Sup Veeky Forums, im buyin a house.
Any tips? Ausfags preferred
Sup Veeky Forums, im buyin a house.
Any tips? Ausfags preferred
what state cunt
By property in Brisbane, its going to follow the trend of Sydney/Melbourne, best value for living at the moment.
>buying property on an island of convicts
Buy* Big money goes to the east coast mah bro.
Buy in Tasmania. Lowest refugee placements in the country, lowest amount of people on the dole and the housing is stupidly cheap.
The only down side is the weather, you can sunburn't easily but it's usually very cold. I prefer the cold though so.
>not buying property in the greatest country in the world
Good luck man, I'd hold off a year, but do as you will. Don't over leverage yourself
Sure, here's how to make money on housing in Australia:
>buy house
>vote for party that floods country with immigrants
(that's a joke, they both do)
>watch as demand for housing increases
also no jobs. But I guess that suits people on Veeky Forums
Make sure to walk around the neighbourhood at night in the area you want to buy. You don't want to move and find out afterwards that at night the place is a dump filled with junkies hanging out.
Found that one out with my 1st place on my own. Luckily I rented.
>no jobs
I think you mean no labouring jobs, as a programmer I work from home.
melbourne is totally fucked. I doubt i will ever be able to afford living here
what about tassie? do you think that is a potential for the future
>Countries 1st preference of where they prefer to live
why would you buy in tassie over adelaide you dumb cunt?
buy a cheap house
buy some orange paint
paint house
sell with profit
Now repeat this cycle, buying a more expensive house each time. by 2023 you will live in a villa.
>living in adelaide
yeah no thanks i want to be able to child porn without the power shutting off every night thanks to their socialist energy scheme cunt
Tasmania has little potential compared to what Brisbane will get, Tas as an economy is fairly weak, meaning no big investors would go there from overseas, its all East Coast, maybe Perth.
Lmao Adelaide, a state filled with a horrid GDP and people just accepting government handouts, state is dead bro.
Convicts want to move to Spain?
>from one scorched wasteland to the next one
Never understood why Spain, but fuck ever living in America or any 3rd world shithole.
>own apartment in melbourne
>value has gone up $100,000k in 12 months
>all I had to do was sleep here
Immigration is literally the only thing keeping the housing bubble from bursting.
Id personally like to see us close the door on shitskins and gooks but it seems its a fantasy.
housing prices will ever be at an affordable level again
>literally america is a pajeets wet dream
yeah powers a bit fucked but it's better now
SA's gdp is only 3-4% behind vic/qld per capita dickhead
Bullshit map with no source.
Oath, waterford west = great houses for cheap prices
Why hold a year?
Here's a little story to blackpill you:
>filthy old cunt down the road who lets her dog shit in everyones yard is selling
>neighbour who looked at open house told me the house was a mess inside
>goes to auction twice
>no bidders
>bunch of white people showed up at the auction of out interest / gauging the market
>but they don't buy because it's obviously overpriced
>months pass
>finally sells
>a literal pack of gooks move in
I saw them driving off to work one morning in their fluros, probably tilers or something, two fucking carloads of them. I don't know how many of their cousins they've got crammed into that house but there's always a lot of cars out the front.
They are driving the prices up because they are more than willing to live like animals with 2 or 3 families in the one house.
Im in perth looking to buy my first house. Ive got 20k saved currently. Any advise? Looking at buy hopefully city close
My "advise" is learn how to spell
Come live in the Redlands with me
>Buying at the delusion stage
Why not rentcuck until the whole house of cards come crashing down and you can buy your rented house for 1 btc?
As long as there's an endless supply of gooks, pakis and street shitters to pump into the country the "house of cars" isn't going to "come crashing down".