tfw blacknon and been lurking Veeky Forums for years to get real time crypto updates and to hang out with like minded investors/speculators but literally everyone here hates my kind
Tfw blacknon and been lurking Veeky Forums for years to get real time crypto updates and to hang out with like minded...
Shut up nigger
How much money did you lose on bitconnect?
niggers arent as bad as pajeets. FACT
no nigger here will fall for your weak ass b8
nigga please. you sound like you've been here a month, tops. everyone here hates everyone - especially themselves. go smoke a blunt and chill the fuck out
I hate pajeet more
And I don't hate black people, only niggers
there's plenty of rational people on Veeky Forums, don't let the /pol/tards and the_donald subhumans get to you
Also I would say cryptonick is an honorary pajeet for his role in bitconnect
>plenty of rational people on Veeky Forums
>don't let the /pol/tards and the_donald subhumans get to you
But they're the same people user
Eat shit you niggers
We don't hate you personally, in fact we have the highest love for you we possibly can. Nazis wanted to exterminate the lesser races because they wanted to save future souls from the blight of inferior humanity. It logically follows that if the black races were exterminated, no more humans would suffer the fate of being black (for a few eons anyway).
/pol/ is just that loud obnoxious cousin that can't stop talking about how their a furry, and even though no one really like them, or even tends to make eye contact, it's easier to ignore him than try and teach him etiquette (he'll just rant about muh fursecution anyways)
Stop being an attention whore you asshole
Veeky Forums has made me more racist than /pol/ ever could.
No one here hates black people. We hate niggers,there's a difference.
If you're making money with good picks and solid teams you're just a black guy trading crypto. If you're all inning ponzi schemes and shilling on YouTube you're a nigger
If you come to Veeky Forums for any other reason than entertainment, you're completely fucked. Why would you ever take business advice from Veeky Forums? Half the people here have no idea what they're talking about, and the other half want to steer you in the wrong direction on purpose.
Who cares?
niggers always want to be a victim, fuck off
I’m half black, OP.
Most of these kids are just edgy kids venting.
I don't hate you. You seem like all right dude
Incorrect. We hate dumb niggers. Are you a dumb nigger? No?
>Then stfu
Everyone hates everyone here. Stop trying to be special.
Literally this. If you aren't racist after seeing all the kikery in crypto, you're a brainlet
It's alright man. Just pump XLM and we'll make it.
you are wrong my senpai
how much XRP are you currently holding?
This. Educated and respectful black citizens who contribute to society are a-ok. It's the ones who are loud, rude, entitled that act like actual niggers that are ruining it for everyone else. The same goes for disgusting ignorant MAGA whites, useless Hispanics who keep breeding, and disrespectful chinks/gooks. Every race/ethnic group has their stereotype and we hate them all the same.
And Trevon.
Don't let basement-subhumans make you feel guilty for your DNA. The eternal Anglo pulled the same trick on us Irish for 800 years.
This, Veeky Forums is a white man's board
I'm racist but I judge every human individually.
I'm a white guy and I have no feelings of hatred towards any race. I just want to make money.
Veeky Forums's always been edgy and racist but /pol/ tries way too hard to out-edge everyone else. It's obnoxious but what are you going to do. Veeky Forums seems relatively calm when it comes to racist stuff (besides Pajeet), I think /tv/ has to be the worst.
I'm fine with u guys as long as you don't flock my country
Oie chico q te pas a ti con los cubanos q tienes encontra de mi raza chiko
Fucking idiot, we collectively hate our kind, the human kind and you do too, or else you wouldn't be here.
user hates people first and everything else is just secondary.
Actually not this. We do hate niggers, and want to live in a country that doesn’t have niggers in it. Gibs them whatever to go back to Africa.
The truth is, on an anonymous Burmese quilting forum, there is no difference between a nigger and a Jew troll LARPing as a nigger. So there’s that.
>1 post by this ID
>people still bite the bait
brainlets gonna brainlet
I love black people OP. Ignore the racist retards here. I don't think they've been outside for the past few years.
>I love black people OP.
You do realize that people like you go into the oven first.
we like black women, its ok OP
Post IQ, if you are a bastard or have bastards and we can get an idea of what we are dealing with.
No we don't you fucking retard
yea we do
We in fact do not
>everyone here hates everyone - especially themselves
I will NOT go into any oven. Whatever your sick fantasies are, I just want to tell you that will NOT play out in the real world. Either change your mindset or be triggered by diversity until you die (it will take years off of your lifespan).
I don’t hate you man, it’s all good.
yea we do, we hire black prostitutes with our cryptos
need to add TRON badge on his hat
Mcafee get off Veeky Forums
The good ol' Nigger vs Black People justification logic. It's a fallacious point of view. That's your honkey logic making you think you actually have morals rather than being a honkey.
Anything that a black does justifies the label of "Nigger". Not just Ponzi schemes. This can be normal shilling of a shit coin that was just bought or begging for coins. Even earning more than most people on this board as a black person will get people to spout nigger to justify their lack of profit.
user, all you gotta do is don't even acknowledge your race and just act like you know your shit. Nobody gives a fuck unless you claim what your race is out in the open. Nobody knows who you are. Check honkies in person but you don't gotta do it online. We're here to make money.
Cute couple
who's on top in this relationship?
They'll be less cute when they come out of the oven
everybody hates everybody else
Too real
I love niggers but hate black people.
>tfw whitebois pretend to be black on Veeky Forums
kys dweeb nobody black would make a thread like this except maybe a complete loser who hates himself but
Kill whities
Everyone gets dissed on Veeky Forums
> Amerifat
> Spic
> Pajeet
> Chink
If you’re taking things personally, you’re not gonna make it
>2018, Zimbabwe
>local currency collapses, everyone goes all in on crypto
>2019, Nigeria
>every mother in every street corner receives nubiancoins monthly from their sons working abroad
>black womyn buy Google, use all collected data to know which racist /pol/ack to send to the ovens first
Diet: 2 liters of soy milk a day
Fuck you.
We amerihybrids will rule the world.
>everyone here hates everyone - especially themselves
delete this
fuck off nigger
Only white people make threads like these on here Op is no exception
If an asian, a spic, or a pajeet made this exact post this entire thread would be lambasting them. Calling them gook, spics, and pajeets. Instead you get patted on the back .
Cucks just love niggers, I guess.
It's 2018, "nigger" being used for blacks only is so politically incorrect. We have all sorts of niggers now, white, black, brown, Mexicany, tall, short, fat, skinny, etc. Stop the hate, don't discriminate!
This. Kill all whites
Buy bitconnect, it's bitcoin for black people. FUBU!
how do i get in on jewish nepotism
How can you be so sure? What if you're wrong?
>Le BASEDDDDDDDD NIGGERS Xdddddd xddDdddddddddd
They can fuck off and be "productive upstanding citizens" in Africa. We don't want them here.
Posts they like black women. Posts a woman with caucasoid features and a tan.
Don’t take it personally, buddy. Not all of us are racist losers.
>tfw blacknon
there are no black user. Only different shades of shit brown Niggers.
pic related is black. Are you even close to this "colour". No? It was obvious. Fucking stupid Kangz
ooga booga ARK ug uf
There's a few loud racist dipshits. They just post more than the rest of us. Apparently those same guys hate women too.
Gonna need to bait the hook a bit more than that
No! You lie!
le upboat good sir :)
hi i am black guy confirmed by legal sources ama
The jews want them here
Not everyone does. It's just that idiots scream the loudest. If I was you I wouldn't give a shit about the racist brainlets.
it's all irony
I get more tanned than her in the summer, and im a fucking albino
This is why people like you end up in ovens