XLM | Stellar - General

If you are not all in on XLM, you are really fucking up.

Benefits of Stellar:

- ICOs
- Smart-contracts; just not Turing-complete
- Faster than all other networks
- Decentralized (fuck you autists)
- Transactions cost next to nothing
- IBM running the world-wide network nodes and shilling Stellar (dashboard.stellar.org/)
- Can easily replace Ethereum (Ethereum cannot handle real world transactions)
- MOBI+KIN chose Stellar over Ethereum (medium.com/kin-contributors/kin-stellar-sdk-initial-draft-839afcaaf55c)
- AERON testing Stellar over Ethereum
- Stellar consensus protocol: 1000s tx / second (global scale)
- Importantly, Stellar forces the use of its coin, XLM, as the cost for using the network
- Inflation distributed weekly to those who own XLM (lumenaut.net/)
- XLM is still not yet on bitfinex or bithumb

Other XLM/Stellar Use: Lightyear.io (for profit arm of Stellar)

- lightyear.io - Worldwide remittance (soundcloud.com/automatadigital/stellar-lightyeario-co-founder-brit-yonge)
- lightyear.io has 15 bank partnerships, several tier 1, and tier 2-3

Recent News:

- stellar.org/blog/Q1-2018-stellar-and-state-of-crypto/
- twitter.com/alexisohanian/status/955531298902228992
- Ternio newest ICO on Stellar (ternio.io/)
- (((Weiss))) Crypto Ratings
- stripe.com/blog/ending-bitcoin-support
- Roadmap (stellar.org/blog/2018-Stellar-Roadmap/)
- twitter.com/fairxio/status/956754333260853248
- twitter.com/tempo_eu/status/956859658706268160
- linkedin.com/pulse/enterprise-blockchain-pipe-dream-still-work-progress-jesse-lund/

Upcoming News Related to XLM:

- 01-15 February FairX beta news (alleged)

Still not bought in, nigger?

Other urls found in this thread:


Stellar is a shitcoin and you should be selling right now to buy back in lower

Latest big news. IBM hiring developers with Stellar Consensus Protocol experience.

Worldwide implementation is soon goyim.

Last warning.

Xlm will have a bigger mktcap than cripple in eoq. Screencap this.

Still in for 27% of my portfolio, but it's annoying how it swings way more than other coins during corrections

decoupling alts from BTC/ETH pairing will be huge, not just for XLM but for the entire market

fairx cannot come soon enough.

Connect the two, Veeky Forums

>mfw can't sell XLM without having a 50% loss

yea you need strong hands or not to pay attention to the price, or big balls to swing trade

my like yourself my fellow negro, I bought in mid january. hence my advice for you is this, hodl

it's priced in you fucking retard.

at one point i held 1M XLM since i moved basically all my BTC into it, but i did have to trade some into other areas (smart contracts - ETH, ADA, EOS, NEO), supply chain (WTC, bit of VEN) and recently JNT

But at this point I'm not touching the remaining 600k

diversification is good, all ining is too risky.


My plan of attack is to diversify across use-cases/solution space (Payment, Smart Contracts, etc) and nations (VEN/NEO/WTC for china, XLM for USA, etc)

But I don't diversify flat across everything. XLM is my #1 hold because the tech is so fucking good

Also what is interesting is that the coin financial performance is basically the inverse of this.

I am all in XLM. I see no risk as compared to any other coin I could be speculating on.

Name another coin with real world implementation and partners.

I love XLM but don't go all-in on anything.

This is the biggest investing opportunity of our lifetimes, and even if the tech and partnerships are flawless, you never know.

I went all in on BTC from 2013/2014. (Well, i ignored the market entirely for 3 years since it was consuming my life).

Yeah my money did a 190x or something at the peak, but if i had diversified into ETH even a bit it would have probably been a 500x.

has the bull run started yet?

It is pretty ez to go-in to XLM.
Becuz all the events lining up for it in Feb/Q1

Think we are just returning to equilibrium

True, going all-in for a period of time is different than all-in forever.

When did you guys hear about stellar?
When did you guys buy in?

BTC's drop from ATH led me to seek altcoins and found stellar; havent looked back.
Bought over a period of time, average sats: 0.00002208


Sold half my long term Eth stack to buy in at 15c before the Christmas bull run to ath. Best decision I've made since buying Eth at 50$. Nearly doubled that half of my long term holdings. I will only sell if it recedes to the same amount of Eth that I invested.
The inflation payout is just the cherry on top.

BTC is healthy for the entire market, fuck off nigger.

FairX will save us from the tether question.

>FairX will save us from the tether question.
Do you mean by being able to go altfiat directly or...?

Yes. Tether is not important if you just sell to fiat. Why use tether?


keep goin!

I love what fairX is doing but there's a lot of reasons that you would want to tokenize fiat and trade that.

>Safer (can't be frozen, confiscated, no SAR, etc)
>ICOs or DAOs can store their funding in it and prove it via blockchain

Do you honestly want Tether, given the Tether question?

Tether is shit and likely insolvent

however a token that is pegged to fiat and is solvent (especially provably so) is immensely valuable

I suppose that is where BTC/ETH/XLM come into play.

god help us all if BTC remains relevant in the long term

I know the markets are recovering, but is there any reason this is going parabolic now?

Price belongs well over 5000 sats, return to normal.

This is the only latest news, which is important, foreshadowing big stuff to come.

fucking bots


Buy a lot these bag are getting heavy.

if you have a wallet big enough they give you stellar for free, they dont sell it, they distribute it between all wallets big enough 1% each year

CoinMetro is positioned better than FairX as a fiat gateway.

I know its unfortunate because i though Fair X was the coinbase killer too.

When did you guys hear about stellar?

When did you guys buy in?
I didn't. They were giving it away for free.

The reason why Bitfinex failed with USDT is that Wells Fargo withdrew their support and the fiat support deal from the Taiwanese banks fell apart.

However, FairX has a fair bit of clout with Wells Fargo and now officially supported by IBM, Stripe and Stellar's partners. This could potentially rocket hard.

nice fud.

they just released 550 million several days ago and price wasnt changed.

those who get large chunks are anchors/new partners. big news coming.

This 100%. That FUD is stupid and anybody that fell for it is an actual retard.

I'll just leave this here

>New User Registrations Are Temporarily Suspended

Thats good, means more normies are flooding in.

I have to wait until March to invest in XLM, I really hope it doesn't get pumped before then, this and ETH are two of my safest long holds for sure.

lets be real, the "smart contracts" are shit on stellar and ibm "partnership" is just another iota microsoft meme - a fucking blog post


Check out the server hostnames.

Inflation is on top of all this.

They released 0.6 % of it wow. How many days ago ?

You dont get my point fucktard. When BTC crashes, all alts are crashing. When we get XLM pairing its less depending on BTC.

xlm is great but no need to go all in, im 50% in it witch is big enouf. There are other good coins out there.

its for developmet mostly, giveg away to partners and shit. they give up to 2mill$ to new partners seting up paymets with xlm and using the network.
+givaways for the future.
And dont be to alarmed since its a non profit so they cant exitscam you at least.

yea smart contracts are mostly for ICOs