Are you gonna make it Veeky Forums?

are you gonna make it Veeky Forums?

I own 1 from the top, and 3 from the bottom. Will I make it?

Yes, but better lose the shitcoin.

Replace all for ARK

How the hell is that bounty scam coin will make it?

BNTY is only for the ironest of iron hands.


shame on OP for shilling his bags



XMR will need LTC for atmoicswapping to avoid exchanges and stay hidden so your passport etc, isn't linked to a XMR purchase

NEO is the ONE.

The clue is in the name Veeky Forumstards.

Remember I told you so, when it's $3000 EOY.

Replace BNTY with NEO and it's good.

My portfolio is mostly in VEN, ICX, LINK, and ETH
What do you think of that?

Remove Stratis and Bounty0x for Neo and Nano and sure

you will only be mortal

yawn, you've only got your opinion m8
try harder

Link lul
Get some real coins

>OMG making it without ETH
you're a special breed of retarded, go shill your bags elsewhere

All in.

im getting fukt by bnty

Just dont look for 3 weeks. I have 130k bnty and I dont know what the price is right now and dont wanna know.


Same here. Hard up the ass

stratis is worthless, its only feature is c# which neo has and is actually seeing traction, whereas stratis has none.

monero is a good coin today, but privacy is just a feature all coins will eventually have. second layers ensure private tokens are just as if not more private than monero.

omisego, sure, but the token itself has more limited value than eth.

and whatever that other pajeet shitcoin is, it's a pajeet shitcoin.


Bounty is a total niche coin bud

every meme coin dump the icx and cross your fingers with link.

>ETH will not make it
>OMG will make it

How exactly will ETH not make it but OMG will? Litterly the same team developing plasma and pos for both.

this guy is a fuckin brainlet that doesn't understand shit about crypto like most of these fucking faggots

I get the hodl thing but stop limits work really well, and then just buy back when the price settles. did it with tel, ocn,dbc and r and it helped alot

looked at bounty and realized every fucking ico should use their platform better yet every fucking projecect ill buy your bags

bounty? kek

Ltc 6k eoy I'm sure I'll make it
>screen cap this if you disagree nigger
>TFW 3k by July

Kek 4500$ by eoy you idiot

>if you put 1000$ in omg in October you'd have 1300$ rn
>if you put 1000$ in any other shitcoin you'd have 5000$ rn minimum
you do the math user

More than 50% of the coin in the top 100 market cap are ERC20 tokens and you are saying ETH will not make it.
There are ICOs being announced left right and centre every day on the ETH platform so DYOR and fuck off.

Nigga OMG and BNTY are built on Ethereum what kind of special retard are you?

holy cancer
