
EOM predictions?

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.5$ to 10$
50 if everything works as planned

>tfw I want to put 5K into stellar but am still not verified on Kraken or Gemini

>still not verified on Kraken
Well buddy, I hope you like waiting.

I have no idea but I have 7k lumens. W-w-will I make it?

Near to impossible

Binance has xlm aswell

No idea if fairx will launch, if so i think we will hit 1 dollar eom

It all goes to 0

>7k lumens
Imagine having 2k

I have been using Binance. The problem is that I can't get my fiat converted into ETH.

Coinbase has card limits and the bank transfers take literally a week. Wires have the potential to get lost for months so I am not going to attempt that with coinbase.

tfw only 2k lummies

What a loser

either hits 1$ or i kill myself

ironically fairx will solve this problem but fairx will make XLM moon

Yep, thinking about using a bitcoin atm and getting raped by fees.

What do you guys think of Mobius, which is based on the Stellar platform? Will it ever see an actual exchange or will it only be listed on fairx since its only on sdex right now?

0.002$ since they still have to onload those 80 bil coins on the market.

JUST gotta trust the hosts of the money snek not to do that. And if you don't have trust, what do you have?

0.05$ goy

send a support ticket if you've been waiting for a while and then escalate it after 3 days

buy mobius sir. good coin sir, best returns. sell links buy mobius

this is one of the reasons I haven't bought in

what is market cap. Seriously Stellar has not even turing-complete smart contracts. Transferring money fast and nearly instant will sonn be solved by Raiden for Ethereum.

They can't dump the coins into market. They are for partners and inflation. Partners can't sell for x amount of time and would have restrictions on the amount they can dump once that time is over.

How hard is that to understand?