Uh oh

Uh oh...

Nice try, Pajeet. You can't ruse me.

zoom in

reeee why did they have to add this feature? to scare me more?

zoom out

it was 18 4 7 earlier you mugparlor

if you are using a crypto speedometer for trading please just leave

What is this from?

Better sell!

I bought ETH because it said "strong buy". Guess what. It dropped 25% hour later.
This trade view is shit.

Uhhh, guys?

where is this from?

Next time BTC approaches that $9400 resistance I'd advize selling too. It's going to break out soon and it's going to be down.



Oh sweety...

This literally doesn't mean shit retard

where do you get this shit anons?

>not doing the opposite of that with 65% chance and what it recomments with 35% chance


if trading was this easy..


Put everything into DGD....QUICKLY!

Told you it was breaking down. Sell now. I'm trying to help you idiots.