government feels like it.
but i think this doesn't hold true. Literally as soon they'd want to regulate fiat exchanges out of business then the gig's over, for finance aspect that is.

>if they have bitcoin for example, it can't be taken away from this just because the government feels like it.
The govt can do a number of things. They can levy heavy taxes on crypto, they can prevent major companies (who provide the liquidity) from trading from fiat to crypto and vice versa, there's a lot of things the govt can do to fuck up crypto if it starts becoming a legit underground economy.

i don't think that'll happen, purely because if let's say the US regulates the fuck out of crypto to the point where it basically dies or is heavily stifled so that their banking industry can remain the way it is now without much interruption, then they will get completely left behind technologically compared to other countries (especially China) i don't think they will just let themselves get completely surpassed and left behind like that


>even useful
No. Only ideological motivated morons who believe in world peace believe that individual businesses strive for decentralization. But the amount of morons is so great that it doesn't hurt to throw play money at a technology that will never be used as intended by the fools

So I guess the counter to this would be that if enough poorer economies do benefit from the technology then the medium economies would start to get on board leaving the highly regulated economies cutting off their own nose.

Obviously if this change even started to happen then there would probably be superpowers 'giving freedom' to these countries on behalf of their own financial sectors

>assuming USA can escape its suicidal trajectory of corrupt oligarchy

Ye man, u got it right.
It has zero usage. When this idea strikes normies, get ready for another bloodbath that will have 90% of alt slaughtered

I can see that happen