/pol/ is making fun of us again

/pol/ is making fun of us again

/v/ is threatening to kill us again!!!!!!!

/a/ said we smell

/n/ is sperging out over trains

/int/ called me a pajeet

underage sage

/r9k/ shot up the neighborhood school

/sp/ said we should go outside and play some pickup bball instead of watching charts all day

Veeky Forums posts pics of crashed lambos

Ignore them, I'm a transplant from /pol/ and much happier here. I had a great time with the meme wars of 2016 but I finished my tour and settled here.

Instead of bitching about minorities and SJW bullshit I'm making money...way more productive and entertaining.

>I had a great time with the meme wars of 2016

holy shit it was cringy to read
kill yourself
go back there fucking idiot

/fit said stop being a faggot and staring at the market and go to the gym

Honestly crypto mining raising gpu prices is good for the men of our species. Perhaps these faggots will do something productive with their time instead of playing (((vidya gaymes)))

Yeah its pretty fucking sad. Don't get me wrong I enjoy to play some PS4 once in awhile, but people literally waste their entire lives on it.

/pol/ is the brainlet's choice of board. just ignore their manchild rage.

Me too m8

Brexit and Trump election were prime /pol/

kys lefty faggot

/b/ is making fun of us earlier

/g/ is ignoring us again

/lgbt/ called me a faggot again

we're all a bunch of brainlet homos according to Veeky Forums

/ylilauta/ posted some weird beads at me

Stop being a foggot, go to the gym and stare at jacked dudes....ok

Soyim Soycialist detected.

Who cares what those virgins think.

>tfw you vote for Trump and he ruins your life by taxing crypto

lol, fuck you raj

Veeky Forums called us nerds

the roastie invasion of “le trump” movement triggered me

/cgl/ said your cosplay was shit

Not buying his dollar coin. WTF man

I don't spend time thinking about what these people think tbf.

You autist. Voting for Trump was just a meme

>tfw /pol/ told me the (((truth)))
>tfw Veeky Forums made me fit
>tfw Veeky Forums made me a snob
>tfw Veeky Forums made me wealthy
Veeky Forums is the greatest thing that's ever happened to me desu

If you weren’t on /pol/ for the inability of film flamming the zim Zam you’re nothing but a filthy casual. Regardless I was a huge /pol/tard as well yes I still believe in the 14 words but getting pissed off at nit picked articles about niggers and Jewish minions all day just made me black pilled. Veeky Forums is much comfier minus the shit skinned shills, if you aren’t Veeky Forums also you can’t consider yourself white and proud. Eat clean, read, lift, disregard roastie a, meditate, make money, and be the example you would want to follow is the true way.

Yet its all just a fantasy because you're still a NEET
>twf Veeky Forums ruined your life

>wagecuck for almost $200k/year
>have a blonde qtgf irl
>natty gainz with near six-pack
>reading Heidegger
>crypto portfolio still over $100k with crash
call me a NEET again pls sir pls

/fitlit/ cashed out at 20k

Quit larping. No one gives a fuck

Fit is full of ugly dyels who just started lifting
Roid threads r the only reason to go there

/sp/ laughting at us while getting rich through sport bets



Pretty close to the same brah. These cuckchan casuals that only browsed during the election are a disgrace.

cbt threads have natty guys with decent physiques

I havent seen 1 good body on their outside of roids

i swear you all must be autistic to laugh at this board. literally the same posts posted every day

reddit is still flooding in here.