I'm way below my initial investment.
I'm losing $100 every ten minutes.
This is my last thread before I kill myself
I'm way below my initial investment
Rest in piss, user. Truly, you were the one with the weak hands and bad fundamentals all along.
Can I have your crypto before you go?
stream it
>before I kill myself
And my ID is fucking pink. Of fucking course.
I'm trying to hold, but it's so painful
Go play a video game or watch the complete buffy the vampire seasons 1-8. Hope you don't miss the glorious bounceback.
please send me your bitcoins. I have 3 kids and we haven't paid the rent for 5 months I'm not mexican. I'll name my 4th kid after you
hahah faggot maybe if you hodl a few more years you'll be driving a Lambo in the Lamboland X-D
Why didn't you hedge yourself?
>people really getting weak handed in this post January crypto dip
shut the fuck up and buy more you loser
$500 in crypto every month
delete blockfolio and quit checking
come back at the end of the year and slap yourself for thinking like such a pussy bitch
this dip makes me feel alive, I may be down 50% of my initial investment but at least I'm not crying about it because I know there's still time left in the game
y give up when u just wait a year or 2 max for the most retarded ATH? if u really want lambo + mansion package, y not just wait 5 years?
I'll pay for you to have a vasectomy.
Great, reduction in circulating supply should be deflationary.
Reminds me of the time a Veeky Forumslet was going to commit suicide and like 40 people posted their ETH wallets
>muh hodl meme
That's exactly what's killing him, retard.
Bro, call this number instead
(734) 930-3030
don't joke dude... look at my graph.
>cringe ad for boomers
I don't understand why people still do shitty ads like that, disgusting. That pic alone would keep me off ever registering.
don't. just don't.
Are you fucking retarded. First of all. If you are serious then dont kill yourself, that the most stupid thing you can possibly do. Second, don't be a weak handed autist. The crash is temporary it is your chance to accumulate without spending FIAT. So do that. Crypto is here to stay. In two years market is probably 4x of what is is right now. In 5 years the market will be very different as the biggest companies are making their own blockchains and wont be using the shitcoins we speculate in and the market as we know it will be gone.
This is your one chance to get in on a chance like this and get free money.
>shut the fuck up and buy more you loser
I wish I had money to do so, faggot.
I'm down to 25% of my initial investment.
I listened the fags on Veeky Forums how margin trading is free money during a crash and lost 50% of my net worth on a dumb short.
Then I lost another 25% during the NEM hack.
All I have left are heavy bags of ADA, XLM and LINK and meager 7 NEO. If this shit doesn't go back up soon I'm fucking done.