BTC and crypto have absolutely zero value, presently. They are just mechanisms for whales to multiply their wealth...

BTC and crypto have absolutely zero value, presently. They are just mechanisms for whales to multiply their wealth. As such, the markets are extremely predictable, which is why so many TAfags here manage to have a semblance of success. The graph you're looking at could be mistaken as a 2018 forecast. This was back in 2013/2014. In the next 2-4 years, the perfect storm will once again happen and the industry size will once again shoot to the moon overnight. Until companies and countries begin to fully accept crypto, you'll always just have these mindlessly predictable cycles.

My take is to just dump $50,000 (or whatever amount you can stomach to lose half of) into the top 3 or 5 coins and wait a few years until the next jump. It's likely you'll walk away with a 10,000% return once again. At worst? You lose half your money and never make it back, as was the case with many tech companies after the dot com bubble. But I'd take a chance of losing $25,000 in order to make $5,000,000.

Other urls found in this thread:

$100,000 in 2018

screencap this

>Crypto have absolutely no value

yeah whatever retard

Lol you're so wrong about how long it'll be

My BTC debit card begs to differ

I'd be happy if you're wrong. But you should realize, in the short term, it's up to the handful of whales that control the market whether or not it goes up, not any innovation or breakthroughs.

>Currency that can't be used 99% of the time and is currently shunned

Maybe in 10 years. Retard.

>bitcoin has no inherent value

owning 2 Bitcoin puts you in the top 2%, which makes you a whale

you have no perspective

these markets are like scary tiny

Why do so many of you fags always get so butthurt about this? As if you actually use crypto to buy anything other than other cyrpto. You can invest in something and benefit from it knowing full well that it's junk. Just look at the MBS markets

>these markets are like scary tiny
That's the point, dude. The size of the market makes it easy to manipulate

You're obviously pretty new


>triple entry accounting has absolutely zero value
Fuck off Brainlet
Without single entry we would still be living in mud huts and scavenging for berries
Without double entry we would have never had large scale or international trade
I'm sure you have enough imagination

as in you don't understand how few people are in this space and how many people there are in the world

#PayWithCrypto solves that

>ta works
top kek. you can show basic levels of support/resistance, but past that, it's all a fucking meme

I posted this earlier when btc was at its daily high and told people to sell. It looks good right now.

What did you study to learn that shit?

>absolutely zero value
>mechanisms for whales to multiply their wealth
pick one op

"Making shit up in ms paint 101"

>BTC and crypto have absolutely zero value, presently.
stopped there, sage