We are fucked

We are fucked.

Speak for yourself I'm in ETH

Invest in ••• you’ll thank me later.

ican some check op's work and give me 100% accurate prediction if this will tank or not...
and if it does where the bottom will be ?

so why dont you sell now then and buy that dip on D then resell on E and rebuy atthe bottom of the blue line?
i tell you why because your tea leaf reading is worth shit

kek @ meme lines Nice try faggot OP
>sage goes in all fields

>Invest in •••
What did he mean by this? Invest in yourself?

Not a 100% thing because memelines are soothsaying. But the implication isn't good.

>100% accurate prediction

Sure let me hop in my time machine

Also for the bottom, most pessimistic estimations I've seen backed by memelines go to 6.5K . But in theory once we go there it could break the lower support and you have to look for a new bottom.

>3 saw teeth
It's all over guys, pack your things and go home.

6.5k? It's going to 5k.

We couldn't even break the little resistance at $9400 rip

>most pessimistic estimations I've seen backed by memelines go to 6.5K
that's an optimistic view. Absolute bottom for the 2 year bull run are at 1K5 and below, with mid term bottoms at 5K6, 4K and 2K5

elliot wave fags are worst than linkies.


Invest in kys

Nah. It will go up to above $10,000 before it plunges to $5500 and recovers back to $13,000

you will crash even harder

probably something like this.
think 5.5k is pushing it though

That is a neat bear flag forming right there. Nice.

>trying his best to do a TA and failing miserably

Where'd you see that at

Nah, the last support was at $7500. The next support must be at $5500

Oh no look! It's the bitcoin horoscope!

See how there are multiple tops and. Bottoms creating those channels? OP just drew a line connecting the previous high to now. That’s absolutely worthless

Thread just proves no one has a fucking clue do they?

1h candles? the absolute state

its not a bear flag

Volume is highest since ATH levels

Its confirmed reversal fucking brainlets


This only happens during B correction wave, we are already past that you idiot.

I've drawn pic related ages ago, the bottom has been touched, it's only up from now

Don't panic when Bitcoin falls to 3k. This dip wasn't even bad. We need a slaughtering. We need Katy perry to regret ever posting her crypto nails and delete the post. Bear market won't last 2 years maybe a year to 6 months. Market is different everyone dog and it's leash has "heard" about crypto. Crypto has gone full mainstream but the implementation of it has not. Soon 2017 will look more like 2015 for people who get in now. It's not over. Multi-trillion market cap incoming prepare yourself. Digital scarcity is here to stay. Why would I sell my ETH for cash when I can literally send it around the world anywhere I want for cents? Why would I sell my BTC for cash when I can only start a bank wire Monday through Friday from 9am-5pm? Not to mention the cryptocurrency market will become the stock market 2.0. First off you can't trade 24/7/365 in US. Wallstreet opens and closes cause they got weak hands and need to get sleep to survive. We trade round the fucking clock 24/7 in every corner of the earth like mad man because that's how it should be. Barriers to entry will become easier, coinbase will not be the only fiat on ramp. This cash cow is just getting started it's got some more life this isn't over quite yet. Also everything is *"priced in"* fucking dumb ass meme in itself.

Make your own decisions. Nobody knows how long this could last or quickly it'll turn around. HODL is a meme it's not real life. Don't get sucked into the echo chamber cult group think and just make fundamentally sound logical decisions.

*With that out of the way, ICON is a power play and one of the best projects you could buy cheap right now. ICON is a sleeping giant.*

Also XMR is the only "muh store of value" because it's the only coin default nobody fucking knows how much you're storing.

>BTC 45k
>ETH 8k
>XMR 15k
>ICX $800

>implying i care about all this nonsense
It's not the ATH ? I buy, simple.
It's the ATH ? I sell, simple.

I'm a newfag in this, where I should look for knowledge, user?

And how do you justify a trillion dollar market cap? What reasons do the banks even have to keep pumping money into crypto anymore?

The incoming crash of the stock market

Oh shit you're right

[citation needed]

Crypto will be fine, if anything there's too many gains addicts in the game.
The end will be a slow decline.

Completely fair.

Nobody is actually using any of this shit. The only thing that's fueling the market right now is speculation, if we find real fuel that's when the rocket may be alloiwed to take off.

How does this shit keep forming holy fuck hahahhaa

>believing in support levels in cryptocurrency

Is there people who actually think TA doesn't work in crypto ?

