I know that a whale got wrecked last time, but this new pyramid seems worth it. I just want anyone of you that's already in to help me out by posting your earnings in dividends by now and how much you put in so I can take a good choice.
Will put 200 Ether into Ethpyramid
For the same amount of money invested at the same time yesterday, I got the same amount of dividends from ethpyramid and shadowpyramid, about 8%. lost a lot in token value tho, so i'm actually losing money
With your amount of money i'd go with ethpyr because the contract balance is bigger, going on shadowpyr would let early adopters dump on you and leave you holding the bags
Or play it next level and hire a bunch of pajeets to shill a new contract in which you put a tiny bit of your money first (1 eth would let you have a shitton of coins due to the log curve), then pump it by yourself regularly from different addresses as to give the illusion of genuine hype
I've only made 1.2ETH off my 4ETH but price has dropped. The point of this contract is to hold though, so those people looking at coin value as a measure of success are dumb. The coin value +/- 0.25% each buy is unstable as fuck, makes for a fun market.
if you've got the money to throw at it, do it – these price levels are lower than when the contract started
if your willing to lose all that money send a little to my addy so it doesnt go to waste
I put 15 ether in yesterday and I made 4 eth in dividends since then. This is still just from my initial funds, nothing extra put in.
I also think that if you put that 200 ether in, it's going to start a huge buy wave.
The only way you could actually lose the money at this point is if you sell lower than what you bought in at. You will earn a SHIT TON of dividends with that amount of ether, so it'd be in your best interest to either FUD or shill, to just generate market movement.
Absolutely. I bought under 1 minute of launch and so many TX's made me get in @ 0.13 which is almost the same as now.
can confirm, made about 1 eth with this
Also, OP, to give you more confidence that this one won't fuck up or get hacked like the original PoWH pyramids:
It was put through extensive testing. This has about as much chance of getting hacked as any erc20 in the top 100 now. People are just naturally wary after what happened with the others, but letting that turn you off of every single one after that is a loser mentality.
When people see this still up after a week, the FOMO will begin when they realize it's like an Ether bank that pays you interest.
Put in all of my eth at 600~. A whale dumped and I lost 50% of my eth. I collected only 5% of my initial investment in dividends.
you do not deserve to have money
poorfag here, appreciate the investment our whale left so its a good opportunity for big money now
It is literally the best place to put your money if you want to make slow and steady gains in this bear market.
Let me guess, you're buying the dip and seeing it dip even more?
holy shit I lost 0.2 in the OG POWH and I feel sad
>he doesn't know how to invest wisely in coins with intrinsic value
This shit wont get much traction until its been running for a few days without getting hacked.
I realize that, but the only thing that bothers me is the logarithmic 4x instead of a proportional grow of the token price. I don't know if the best choice is to wait for the new PoWH (And possibly get wrecked) or put in ether on this one. I am totally sure that people are going to FOMO the new PoWH, the only disadvantage is that they don't have Arc in their team I believe.
To the guy who stole ~ 800 ETH from the Original POWH, you have been reported, and soon you will receive visits by some agencies unless you publicly announce the returning of the stolen ETH. We know you started to move the ETH to the exchanges, they have been informed!
the problem is devs, they fucking put up 400 before enyone else and then decide to take it all.
It's basically quick money x2 x4 for them who knows.
The original PoWH Shadow had the same 4x log as well.
I don't think people are going to FOMO the next PoWH simply due to the stain the name has on it now. This isn't growing much at the moment because the air around these needs to calm down a bit, and it needs to prove itself.
It honestly may go down a bit lower, but we're already seeing it go over 300 again after it dipped below that this morning.
The devs put in 15 ether total. It blew up so fast because everyone was F5ing the site like fucking madmen.
I wouldn't put it all in Ethpyr, wait for the POWH to come out....they rebuild their code and are testing it now. Maybe split between the two?
much salt harvested during those dark times. Those devs were either totally incompetnt or stole it all. Likely to be deded soon by a disgruntled whale. The dev team here is competent and created a bullet proof contract. He was well rewarded for his efforts.
Why the fuck would you trust another one built by the same guy that lost 1600 ether between his two ponzi's?
Thats why I am getting in on ground floor of the 'decoy contracts' released. There is no name, or website. Just a contract that can be accesssed through this site that lists them all: scam.funsite.cz
on their website to go live timer was fucking off, what a fucking amateurs, I did even set an alarm for 7am, never again I'm waking up this early for a Pyramid.
exactly, it's basically a scam, the devs make huge amount of money on it and then it slowly looses momentum and is abandoned, and some new ETH pyramid pops up again
kys dumbass
I see allegiances have shifted.....Korb
The timer was fine for me, unless you had it up the entire day and never refreshed once. They updated it so that it would go live exactly at 12am EST.
