So what's going to happen on Monday?
So what's going to happen on Monday?
markets typically do not bottom on fridays. i'm hoping for a gap down which gets bought up - that'd be a good sign.
>Hillary Clinton gets indicted
>DOW gains another 25%
>crypto jumps to $1T
The world economy will collapse on monday. Not kidding.
Probably nothing
it's a 3% drop, man.
idgaf about the world economy as long as crypto survives. It will, right?
it seems so no? dow 666
i think this will be good for crypto
looks parabolic, is a bubble, needs correction
>doesn't know what's a margin call
>thinks everybody on Wall Street invests from their savings account
Can we laugh at stockies as the market shits itself next?
You mean Moonday.
rollin for dubs
warren buffet lost like 3 bil friday.
Any dumbass who posts shit like "it's only x% it's nothing" is a wagie normfag who doesn't know how markets work.
would guess another 350 points down and at some point reach the long term trendline.
this triggers the
666 is an illuminati number. Its a signal or strength and control.
Makes me think we are not done yet....a signal that we are going higher or lower...Im not an illuminati so I don't know.
dow is garb, SPY infinitely better indicator
Someone who has no opinions about us politics either way, apart from shitposting.
Is this due to drumpf?
In a sense. It rose so fast because of Wall Street's improved outlook due to Trump's fiscal policies. Because we rose so fast, the correction was going to be larger than usual as well.
So yes, it's because of Drumpf.
>oh wow it went up like 25% in only FIVE WHOLE MONTHS!!!!!!!!
lol boomers
lol yep. They would shit their pants if they were in crypto
It'll probably continue going down, recover, then full on crash later in the year and take us with it.
wow someone who actually trades stock on Veeky Forums
tos is the best, what u trade rn?
666 we all die
How has stock market correlated with crypto earlier?