>he thinks being rich will compensate for not being a chad in 2018
He thinks being rich will compensate for not being a chad in 2018
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well he's gonna need a lot of money for STD treatment research
who cares now he has an aids bill and is still broke
I like this guy. I bet he didn't even have to sleep with any of these roasties.
ive actually done this a few times but only with old divorced roasties, im not chad enough to get stacy to take care of me.
He is fucking young girls, not rotten whores or prostitutes. In fact sluts that are 9/10 have less STDs than your 4/10 bitch that gets hits by beta losers like you that also fucked trannies at craiglist.
protip: being rich helps you to become a chad
buy high-end clothes, a nice house, PEDs to improve your physique, plastic surgery like jawline implants etc.
>a traveler has claimed
Did i mention how i have fucced over 1000 grils and they all gave me 100x bazinga coin for my time?
virgin cope
>He is fucking young girls, not rotten whores or prostitutes.
>he didn't know
kek, rotten whores and prostitutes WILL NEVER pay for a man accommodation. Not even if they are funny or 10/10.
Once you charge for touching and looking, you never give it free again. They could date old fucks in hopes of settling down or the average dealer that can fix them.
this happens to me alot
Fuck me lads the life of degeneracy is a tempting one. Does anyone else live a good clean life, but still have that demon inside? It feels like I'm walking a fine line. I have a great woman who I should be breeding in a couple years, but sometimes that hedonistic inner voice whispers dark things.
>3,000 strangers
jesus christ his dick must be a science experiment
HPV is literally the star of david. Top kEK
It happened to me once when I was 20, shortly before my hairline began receding
I didn't reply
seriously, all these manchildren like op just dont have enough money. if you had a few million you would realize anything is possible.
hes not a chad he just spend a lot of fucking time doing it
>only met with 21 women
>over 3000 matches
its why I post that image, there is no fucking way that 80% of women have that and it is somehow a coincidence that it looks like a jewstar.
ANYONE can have STDs
The more you fuck, the more chances you have to get some.
Wanna know the safest way to avoid STDs? It's called virginity
you can still get herpes from sharing someones glass
or crabs from public toilets
I'm unironically considering jawline implants and under-eye implants to reduce my dark circles, maybe neck liposuction and buccal fat removal. my body stores all my fat in my face so even at a low bodyfat I have chubby cheeks and a poorly-defined jawline.
It's not worth it in the long run. The novelty of fucking different girls frequently quickly goes away, a good LTR is better 1000%
you're a virgin. sex with condom = virtually no std. blowjob = only stds that can be cured by antibiotics.
stop coping
This is true
All legit PUAs eventually settle down
You don't wanna be that 40 y-o nigga at the club
white women have managed to create antibiotic resistant gonorrhea now lel
thanks white women!
Not related to the post:
Fuck you, biz.
You should learn up on feminism, man. Tons of girls now are eager to pay when they think it will keep chad around.
The reality is that dating is just playing the odds. For 99% of men, the mass majority of women are not attracted to you. Chad simply puts himself out there and meets a lot of women.
Mate I believe you would be better off learning how to fight and letting that confidence improve your attractiveness instead of getting jaw implants.
You're right, thanks for the reply.
>start fucking chicks and always use a condom
>the more I fuck the faster they are to want it raw
I just mastered the pull out game
this is the bitter pill. i am married, but fuck other women sometimes. it's fun but not anything close to an actual loving ltr.
when you're young you think why would i every settle down, then you realize pussy's novelty quickly fades.
then go fuck another girl. get it out of your system. also go read this book "way of the superior man" it talks about, among other things, how men want different flavors of women depending on whats going on in your life.
I know plenty of well below average guys that just swipe right like mad and pray they get a match. Always works for them.
this is a good point actually
i fuck a lot of ugly/damaged girls cause im kinda ugly myself and they always have all these stories about STD scares and how theyve just been tested and this an that its kind of offputting really and for awhile I didn't know why, but you make a good point, the kinds of guys that get with these ugly ones are usually the kinda guys that are probably sucking tranny dick or taking ti up the ass on the side
whereas the good clean 8/10+ type girls are probably sleeping with less degenerate people who arent sucking much tranny dick.
damn what an epiphany thanks user
Wrong. It is worth it.
You're denying yourself what your DNA is telling you to do because of some bullshit reasons. The only time its acceptable is if you're 35+ and starting a family.
I recently broke up with my partner of 3 years and did exactly what OP picture said. Best 6 months of my life, 8/10s were common, multiple threesomes, you name it.
