What did I do wrong???

What did I do wrong???


lmao op. let me double your portfolio real quick. im down like 60 grand since yesterday.

i wouldnt even notice 200 missing. gimme ur eth wallet

I actually don’t care about the losses as there will be a rebound sooner or later. What angers me is that had I only held onto ETH for one more week instead of FOMOing into what I thought was corrections, I wouldn’t have been down by that much

just kidding bro.


This was from a few hours ago, and i havent looked at it since. Down 50% from ATH. This JUSTing is gonna continue for a while isnt it :(


sent ;)

My one week graph is identical -42% in fiat equivalent. My ATH was 2.5k what I'm at now, I prefer to look at sats, less depressing.

Atleast you have almost 100xed your original investments. I wouldn’t really mind that much about a loss like that when it will recover someday

You bought

Indian street simulator



sent c:


u wont


sent sirs

It could ease my pain too.. another poorfag here :(


not going to do anything but eh

help 0x998c65107edaf0a71610f44718c11a83785ae63d