ITT we offer some parting words for this and condelences to bagholders
ITT we offer some parting words for this and condelences to bagholders
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Anyone that claims they have the answer to scalability, speed and security is full of shit.
Get fucked.
shoulda been RAI (rye) and kept the logo
used to be all in but ive seen the light. speed coins are a meme, ltc will get real world adoption WAY before nano, and its use as a feeless arb coin is gone when all these exchanges charge fees anyway
redit got bombed
>shoulda been RAI (rye) and kept the logo
This. Thank fuck I got inside info on the rebrand and was able to sell my stack over $20 cause it's never going up again.
Are you implying that transactions between users and centralized exchanges are the only transactions crypto will ever be used for?
no, it was just the #1 use case for it at least in the short term.
real world adoption is an incredibly slow and arduous process and pretty much a fantasy
Turtles do all of that!
The number 1 use case should have been a greener, feeless store-of-value, ie. a Bitcoin alternative but now it has the most fucking generic name so good luck getting any decent adoption.
If hes based in the EU then that ia a pretty easy class action lawsuit to win. If the owner is known thats also a pretty easy contract to put out too. I mean ukrainians work for cheap, Russians too.
Do you know the volume? Where are they sold? Are you a half retard?
i dont think people misinterpreting his broken english is legal grounds for action. i understood and sent money immediately to bitgrail to buy as much panic selling as i could. crypto is volatile, everyone should know this.
Rebranding won't make people forget that its one of the scammiest ERC20 tokens out there, even Vitalik said it himself.
>implying a generic name isn’t good for adoption
Are you really this retarded?
>ERC20 tokens
Looks like you posted in the wrong thread.
This coordinated fud attack has convinced me that something big is coming. I just bought more. Remember kids, do the opposite whatever the pajeet shills say. Capping this thread for future lulz
Pajeet, name me one generic name which has had Mass adoption in the last few decades. Hint: Google, Facebook, Twitter aren't generic as they aren't words in the English language.
The only ones I can think of are game companies like Valve and Steam and Blizzard but remember they were early adopters in a niche field at the time: PC gaming so they were able to get away with it.
Amazon, Target, Apple, Android
Also their products aren't tied to their name, unlike with Nano so arguably more people are aware of their products than their generic name.
Did you not think about this question?
>last few decades
Reading comprehension issue?
One product of two (four at best) in a niche field at the time
Can you explain exactly what the misunderstanding was and how you were able to withdraw from there if the issue happened?
>last few decades
More reading comprehension issues I see. Too many pajeets ITT.
>not the past few decades
> implying any of these haven't seen mainstream adoption in the past 20 years
Ok faggot
Hahahahaha, retard.
>>not the past few decades
>Founded 42 years ago
You looking to hold those bags for 41 more years, Rakesh?
> imagine being this retarded
Windows, android, chrome, discord, telegram, steam, twitch, tesla, uber
You're not a smart man
Lmao you''ve been saying this everyday in january and the price just keeps dumping
The price almost 2x in sats over the past week. What is the purpose of such low quality fud?