Enjoy the chore of fucking your one-gina.
Herpes bro. Type 1 and Type 2. 100% trasferable by oral. 100% no cure. And you are not immune.
Tell me more in detail
Did you ever have long term plans for the girl you were with or did you just stay together for 3 years?
Where are you at now? What's your age range? You don't have to be exact, no data collection here.
Do you feel guilt when you cheat? I have crippling levels of guilt over the smallest of dis-loyalties. I would need to end it with my gf to fuck other women.
>He is fucking young girls, not rotten whores or prostitutes.
I'm pretty sure it's illegal to bang 11 year olds.
you're setting up yourself for failure if you're playing by those rules
indeed for true chads there is no respite. we are burdened to continue fucking as many women as possible despite it being an empty existentially dubious activity. the thrill of new pussy is too great to pass up
Yep, I did have plans. However, as time went on I realized there were many things I wanted to do as a single man that I would be giving up by continuing down the marriage pathway.
I figured, I'm alive once, and I do not want to get to my deathbed and regret not doing the things I actually wanted to do. Fuck that. We have but one chance at this life.
Hardest decision I've ever made though, and I would not recommend it lightly, and mentally it has been tought at times. But I simply had to do it. I couldn't live with myself if I didn't as I would have FOMO for the rest of my life.
I was 29.
> boasting about it
never happened
are you good looking? or was it something else
I honestly do think it is a curse.
I'm alright
I've been there. For basically 2 years my main priority was getting laid as much as I could. Its fucking awesome for the first few months. Especially if you have other chad wings. So many good times fucking around with girls then pulling. If you're still enjoying it, knock yourself out. One main reason it got so boring for me was that most girls you meet out at clubs and bars are generally not smart, and have incredibly similar personalities. It becomes less of an adventure and more of just going through the motions.
>implying i'm in a serious relationship
I shifted my focus from fucking grills to my business and finishing graduate school. Haven't gotten laid in months, not even mad
no, she knows and likes it. i don't respect cheaters either, and don't recommend men to lie. be honeyt with your desires.
that's great you did that.
Considering it is a fake picture and the real virus likely does not look like that it is one of those jewy things they like to shove in people's faces without them knowing what it is.
i dont get this but i did get a girl from macdonalds staff come talk to me and give me her number and a blowjob later in the week when we met and i also get free stuff from fast food places a lot, like extra chicken at kfc or extra hash brown at macdonalds.
i guess its cultural.
>It becomes less of an adventure and more of just going through the motions.
As fun as this lifestyle is, this is definitely true.
im a 30 y/o virg, want to get married before sex
am i figuratively fucked?
im not chad but alright looking, just need to hit the gym. sleeping around aint my thing.
This guy is normie ripped and looks like a decent height but his face looks mediocre, 6/10 at best
Damn I feel like a younger you right now. Thanks for replying brah.
>no, she knows and likes it
Details on how you broached this and made it acceptable? I've read guys on Heartiste and similar blogs talking about it and believed that is the pinnacle of game. To have your woman wanting you to fuck other girls while staying loyal herself.
he's fucking ugly. it's fake.
travels the world to meet 21 females.
Wilt Chamberlain, known for his claims of fucking 20000 women, also said this before dying. He actually regrets fucking so many women instead of settling down.
that's a tough spot. if you have a religious or really strong moral reason to not have sex that's intense and def going to be a big issue.
if you're just nervous and say casual sex isn't your thing because you didn't get it, and its become a self fullfilling prophecy that's bad.
sexual compatibility - both mentally and on some biochemical pheremone level - are needed to have a stable ltr/marriage.
do you date women, or just think it will happen one day?
>just need to hit the gym.
Do it. You'll gain confidence.
>younger me
One of my main regrets is not doing this earlier, as I am starting to feel old now, and those younger cuties are slowly becoming out of reach.
I mean, honestly, LTR is worth more, but its all about timing I think. And being careful not to cuck yourself too early.
same epiphany
It's always hilarious how bad you idiots are at judging the attractiveness of a man. You think every woman only wants guys who look like abercrombie models lol.
>we don't
this guy is objectively attractive.
Being a virgin at 30 is honestly really sad. My confidence is shit and I'm moderately autistic and I got laid at 18. You need to do something drastic, hit the roids hard and workout everyday until you are chad mode.
