Money will not complete you. Accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior Veeky Forums

"For the the love of money is the root of all evil (...)" Timothy 6:10

Required viewing:

I know a lot of you are ballin' now, especially if you were here from 2015-2016 onwards and got in nice and early. You may have wealth but do you have eternal salvation?

>Matthew 6:19-21
19 “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

>John 3:16
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

Any Christbros on Veeky Forums?

Any questions I will answer

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love for money isnt necessarily root of all evil. Money is simply power, and it's up to the person who has power to decide what he wants to do.

Religion is just a piece of clothing and it won't change who people really are underneath. When shit REALLY hits the fan, we will do shitty things regardless of what we believe in, and vice versa.

>When shit REALLY hits the fan, we will do shitty things regardless of what we believe in, and vice versa.

Can you give me an example? You feeling rapey nigga or what?

>love for money isnt necessarily root of all evil

100% of evil done on this planet is because of the love of money.

invest in ethpyramid, faggot

This, unironically.

I am in need of money tho, my gf left me, my dad abuses alcohol. I'm grateful for what Lord has given unto me but greed won't leave me, It makes me invest in these ponzi scheme and earn some cash. I'll go retard when trying to explain my situation so I better dont.

and progress is also the result of the love for money. I see many christians who becomes rich only to give it all away to random charities that won't utilize their money efficiently, all in the name of "being a good christian".

In reality they're just trying to make themselves feel better with minimum effort, thinking that such generosity will be awarded with a ticket to heaven (assuming it really exists)

That's absolutely fucked. Utilize your resources efficiently by investing in potentially breakthrough technologies that will both make humanity a better place AND earn you more money/power. With more money comes more power to do good things for the advancement of us as a species.

Anything that runs on donations as their main revenue tend to be scams that leeches on humanity while providing nothing in return. If you're really insistent at the very least do your research and make sure the charity institution actually use their donations efficiently.

Good thread. I'm going to resume reading the Bible

When it comes down to the hard questions, not all christians will give the objectively best answer. When you ask them why would they choose such an unfair answer, they'll just say something like "it's the law of bible", "have faith in god's way", etc etc.

Religion is a problem when we choose to stop thinking critically/objectively and leave everything to the "word of God"

>and progress is also the result of the love for money. I see many christians who becomes rich only to give it all away to random charities that won't utilize their money efficiently, all in the name of "being a good christian".

and that would be moronic.

wanting money is not inherently evil, but all evil is committed for the want of money.

the bible even talks about being a good steward of money. a church just throwing money at some charity sounds dumb to me.

>Religion is a problem when we choose to stop thinking critically/objectively and leave everything to the "word of God"

I agree 100%
And let's be honest here; very few christians have fully read the bible, and those that read it barely understood it


Although a little extreme, I would also argue that a person who abandons his current good paying job to become a pastor for the sake of getting to heaven is, in a way, a very selfish act in itself.

With a good paying job you can at the very least use your money to help somebody else if you really hate money that much.

With a theology degree you're just trying to make yourself feel better about yout existential crisis while relying on other believers to sustain your livelihood. To be absolutely rude and blunt, religion sometimes really is a huge fuckin ponzi

This pastor is right about it all except for one part. You must accept him into your life but you must maintain a personal relationship with him and always try to better yourself. Ask for forgiveness when you commit sins and try to witness the Gospel. He was right up until he said even if you murder someone you're still going to heaven.

That may be the case but if that murderer isn't trying to better his life and truly repent for his sins and not maintain a personal relationship with God he will not enter heaven. He must be communicating with God every day asking him how to live his life , leading those around him and witnessing Christianity to others with good practises, praying for those in need etc.

Anyone can pray a simple prayer and say they're good to go but few do what I detailed above.

Christbro checking in. Jesus saved me, washed me clean in His blood, my life is literally 100000000x better as a Christian and knowing Him. Better is one day in Your courts thsn a thousand elsewhere...anons, God is so much better than what you've been told bros.


whats with the obsession for an eternal life anyway.

If heaven is a place where everything is good and peaceful forever, that's going to be absolutely awful. Such a flawed concept can only be thought of by mankind.

If everything is good forever there will be no "good". As cruel as it sounds, balance is needed to appreciate anything. Without balance life becomes stale and kinda cease to exist.

Fuck off /pol/ with your LARPing shit, nobody cares about your cuckold religion and i know after copypasting that shit you go straight fapping to MLP/ and trap hentai.

Im a Christbro, Adventist specifically. Any Adventistbros here?

