Is it weird that I keep laughing watching crypto fall even though I'm losing gains? Am I autistic?
Is it weird that I keep laughing watching crypto fall even though I'm losing gains? Am I autistic?
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Maybe you're like me and bought in so early that you will always be in the green, but still you could have cashed out at $18k and you didn't.
thinks that called masochism bro, im feeling the same way.
Maybe you are losing touch with reality. Im 3k down and it might be happening to me too.
That's cute. I've lost 1-5k a day for the past several weeks. Can't sell because I swallowed my ledger ;)
I was having a laugh a week ago, but now I'm just hurting. I'm still ~1800% in profit since November, but it hurts knowing that I was 5700% in profit just a month ago.
Very acoustic
Yes, nicolas cage is autistic
Sometimes the only thing you can do is laugh
>huehuehu i lost more than you
Not all of us have the same money to invest and have been in crypto as much time as others. If I had that much money I wouldnt give a fuck if my crypto is devaluating.
no its pretty funny
Try 20k
I've been talking to myself for the last few hours
yes and yes
Your brain is not comprehending your loss correctly. Imagine all that value in real world items that you own, and it's getting set on fire.
>If I had that much money I wouldnt give a fuck if my crypto is devaluating.
Yes you would, you dumb poorfag. Unironically kys.
No laughter, but profound satisfaction. Green days give me anxiety not knowing when it'll correct or crash. Red days feel like justification for future rises.
This is true. My brain views fake internet money differently than the fake cash in my bank account. It's because of the volatility. One day it's $50k and a month later $15k. True story.
I dont know man. This is exhilarating and exiting compared to the crushing anxiety i feel doing normal stuff and dealing with people.
If u took profit to get back your initial investment plus extra for tax then youre fine. I can sleep well knowing im playing with house money. If you havent done this then youre absolutely retarded
I Fucking lost 100k in the this mayhem, I don't give a fuck about it.
Started with 500$ so I'm always in the green.
I'm down 10k and I'm still laughing. It's the absurdity of exchanging real money for fake Internet money that swings 50% once a month that keeps it funny.
We are still big time winners. No need to worry about not predicting the unpredictable.
>the mindset of a gambler
Did you also buy TRON by any chance?
literally lost an amount of money I would be able to save by 20 years of wagecucking last month, still laughing seeing bitcoin break every support level, but also googling suicide methods too
Fuck no. I only have btc eth and bch and i had 140k after cashing out my initial but now im down to 55k lmao
Not really a winner, since I haven't made it yet. Until then, these shitcoins don't matter. It's all just an opportunity multiplier.
I'm just thinking what I'm going to buy next on this sale. I never owned bitcoin because it's a slow clunky piece of shit, but you would have to be retarded to not see the absurd potential of smart contracts and oracles. this is only the beginning
t. someone who has to retain a single profit from crypto
and the crash hasnt started yet... it will be 3k down in a few minutes when it really starts.
>buying shitcoins in a sale when they are still overpriced by hundreds of percents...
the absolute state of Veeky Forums