Come to biz for financial advice

>come to biz for financial advice
>end up fapping to some whore in an OP with big butt

enough is fucking enough your fucking perverts


nice porn addiction, faggot.

m-me too

someone post a sniff image


start stealing small dogs and resell them

>he saved the thumbnail
my lord


Anyone ever feel resentment towards the girls you fap to? like youre sitting there in a dark room fapping to this whore who doesnt even know you exist, and even if she did, she sure as shit wouldnt date you.


why does she have shampoo on her bum?

It was a clever ruse

>come to biz for financial advice
>its only wojaks and memecoins

I don't feel this exactly but sometimes (alottatimes, actually) it feels good to fap to girls who are in some way beneath me, lol
Often it's just plain dumb girls, but also fat girls, ugly girls, desperate girls in any case, or perhaps ones who are on the opposite side of the political spectrum as me who I therefore see as dumb

thanks, can you make it smaller? bounty of 1 turtlecoin if you can make it 1kb


Post turtlecoin address



These fags really have no respect for my attempt at nofap too. PERVETS GET OUT REEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!

blue board my ass mein neger




unironically sent ;)