Me too. I used a Bible app from youversion and it has a lot of Bible plans, I used the m'chenney one. Its one full reading if the OT and 2 full readings of the NT in a year, about 4 chapters per day, very doable.

what do you even do in heaven anyway? Is it an infinitely expanding place? How does god solve overpopulation issues? Do we have wifi? Will there be an economy? Or can we create anything we want? Won't we get bored?

>inb4 bible says we will be in a state of eternal joy and happiness, oh which we wont understand with our existing state.
>= our mental state is different when we get to heaven

so everyone is high in heaven for eternity?

If our mental state is different when we get to heaven, are we still really our normal selves?

It's a perversion of the original message. You aren't your flesh but the spirit that drives the flesh. Reincarnation in Buddhism is pretty much the same idea but also gets perverted. You don't wake up as a bird when you die, you are already all the birds and worms and people. When this flesh dies the spirit still lives on in everything and everyone else.

Christ even tries to correct the misunderstanding when some guy asks him which of his dead wives will be with him in heaven but no one wants to listen.
>He is not the God of the dead, but of the living. You are badly mistaken!

Thanks, just bought 100 000 Jesus coins

>Any Christbros on Veeky Forums?

please elaborate further

Yep, Christian user here. Crypto gains have a way of obscuring what truly matters, and this is a good reminder. Made a lot of money (on paper) so far, and I hope to use some of it to be a blessing to others.

Not him but the concept of eternity is impossible to fathom.

Salvation should be our #1 investment. It is mine. After that its SHTF stuff and crypto.

When trying to understand what people 2000 years ago meant its good to keep in mind that almost every concept we take for granted had not been developed yet. They are trying to communicate things about which there is no vocabulary of concepts available. Things we think of as obvious like formal logic was only invented around 500 years earlier, pretty much the only way to get complex insights across was through abstract stories and the insights were usually vague to begin with.

You aren't your flesh, if you had been raised by wolves or in isolation you would have become what's known as a feral child, your flesh would be feral, unable to learn language, not even really human. Where did your personality, wants and values come from then? From the environment as a whole including the flesh. Almost everything you consider to be your "self" already existed before your flesh and will exist long after it's gone. There are evolutionary reasons for maintaining the illusion of self but in reality you are everything and everyone not a limited piece of meat. The more people get lost in the illusion of the self the more violence rules.

I kind of experience a small fraction of it once. It was like seeing a bright light like the sun, but it didn’t hurt my eyes. Imagine a moment when you felt happy, complete, and fully in the present. Maybe you felt like that playing as a toddler on the swing, or you were staring into the eyes of a girl you liked and you realized she liked you, or maybe a time st the beach with perfect weather and seagulls cawing. Now stretched that present moment out and magnify that feeling of pure bliss and happiness and being in the moment by infinity, with no fear or worry or concern and no fud and no fomo. Just perfect comfort.

Best thread on here. I've read through so many threads on here with people being unhappy, thinking that money will cure all of their problems. Guess what, it'll probably only create more, especially if you don't truly know how to handle it. If you're truly empty inside, at least give Jesus a chance and see how your life can change for the better. So many people on here trying to fill the void....

Yes, thank you. I'm off to church. See you all this afternoon!

>"For the the love of money is the root of all evil (...)" Timothy 6:10
So give it to me you stupid goy


> 100% of evil done on this planet is because of the love of WOMEN.


naw its money guy suck guys dicks and they can be greedy

>tfw went from an edgy atheist piece of shit to a humble christian

feels good bros. I feel like I finally get it.

This is not what Christ teaches. If that were the case, the sinful would have the same outcome as the righteous
Which is why heaven is a place for the righteous, who have lived a life of good will in a world of violence. Those who enter heaven understand to the highest degree the difference between good and bad. They do not need bad to understand what is good, that is what life on earth if for.

what does the good book say on enforced kike monopolies expropriating wealth from those who create it? is it ok to exterminate them? asking for a friend

It matches everything Christ teaches. Sinful acts lead to destruction, living through Christ in alignment with God leads to eternal life. Heaven is Platos third realm.

I'm not greedy for money, I just want to live comfortably without worrying about my paycheck or having to get up at 6am.

It's not a lot to ask.

>vVry few christians have fully read the bible, and those that read it barely understood it
>It's all right that I shit on something I have no knowledge about because theoretically they don't know about it either
The go-to projection of lazy atheists who refuse to read something they criticize.

A man must choose betaeen God and mammon. The whole Old Testament is a lesson on "When Jews choose wealth over God, it ends horribly for them"

Orthodox Christian here

I was something of an atheist/agnostic. Never truly atheist. Because in itself atheism is a religion in which you believe that there's no God, which is a very arogant belief.
Since a teen I've had issues with depression - heavy episodes, mild ones, nihilism, etc
from around 20 years of age it's safe to say that I've found my faith in God and accepted him into my heart and for me that was a very significant moment. My anxiety and depression receded and I gained a new outlook on life.
Yes, there are still shitty moments, but my faith is what is keeping me together and I believe I've become a better person for it.
The world is filled with temptation and you can fall victim to it if you're not careful. From what I've seen, usually nothing good comes out of temptation long-term, only animalistic satisfaction and usually people getting hurt.