If 7500 doesn't hold the floor is unironically sub 2k.

weve spent 10 years looking for real fuel were only getting fuelets

reporting in, TA is a Meme, anyone who tells you they can see the future is a scam artist.

Tiger Gotta Hunt
Bird Gotta Fly
Man Gotta Sit and Wonder Why Why Why

Tiger Gotta Sleep
Bird Gotta Land
Man Gotta Tell Himself He Understand

Meme charts are stupid listen to Agustus

this. I also think it will retest those levels around 12th of February. Below that seems dark (see black line)

The reason I don't believe this is the end of bleeding is the volume

your chart is bullshit user (pic related)

your first bottom isn't even connected with the line (wtf)
if you do connect it properly, you see that BTC is actually breaking through the floor
(how convenient that when you graph it properly, it contradicts what you want, which is BTC mooning)

also, I don't know much about meme lines,
but who decides which bottoms to count?
why aren't pre July bottoms included?
why aren't the bottoms circled in yellow included?

I guess you sold at $2000 then huh? ATH r-right?
Realizing there's more money in this entire world you could even fathom. Even at 1T is still a drop in the bucket. We don't even know how much fiat money is out there to be totally fucking honest. All we know is how much the fucking fed tells us there is. We are about to find out though. Hence why some people believe BTC will be 1 million.

We can wait another 10 and if that fails I'll drop crypto and invest in ropes. But seriously, most of us aren't near below our initial investment right now.

and what if it doesnt?

>why isn't every bottom included on a 200 day MA

Nigger, you for real?

It just so happens we break down the day of burgers discussing crypto regulations

because they draw whatever they want to justify their arbitrary predictions

>implying 200 MA isn't a completely arbitrary measurement of a crypto's future

what does it matter if the line happens to match up with those 3 arbitrary points?
(except, they don't really line up do they)

you think 95% of the people trading have any real ' knowledge ' of this shit?
if the vast vast majority of the market doesn't follow these ' rules '
then the market won't move predictably, negating the point of the ' rules ' in the fist place

zoom out you pussy. Its a bull flag. Now fuck off.

I don't even believe in it, I bought more yesterday at 9K, it went down even more, the whole signal shit is gay and nobody really knows what's going to come next all we can do is make bets.

No problem. Pic related.

Been working in investments for a while. A lot of modeling went into this. I have a couple others but the last two weeks of movement have been tracking this model the best. Of course things can always change so this might be like 99% accurate or something.

Bear in mind this is a log scale

You're going to talk to me like a don't know the difference between a log scale, a stump scale, and a tree scale.

This board is going to shit.

lol ETH graph literally follows BTC graph

>using zoomed in charts from 2017
General TA rule -- violation of parabolic advance leads to 80%+ decline in value. You can see this already happening with a shitload of coins in the top 10. We are headed for below 4k.

What makes you think Bitcoin is worth $20k, 10k, 8k, or even 1k? Bitcoin was working perfectly fine in 2015 when I wanted to use it to avoid chargebacks. Bitcoin at $8k works just as well for that purpose as Bitcoin at $300.

What circumstances would lead crypto to a surge in price increase again? It seems to me like it's just a downwards trend now, and because people have less confidence less people are investing, leading to a positive feedback loop where it just goes lower until it stabilizes.

What do you mean? We haven't violated the curve

No. Based Pajeeta won't let it dip again

All this says is "Whatever it did before, it will continue doing."


obviously going to 5k

>icx 800$
i would unironically have over 10m
>implying i wouldnt sell off most of my stack when it hits 100

OP I believe you are wrong, way too much support and divergence happening

zoom out

its winter, its Christmas in Asia, we will go to 7500 next week and we will moon at 18-19 February to 12-13k, screen cap

Nice lines

by the way, its double bottom

What's your point? We broke few major resistance lines along this way, and bears can't even keep the price down to 9k$.

Every single thing is screaming bullish and price going up.

Yeah, on daily it seems like we are going to see sunshine for next few days.

It is clearly a Wario recover. You will have plenty of gains and garlics today.

isnt that a double top?

Yeah I'd have a healthy sum as well and don't plan on selling at $100. Literally the only other non shitcoin besides ETH and NEO

that sounds like something dumb niggers would say to each other

>he didnt see the obvious double bottom today

lmao if you shorted you are about to get JUSTED