*moons really fucking loudly
*moons really fucking loudly
I bought both my parents positions in this. It feels awesome to tell them their investment is up 35% today
It's going to be a good year. Got in on this dip.
>goes up 20%
i want newfags to leave
Still cheap enough to buy in, when it goes over 1.20 then it'll be mooning.
But if newfags weren't here, it would still be at -10% from yesterday, is that what you want? The more newfags there are, the sooner you can dump your bags.
>bought in at 49c
>not that bothered because its at least a 12-18month hodl for me
Is the wallet any good? im tempted to just withdraw it from the exchanges
Quite your shilling, cardano is fucking jap scamcoin, that shit will collapse in six months now that the market has crashed.
Btw this post was peer reviewed, by nakamoto sanji, moishe hyme, and your mom
Get the wallet when DPoS comes out.
has the peer review been completed? I know the security aspects of oroborus passed peer review but what about their entire POS
It's up 60%+ in two days.
And yes I bought the dip in ADA
It's going to crash again though, it just tracks BTC price.
>It's up 60%+ in two days.
Literally just following BTC price movements.
It's also still in a long term bearish trend since it's ATH, even before the Jan. 17th crash.
ADA is going to see 4000 sats again very soon.
Ouroboros Praos which is the final PoS implementation was accepted into Eurocrypt 2018 . So yes, it's ready. New stake delegation code for Praos hasn't been finished yet though.
>me reading the Praos paper trying to understand a fucking word
fucking derp
hahahah wtf it's up 40% in BTC.
>long term bearish trend
The coin came out in fucking October. Long term doesn't even exist yet. It's in a 1 month correction.
Anyway enjoy your FOMO
Just sold mine too, we'll see who's right.
Just google verifiable random function (VRF).
Ouroboros = randomness generated by verifiable secret sharing with guaranteed output delivery
Ouroboros Proas = randomness generated by verifiable random function
Both are peer reviewed and provably secure. Praos is much more efficient (less shit written to the blockchain to produce randomness).
>*moons really fucking loudly
more like *follows BTC loudly*