Unitarianism is not a Christian teaching.

>power corrupts
>absolute power corrupts absolutely

Amen brother. Teh kys would be funnier if some ppl didn't actually do it. If anyone is seriously thinking of offing themselves over crypto - please, read some words of Jesus & let him heal you

man must pay his communist government a pound of flesh every month so how does man opt out of that without having his liberty or livelihood taken away? pls respond

Money isn’t power. It’s an abstraction if economic value. There are other things that have value as well. Some things that money cannot buy.

Power involves much much more than simply money. People had power before money even existed.

jesus was a jewish cuck chiefly involved in the plebeian insurrection and subsequent moral transvaluation of higher values

It's a matter of how you frame things. These details caused fighting between Christians for hundreds of years until the council of Nicaea decided the official position of the nature of God was the trinity, this satisfied all the different factions and makes sense when reading the Bible. The Father is the creator, the eternal Word, the son is the Word expressed as flesh and the Holy Ghost is the spirit that moves men to righteous action, the spirit encoded in the Bible. All different faces of one God.

serious question here.

i grew up in the most strict christian school in my state. made it to 6th grade then went to public school and fell into the deep end.

then i came around, and fell again. repeated that 1 more time and now im floating

my question is

what does the bible say about mans free will?

if god has a plan for everyone, then everything you do (evil or good) Was a part of it.

do we really have free will? or is it all gods plan?

if its gods, plan...why ask for forgiveness for following his instructions?

Great questions. I recommend you read about Molinism and middle knowledge. If you have the chance pick up Reasonable Christian by William Lane Craig, he tackles all this questions in a scholarly manner that I feel you will appreciate.

Or you can simply watch his YouTube videos and debates. Good stuff

>free will
If human will isn't exercised in accordance with God's will, individuals and societies decay, as you probably know from experience and observation. The relationship people establish with sin is akin to slavery, though - most are powerless to overcome it even after realizing the damage it inflicts on their lives. When you break free from your bad habits, the abused shortcuts to pleasure and pain avoidance, you can do and be so much more.

>do we really have free will? or is it all gods plan?
God can use sin as an anti-model. The rest of the world is closely watching the West as it collapses and learning from it, for instance. But God, by definition, isn't the author of sin and it's better for everyone if we repent.

>if its gods, plan...why ask for forgiveness for following his instructions?
You're instructed to be virtuous and live a fulfilling life of service to God, to your own and others' benefit.

but im a pajeet

The book is called Reasonable Faith.

go to that timestamp.




Thx op even though I lost everything I see now in the end it really doesn't matter. I tried so hard and got so far.



Christbro here. C O M F Y af.




Natsoc - The Biological World View:









I'm having real trouble with G-D because I fear the Bible is made up by man. I think life has no point and I'm waiting to die so it will all be over.

I know you want to believe in something OP but I think when you die it's like when youre sleeping but with no dream.. It's over for good. It's ALL WORTHLESS AND THERE'S NOTHING AFTER THIS.

You cant prove shit so stop lying to these people. Stop giving people hope when ITS ALL BULLSHIT



What’s your story? Seems like it’s always the other way around.




Fuck off retard, it most certainly will. Happiness doesn't come from other people, material goods or even experiences. It simply comes from being content (but not complacent) with yourself and with life. All I want from life is to live comfortably. The materialists are the ones who, ironically, cannot be saved by wealth. Because they've lived their entire lives being envious of others no amount of material goods will ever be enough for them, and once they reach that summit they've always dreamed of there will be nothing left inside them but a gaping void.

> Himmler 1942: "We will have to deal with Christianity in a tougher way than hitherto. We must settle accounts with this Christianity, this greatest of plagues that could have happened to us in our history, which has weakened us in every conflict. If our generation does not do it, then it it will drag on for a long time."


Money is power, skrub. What you decide to do with it is your own decision.



Wow, I didn't know people here were actually christians.

Good luck with eternal life ya'll.

money will complete my house


>pagan larpers made to even this shit board
Lmao you will all bend the knee to the Lord Jesus Christ before you are judged

1 Tim 2:12

and @ :

almost all pro-christian threads/posters on this site are by kikes trying to spread that poison.

And btw, eternal life is what you achieve through your children and their progeny. Eternal life is of the blood and soil. It is NOT something you "get" after you die and go to heaven as some sort of reward.
