How did this shit ever make it past 20 cents, let alone to 3 dollars?

how did this shit ever make it past 20 cents, let alone to 3 dollars?

Obvious exit scam by fucking jews so they could get into the market.

>t-third times the charm

hundreds of youtube videos and plebbit posts saying it's going to $10.
People are greedy idiots.









I remember when this used to be a meme, honestly never believed it would have hit even $1



it's going to be above 2$ by november







you should buy some ripple filthy gentile

actually hilarious that some people bought at 3 dollars

It was only obvious to the bad goyim

i sold my second car for $2500 and dropped it all into ripple at $2.80




I bought this shit at 23 cents--long term hold for me.

This shit will never go down to that low again, you can screencap this.