If the SP500 doesnt recover soon, I am so fucked

If the SP500 doesnt recover soon, I am so fucked

how come?

300x leverage long my user bro?

Because I put my entire life savings x5 leverage

IF it makes you feel better, you are not so fucked.

You already are fucked.

Nothing will recover, the international Jew is punishing th US for electing Trump

you can always close your position

What the fuck inspired you to do that?

why the fuck would I close it at the bottom of the correction? Im saying if it snowballs into something worse ill be holding bags for like a month

I wanted to buy the dip and get rich like warren hometown buffet

I lost 18k in the stock market within a week. I wasn't even leveraging. Good luck buddy

Is this a good time to invest in SP500?

how the fuck did you do that, bad stopck picks?
I only touch the SP500 so I think thats ok.

well yeah unless it goes lower... it had the big 5% correction I think, it should shoot to all time highs any day now

>a month
you realize it could correct down 20% right?

No. Trust me. Wait for the S&P500 to look like Bitcoin looks right now.
>lol retard that won't happen
Oh yes it will.

lol give one reason how that could possible happen

all my catalysts remain unchecked

it shot up 50% in the last two years, a 20% correction is possible

so? Explain why the volatility has been so low. 20% corrections only happen at end stage melt ups

I hope you are able to find a way to avoid a margin call just in case.

also lending fees are atrocious

thats why i dont want to hold it, because of the fees, I know it will go up though

All time highs tomorrow morning, screencap