So is this basically just a platform service marketplace or do you actually need to prove your shit and can you not just put yourself on that platform ?
AWS Amazon web service
translate your question to english please
> pajeet decides he wants to start hosting a warez website
Is AWS a marketplace concept, where you can register yourself and sell your services nillywillie.
Or is it by invitation and are they quite strict on who's listing on it?
c'mon anons, don't leave me hanging.. i'm asking for a friend
it's a set of web services that are provided by Amazon you dumb fuck
Ok.. So you'd need to be invited ?
No retard
yeah apply at and look for network engineer roles
Turn off your computer and produce some fabrics or something, this stuff just aint for you
Unironically kill yourself
So then any crypto platform could just place themselves onto the webservice list..
It would not mean a lot if a crypto would have a launch date/position on aws in their roadmap ?
this guy is the modern crypto investor
Unironically, been here for a while.. did alright, no idea how i managed thus far
lmao what am i reading
are you retarded op i need to know
if english is your first language then you need to reconsider your life
no one has any clue what youre trying to say
No but you do need an IQ of over 9
thanks OP, you made the whole room laugh
Yajeet stop.
Heh thanks for the laugh
they have a free tier and you can have a barebones web server running in a few minutes
if you're talking about ocoin then yes, they do have a partnership with AWS. according to rumors, Amazon needed to get AWS into china and wanted to do it via a blockchain company. Out of the ones they tapped, TRX was the only one that had the connections but barely had a product. Justin Sun was also the CEO most willing to give control to amazon, so they are going to take over it's implementation in the future.
My sides are in fucking orbit.
Cheers !
No, it's actually about ELE , these guys joined the hyperledger foundation as well on the 25th, a week and a bit ago. It seems like one going quite unnoticed with a lot of potential.
>No, it's actually about ELE , these guys joined the hyperledger foundation as well on the 25th, a week and a bit ago. It seems like one going quite unnoticed with a lot of potential.
Guys, I think this might be the first iteration of someone testing their shilling AI. It needs some work
hehe, thank you. i try