>not wanting wizard powers
i came about it backwards desu. she's pretty open about lots of things, and it's one of those things girls will admit after a few drinks - it was hot how you talked to her, etc - so the seed was always there. i don't know if all women are ok with it. the more secure she feels the more shit you can get away with lol. i spend lots of time improving myself and that becomes more attractive, other women see it, etc so the hypergamy kicks in, then started slow just flirting with girls in front of her, etc. finally she was away with her parents one day and i texted her that i was going to hook up with someone else and she loved it, and i just keep it up. it's as much making her feel sexy as it is secure in your relationship together. imo. i have known some women who i just dont think would be ok with it though.
>being careful not to cuck yourself too early.
Yeah 100% agree with this. A serious relationship is an exercise in futility if youre in your early twenties, unless your girlfriend is an exception. Not only are you missing out on life experience, you will most likely undergo extreme growth from now until your late 20s.
Any girl worth your time right now, you will most likely not even consider in 5 years if you are single. The girls you are interested in when you're 21 will be comparatively toilet water to the girls you are interested in (and hopefully seeing) in your late 20s/into your 30s. Most girls peak around 19-21, guys more so in their 30s.
going to bed.
if you want to read, go read "way of the superior man" or watch rsdtyler on jewtube. and work on improving yourself and your mind every day.
im a khv but ive attracted girls before (i didnt perceive it at the time but looking back it was obvious they were flirting). i had a shitty upbringing which affected by confidence even though i had a good face (but was skinny as a twig). and yeah im religious.
my number 1 hang up is not knowing what to do on dates/how to talk/etc (as i should at age 30, apparently). all other areas of my life are well beyond my compatriots. just the social life is non existent.
How do i talk to (females) girls and where do I find (male) girls?
Oh yeah - all watch this.
I wish I had seen this earlier.
how old were you when you realised looks are literally the only thing that matters and all else is cope to avoid the bitter reality
if your blue pilled i envy you
He's European he doesn't pay for health treatment
Uh m8, stds are at an all time because girls are slutting it up so much
i'm myself a chad wizard and perfectly fine with it.
>being this much of an elliot rodger
How lonely poor guy!
pick one virgin faggot
how short is he actually
>I didn't get married and have children because I wanted to fuck all the women
Fucking degenerate.
Post your pic user
Don't obsess about looks. Woman want a man that is smart, strong, responsible
>Woman want a man that is smart, strong, responsible
sure, when they want to settle down after sucking 10s of dicks - we call these men beta bux
>sex with condom = virtually no std. blowjob = only stds that can be cured by antibiotics.
Herpes transmits even with a condom, and is very easily transmitted through oral sex. No cure, painful if you're symptomatic, carries one of the worst stigmas. Traditional STD testing doesn't even check for it because it's so common. Extremely serious shit.
Are you a real person?
I'm 22 with receding hairline and I'm black pulled af.
It's only looks and money. Nothing else matters. If you think it doesn't, you're cucked.
That is very unfortunate.
Not true though. You can easily get a HPV with a condom too.
Being surrounded by women is a truly soul draining experience. Pussy is not worth that misery. There are far more rewarding things in life and you pathetic incels will never understand.
Damn man. I've had a few gfs and ons but I know from multiple girls that I'm a 7, and really I'm super fit/do martial arts without that I'd be a 6.
But this guy right here is a handsome sob. He's got the look that can make a woman quiver just by looking at him, no matter where he goes he will be liked and have women thrown at him. He traveled in Europe with roastie homes ffs.
99% of us will never know what it's like to be that attractive, I'm happy with what I have but being born that good looking and charismatic is like heaven on earth
Orange ID
EVA reference
> Only thing worth shit now (and prob for the next year) on Veeky Forums are the memes
a 99%er who mets lots of women is a pua.
chad is the 1%
People who are like "Wow Chad living the dream" dont understand even the best of the best have a low batting average. For the amount of time he wastes talking to roasties he is wasting his holiday time. Better off just getting hotel rooms and hookers unless you want to spend your entire holiday discussing the hottest memes with droolies.
>wasting holiday time
>"i-it's best if h-he just gets with h-hookers!"
Fat ass detected, stay mad.
If there's one thing that makes me happy about my life is that even with my ugly mug and little money I've been dating a lovely, loving woman for almost three years now and I think we're going all the way.
She was a virginal shy cutie when I met her and I was (and still am) in the army but somehow we are really alike. At least I got the fucking sluts and drinking daily thing out of the way, I've done it enough.
If you're healthy and don't have shit genes you'll be asymptomatic. Most people don't even know they have genital herpes and they don't even bother testing for it because it's so common.
Lol insecure small dick