What will be its price 2 years from now

What will be its price 2 years from now

an unknown amount

3.33 bcash

2.50 usd

I’d say bout tree fiddy

I heard that the transaction cost is ass

memes aside?

Until they lower the transaction cost and make them faster it isn't the perfect coin

are you me? :^)

Another thing that concerns me is the infinite inflation. I lean toward Zcash for that reason.

No shit- I just crunched the numbers on XMR this morning based on estimates for usecase (dark web) using MV=PT and came to $2.50.

Monero doesn't have infinite inflation. It has the same deflation as BTC - there is a max of 21M moneros that will ever exist.

ZCash on the other hand has a trusted setup whereby you have to trust that the devs didn't just inflate the shit out of it secretly. Which they obviously did because why wouldn't you do that if you know can get away with it?


It's deflationary, the rate of inflation tends to 0


obfuscated kek

It is correct moron. After 220 each block awards 0.6 XMR. It is easy to see that is very deflactionary. For example, we will hit 100m XMR in 2120 at this rate.


$10K-$20K screencap this.

if they make the daemon not run like hot shit then about 500$. God what a fucking slow as shit GUI wallet

realistically, $12
delusional, over $500
too pessimistic, below $1


ten cents