Crypto to copper

>start a website
>online store/exchange
>sell "storage of value" items
>copper is unregulated
>buy/sell crypto/copper bars

>Sell all crypto to acquire copper
>Go to factory to sell copper
Um user this is low grade steel + Food coloring
>Go home and melt steel
>Drink molten steel

Copper is a really good store of value too.
Fuck gold and silver, copper will always be valuable.

Are you retarded? Copper bars are sold at like a 100% spread. Copper futures, sure. But not fucking copper PMs.

>storing thousands of pounds of copper

You've got the right approach, it's like Bitcoin and alts, gold can rise but other metals can be more profitable. I'm invested heavily in mercury myself, since I got a good price for it. My plan is to keep it until the shortage hits then sell.

How can I put 250k in copper? where do I store it. I live in an appartment.

Usually strip copper from electronics and melt it down myself. It'll never amount to anything, just fun

>Copper bars are sold at like a 100% spread

Even better, crypto copper could bring more volume to the market by just cutting spreads.

Go to the bank and ask for a billion pennies

You can keep it in exchange as you keep altcoins.
>Btc is crushing
>move to copper
>btc is back
>sell copper for btc
That way you loose nothing and store nothing.

>Copper $4.00 to $6.00 per Kilo


It would also put a stop to tether cancer.

So? You can keep it in exchange.
It would be used during crashes to cut loses as people use tether now.

Then youll need another apartment for your copper

just make a token pegged to the value of copper that can be redeemed for copper bars at any time. Call it something catchy, like tether or link.

you store nothing but somebody has to store the copper and you pay for it

Yes, exchange keep it. You can order them to deliver copper or just sell it for fiat.

problem is just like everything else, who is going to make sure you can get your copper if everyone wants it at the same time during major dumps?

copper? how poor do you think your customers are? even trying to store a few million in gold takes up a huge amount of space and is incredibly heavy.

trying to store what is at it's core an imaginary account in something physical is very outdated.

Hire Friedman LLP to do regular audits for you, once, unofficially, then sever ties under shady circumstances. Hell, you can put right in the whitepaper we don't have to give you shit for your token. Works for the other game in town.

You buy copper? There is a lot of copper you know. Market bigger than a trillion for sure

Do you burgers still use pure copper pennies?

leafs stopped making pennies because people were exchanging cash for pennies then melting them down and selling the scrap for a profit. talka bout symptomal healing

If there is too many buyers then you just get a order confirmation with pending buy on it that you can sell for fiat any moment.

are u honestly retarded?
> store of value
the copper price swings more than ur tiny penis
>dr. copper
because the price is the best indicator for the state of the economy
supply and demand

u shitheads know honestly nothing about the economy and finances outside of ur internettokenbubblememe

its astonishing

Well you clearly have no idea about economy AND spelling.
Copper stores value by never going to be worthless. It makes it different from stocks fiat or crypto.

>Copper stores value by never going to be worthless.
if something loses 75% of its value i'd hardly call it a good store of value

Enjoy your VOC poisoning

>trying to turn ephemeral 1's and 0's into actual useful materials is outdated you silly goy

Also good for crypto, so very bad for goy.

It might go 75% down but it always go back. If stocks go 30% they might as well close the company. Copper is undestructable.

so better invest in some tuna cans, they will only go up in value over time

u complete fuckhead

thats honestly the dumbest idea ever heard and i know a lot of potheads

the only thing undestructable is gold, and nothing holds its value like gold. Copper's value is determined by the strength of the economy, Gold's value is intrinsic and its price goes up in times of economic uncertainty. Just buy gold.