Why are you against wealth redistribution really?

Why is it okay for you to need to rot away at the workplace just to maintain any meaningful security for you and your family, when there is abundance of automated solutions and resources to provide you with that security for free.
Why is it okay to expect you to choose from the few existing marketable career paths, that you have absolutely no interest in and see no meaning in, then pursue said career and constantly compete with people who are actually interested in it and find meaning in it when it is absolutely not necessary?
Why is it okay for you to wagecuck for 20 years so your kid could go to college, while there are people who will get the same amount of money in a week and spend it on a painting or a car?
Why is it okay for you to slave for 40 years so you could 'enjoy the next 10' and then try to stay 'alive' by any means availeable for the next 10, while there are people who get to enjoy all 60 and consequently extend their life by another 20?
Why is it okay that power addicts get to freely harm the society and preserve their power at any cost when all the other harmful addictions have to be treated away ASAP?
Why is it okay to allow said addicts to further only the science and technology that enable mass manipulation, exploitation, pacification and alienation, while the science and technology that would actually raise the overall standard of living for the majority are underfunded or straight up opposed?

bring out the guillotines

i didn't read your post, just the subject line.

i'm not. as long as it's voluntary. we tried government mandated wealth redistribution. it's a literal bloodbath, during and after.

only $1.18 million is the bar for the 90th percentile? that seems pretty low

btw those 'power addicts' actually get things done, unlike people posting on Veeky Forums gambling on shitcoins.

In another thread someone brought a point that interests me a lot. How would we look as a society if half the population wasn't expected to work because automation? I can't even imagine it, is there some scifi like that?

Shouldnt you be at school kiddo?

because this is the world we live in, idiot.
its like asking why is the sky blue.

looks like the poorest gained the most you fucking retard.

middle class seems to get fucked though

>Why is it okay for you to slave for 40 years
well you dont have to have you? just dont be a fucking retard and youll figure something out.

pic related

>Why are you against wealth redistribution?

Because removing wealth from those who create it and handing it to those who don't punishes productivity and rewards dependency, with predictable and historically documented results. Socialism is an insanity that leads to atrocities. Leave my property alone and move to North Korea where you can starve or rot in a gulag, you disgustingly stupid commie animal.

Because its not ok to extort people user. Now if we're talking about land and natural resource distribution that's something I can get behind.

what the fuck is wealth redistribution? some scheme where we reset everyone to the same starting money?


>we tried government mandated wealth redistribution
Nigger, you're living it. It's called central banking.

i would rather live in the comfy place down there than it the futuristic shithole


no its called taxation

Taxation and central banking go hand in hand. Your taxes are used to pay the loans your govt takes from the central bankers. Loans that the bankers conjured out of thin air.

I really cant wait to start gunning down parasite liberals in the streets. Soon. Very soon.

You people all talk in the exact same agit-prop overwrought tone year-round. Doesn't it get tiring after a while?

I imagine not, since he is paid to post it.

The thing is, they wouldnt even live close to the walls. They would live far far away in some combined hunter gatherer agrarian utopia while the people in the city the retard thinks looks so good would live in little "units" where from morning to night your life would be ruled by some AI and you would have been made a drone from constant propaganda from morning to night since birth. That is of course unless you were born of the jewish caste and got to live in the "free" section of the city.

This guy knows his shit...

Get things done.

Like what my ideological little friend? Sounds like you have ‘ideas’

Implying it isn’t all where the chips fall
Implying that the wealthy got rich off their own back
Implying anyone has any control / free will.
Implying we asked for any of this.


>he thinks the rich care about him...

Implying you aren’t paid for yours...

Frantic shilling. Btw elipses dont mean what you seem to think they do.

Watch your back, shitstain. You would be surprised who is making lists of agitators like you.

>wahhh my income inequality
>wahhh 1% owns more than the bottom 40%

Income inequality is not a scapegoat for people being in poverty. People in poverty are largely in poverty for making bad financial decisions, not because they're being oppressed.

Historically any socialist based system which involves redistribution of wealth to achieve equality has resulted in mass starvation and rationing because it takes away the value of work and capitalising on innovation.

Some questions you may want to think about in regards to USA.

Has the GDP PPP (purchasing power parity) per capita increased?

Are there more larger companies?

Has the quality of life increased amongst those on the low end of the income inequality spectrum?

Are there more people out of poverty?

Are people working longer hours?

Whoever made that graph is retarded.

I think the ultimate goal of capitalism should be to make itself obsolete. Automation is already going to make that a reality, so don't worry about income redistribution.

Yes, it's to eliminate scarcity. I'm not sure automation would eliminate scarcity though. Automation is such a generalized term that could mean anything. Applications of Machine learning currently only operate to solve one problem domain.

Anyways there's always new fields opened with every breakthrough. People thought the same with computers yet just as many are still unemployed.

Great post. I think about this a lot as I apply for jobs (I have 10 years of experience in corporate finance). The truth is that I need a stable income and I haven’t figured out how to do it in a non- wagecucky way. My passions lie outside of my salarycuck profession, but would not feed me in this expensive city. So I am miserable most of the time because I feel very trapped. I just want to paint or pursue musical interests all day, but it’s just not possible when the average rent for a one bedroom is $2,500/month. A lot of us have debts holding us back, too. You really can’t do what you want unless you’re a trust fund baby or independently wealthy. It really sucks accepting this fact.

>Watch your back, shitstain. You would be surprised who is making lists of agitators like you.

Yeah, better add "user" to the list, you fucking genius. LMAO.


Why is it OK? Because the public have been propagandised to think that we are all in control of our own destinies, and that the world is somehow just. People are dumb as fuck, and you don't have to look far beyond /pol/ to see that people are happy to grub around in the dirt their entire lives, as long as they feel empowered to hate "niggers" and other minority strawmen.

No wonder the people in power despise the populace they oppress. More often than not the populate willingly subjugate themselves under the pretences of independence and resourcefulness.

People are definitely dumb, but what is the solution? The people who got to the top outsmarted them.

There really isnt any other alternative to that guys question. The wealthy arent just going to go, oh sure why not, you guys no longer have to work and get to partake in all that modern society has to offer that was built with resources the rich own.

Theyll be cast out like third worlders and will be raided regularly like that black mirror episode after they try stealing supplys from the citadels.

that's probably the dumbest shit ever said

I’ll just leave this here.

It is theft

low IQ detected
look nigerian prince
if you can't figure out how the world works just step aside and let the big boys play
face it you're blined by bullshit to see the truth of things and your parents were also blind.
you'll never be anything working for someone else and sitting there crying a river because the world isn't fair
i'm guess your dumb parents told you that you needed to get a job and an education to get a good job.
and there is your problem and the problem with most people " get a job "

>not understanding Pareto distribution problem
>Not understanding this is the real problem

mfw seeing another retard commie

where do you think we are now? The bank and government print money when they deem necessary (2008 for example). Whenever they do this they are stealing money from you and future generations.