But regardless, what does the timer even have to do with the fact that the contract has no vulnerabilities and safemath? It just sounds like you're salty for not getting in right then, which is dumb, because getting in now would be the same as if you tried to just jump in when it went live.
It was a madhouse, and the price blew past 300 ether in a matter of minutes.
I know it had the same, but they said they will change that into a proportional grow. They are the ones blamed because they were the firsts. If Ethpyramid would have been the first they would be in the same position as PoWH as the had the same bugs in their contract. I know that reputation is something you need to take into account, but I believe that if they develop a good and proportional based contract, everybody is going to FOMO sooner or later (In cryptos you know that "later" means at most 2 weaks).
but how do I know it's not a modified contract with exit scam? I won't be looking over the code, fuck it
shit I'm salty, I "made" sure I was in early, so I thought this time I'd give it another chance, this is it for me
If this all was made in a proper way we would've been fucking rising kids on the moon by now.
This is a good point and true, but to be honest, the real sell point of these are the dividends you get by just holding them over time. You can make a ton if you get in right away, for sure, but treating them like a slow and consistent growth was the purpose all along.
The cap for these seems to be just over 1000 eth, so the logarithmic growth only matters for the devs. The dev for this one has already sold out to pocket his earnings, while also redistributing the tokens to the others.
Arc is on the new team at POWH. He's honestly playing this very smart and offering his auditing services to both teams to hedge his bets.
he knew about the exploit and didn't tell Veeky Forums FUCK HIM he only told faggots on Discord about it
But this one was done in a proper way, so I don't see your point.
the point is ppl lost faith after all those fuckups, me included
So you realize that you're currently being driven by emotion right now due to prior failures, and not logic?
You don't need faith for this, you can view the fucking contract. I lost 20 eth in Shadow, and have 15 right now in Ethpyramid collecting slow and steady divs.
found mr diamond hands
so be it, I won't gamble on this, I make 1 ETH / month can't afford to loose it again.
I was basically shilling POWH 24/7, I just don't trust it any more and I don't recommend anyone going for it.
>11 posts by this ID
This makes me want to invest even more now, you can easily check on etherescan that the devs put in around 20 before launch, the fud is so low effort you have to be in this already
I can anticipate the amount of shilling and fudding once you invest 200 ETH and contract is drained while you're sleeping.
>I don't trust it anymore
For what reason, again, you can view the fucking contract. This is a blockchain, do you realize that the dev does not have the power to actually ever shut it down? There is no need to trust anything, that's the entire fucking point of this technology.
You're talking like a boomer on TV that just found out about bitcoin.
>just drain the contract LOOOOOOL
>hurr durr a pajeet made a shit program that got hacked so every program on earth is going to get hacked broo
yeah fuck him dude how dare he not tell thousands of people on biz how to steal 800 ETH?
I don't specialize in blockchain development and or contract programming,
what is open source, 10 years old exploits are being found, good luck.
The algo for this one is fucked. The only way you would make money if you get in now is if this takes off in other countries. (which i guess they are working on translations so we'll see)
retard, at least they would of have chance to withdraw
exactly, this has been already exposed to biz and leddit, it's dying
Or, by just holding it and getting 10% split amongst all holders when someone buys, and 10% split when someone sells?
Why does everyone forget about this?
I forgot that Veeky Forums is full of kids that drop a coin when it doesn't move in a week to try and chase pumps.
would have, dumbass, and keep believing that lmao, it seems you barely know anything about blockchain considering you don't know even how etherscan works, how exactly were you going to get the money before others who actually have a brain?
You're so dumb that you don't even realize that even if the contract goes under 100eth, I make a shit ton from the dividends of people selling.
At that point, it'll be so low it would be easy to make money so you'll have more people buying back in, and the seesaw continues.
nice shilling pajeets fuck off
>NiCe sHiLLiNG pAjEeTs FuGGG OfF
No, it really doesn't matter, people like me are not in because they got burnt by powh and its clones getting fucking hacked because of shitty code. I need time to see this shit actually works properly before investing, if it works it will grow, did you really think changing divs by 5% or some shit will suddenly attract millions of buyers?
go drain OMISEGO and chain link bro it's not too late, you sound like a very smart boomer so why not get hundreds of millions for free by draining bigger contracts since it's so ez?
you know I need this to hit the rock bottom, those bags must feel real heavy bro
but it's going up though