I know that a whale got wrecked last time, but this new pyramid seems worth it. I just want anyone of you that's already in to help me out by posting your earnings in dividends by now and how much you put in so I can take a good choice.
Will put 200 Ether into Ethpyramid
For the same amount of money invested at the same time yesterday, I got the same amount of dividends from ethpyramid and shadowpyramid, about 8%. lost a lot in token value tho, so i'm actually losing money
With your amount of money i'd go with ethpyr because the contract balance is bigger, going on shadowpyr would let early adopters dump on you and leave you holding the bags
Or play it next level and hire a bunch of pajeets to shill a new contract in which you put a tiny bit of your money first (1 eth would let you have a shitton of coins due to the log curve), then pump it by yourself regularly from different addresses as to give the illusion of genuine hype
I've only made 1.2ETH off my 4ETH but price has dropped. The point of this contract is to hold though, so those people looking at coin value as a measure of success are dumb. The coin value +/- 0.25% each buy is unstable as fuck, makes for a fun market.
if you've got the money to throw at it, do it – these price levels are lower than when the contract started
if your willing to lose all that money send a little to my addy so it doesnt go to waste
I put 15 ether in yesterday and I made 4 eth in dividends since then. This is still just from my initial funds, nothing extra put in.
I also think that if you put that 200 ether in, it's going to start a huge buy wave.
The only way you could actually lose the money at this point is if you sell lower than what you bought in at. You will earn a SHIT TON of dividends with that amount of ether, so it'd be in your best interest to either FUD or shill, to just generate market movement.
Absolutely. I bought under 1 minute of launch and so many TX's made me get in @ 0.13 which is almost the same as now.
can confirm, made about 1 eth with this
Also, OP, to give you more confidence that this one won't fuck up or get hacked like the original PoWH pyramids:
It was put through extensive testing. This has about as much chance of getting hacked as any erc20 in the top 100 now. People are just naturally wary after what happened with the others, but letting that turn you off of every single one after that is a loser mentality.
When people see this still up after a week, the FOMO will begin when they realize it's like an Ether bank that pays you interest.
Put in all of my eth at 600~. A whale dumped and I lost 50% of my eth. I collected only 5% of my initial investment in dividends.