Roast my portfolio (p.s I'm a sand nigger)

Just started crypto yesterday, $4.5k up on my first day.

How did I do?

welcome to the shipyard my bruda
pick from one of the many ships you want to get on and prepare for months of being chained to other brudas or the possibility of your ship sinking before you reach the new lands of the owners and you get to work on a plantation after you are sold off.


also you just lost half of that in taxes like rn.

good goy, bought the bottom

sand niggers have good instinct

i am sure you were told by allah to buy at this support

my advice dont listen to anyone because btc is going nowhere near 6k

enjoy your rocket gains brudda

slay infidels

sell ripple, trx, doge, btc and you're GOOD.

لم تسمى نفسك هكذا؟

sand niggers have good instinct

Yer bro

>he bought the dips for foolproof gains

Congratz you trade better than 90% of this board already

سأقول لك

sell trx
sell xrp
sell bcash

not sure abt lsk.


is that why theyre always blowing each other up?

This minus btc


yea bro effective terrorism

God I hope this is fucking fake. Fuck this.

sand niggers dont pay tax

why? mad cos im a sand nigger?

people of action

Not bad, here's some advice. Take it or leave it:
>Sell BTC, LTC, XLM, DOGE, XRP, TRON. They aren't good long term plays.

dont buy link fun or req theyre absolute shitcoins

buy hpb, cpc, tnc, nas

Good, now sell or you're going to get a taste of losing money.

how does everybody know OP is a sand nig