Welcome back to McWagecucked user. You can start at the frier station.
Welcome back to McWagecucked user. You can start at the frier station
Dominos doesn't have a fry station. She's lying!!!!!
That's not McWagecucked, that Wagedmino's
THis is why I have to be a NEET, I would rape the shit out of Team leader Sarah. I'm just not supposed to be around humans or work with humans.
for fuck sake, no wonder you guys are so shit at this. Put some effort into your work. I'm starting to think Veeky Forums is really filled with lazy poorfags with get rich quick schemes. Good riddance.
>no you can't come back i clean the loo now not you
sure thing gem
let me just squish those honkers real quick
yeah thats what im talking about
ill be in the restroom if anyone needs me
>wow this bitch doesn't even know where she is right now
>poor wagies they just tune right out and lose their minds to cope with the drudgery
>is this what i will become. a food prep zombie forgetting what kitchen i'm even in
>bitcoin save me!
"user, did you hear me? i said you can start at the fryer station. user, where you going, user come back it's the lunch hour, anonnn!"
I actually work at dominos
It's a chill job and I come home and make photoshop edits, shitpost propaganda here, and read
Comfy living no lie
Jokes on you, I have a CompSci degree and a few Steam games generating passive income. I'm fine.
She's hot
Ohh yes. I fucked her already.
its not you, you're normal faggot
the society is fucked up
when a woman's looking pretty and shit, showing her breast and smelling perfume how the fuck would you not be aroused
fucking society is fucked up, men must have their balls cut off so women can walk naked and not affect us like wtf
Can i touch your boobies after i'm done with friers?
>user this is california!
>you gave that customer a straw without asking!
>i'm calling the police.
You couldn't rape your way out of a wet paper bag fat ass.
This made me laugh because it could very well be my reality depending on what happens this month
Still up more than double/triple in crypto
Still make a lot of money outside of crypto without wagecucking
Are most of you faggots that new here?
Try again faggot
how do you generate passive income with Steam games?
>Still make a lot of money outside of crypto without wagecucking
how user?
Guys, I don't know what to do. I don't understand why I can't just go to work like everyone else. For some reason I can't sit through an entire shift.
Even now when I desperately need money, I can't bring myself to do it. I got a part-time weekend job at Sears and I stopped going after a month because I couldn't bear sitting through the shifts anymore. Why?
Gay prostitution
I would fry her instead, if you get my drift.
Just stop thinking and be a good zombie like the rest... a good goyim
Lower paying jobs are often less rewarding that higher paying ones.
With higher paying jobs, you usually have:
- much more autonomy/self-direction
- much more impact on the end-product/business
- much more flexibility with work hours/vacation days/remote work
- much more decision making and critical thinking
It could also just be you haven't found something you're passionate about - it's harder to be passionate at menial labor jobs.
Were you put on ADHD drugs as a child?
You're generation got screwed for a number of reasons, one of them being the whole attention deficit disorder bullshit....
1. Child bored at school, would rather play video games.
2. He must have a disease, let's drug the fuck out of him.
3. Never learns that boredom is normal. Never learn to live with boredom, never learn to stick at something.
4. Throw the kid out in the world, and wonder why they can't succeed.
Bottom line... (and sorry if this sounds mean).
If you can't make it through a single shift, there's something wrong with you.
If you were supposed to enjoy yourself, it wouldn't be called work.
some of us can separate arousal of body from wanting to rape everyone
Yeah, I have attention problems, but I was never diagnosed or put on drugs.
Even when one of my professors is talking I often zone out unintentionally and then try to force myself to focus again, only to realize he's talking about something totally different now.
Try using modafinil user. You have the same problem as me. Also make sure to get good sleep at night.
Ok at these bad days this realy made my day. Thanks user
do you filter the fluoride out of your water? some people, such as those with add or depression can be more sensitive to it
This. Only good way to make some money
I worked at dominos back in the late 80's. It was before everyone else started delivering, and it was a total feeding frenzy.
Friday night....
3 phone girls
2 slappers
2 toppers
1 oven
23 drivers
And during the rush, the drivers were all going out with triple runs.
Drugs freak me out. I have trouble handling caffeine, so I can only have one cup, and even if the cup's too big I'll have a freak out. I doubt I'd be able to handle any kind of actual drug
I don't filter my water, but I do drink bottled water, not tap water. Except for tea and coffee. I suppose I could try filtering the water in that case.
wew. serious shit eh. was the min wage thing enough to get by just a meme or true back in that time?
brita filters suck, at least get a zerowater they're at walmart $20
plastic bottles are the worst, so many endocrine disrupters. even when they removed bpa, they largely replaced it with bps which is worse. a reusable hard plastic is safer then a disposable soft plastic bottle though.
No, at the time, minimum wage was never thought as something that people stayed at, just something people started at.
So min wage only jobs were for kids in high school trying to make a few extra bucks, or adults deciding what they wanted to do for a living.
Even most entry-level jobs didn't pay shit. That's why if you were 20-24, you'd live in an apartment with 2 or 3 friends and split expenses.
You're a gay.
Nigger or Pajeet?
The face of a defeated man.
Clean it up, wagie
oh shit. I've been drinking bottled water for years. Are they killing me?
yes, and they're doing it on purpose
also avoid powdered ice tea, like brisk. it's like drinking a hundred glasses of tap water at once. people have actually gone literally retarded drinking too much powdered ice tea. only brewed ice tea, nestea. stay away from the powdered stuff.
and watch your sugar levels, thats a big one. everything has too much sugar in it.
Why you wanna murder qtpis user?
lmao look at these low test fags
I bet you fap twice a day to anime lmao fix your hormones faggots stop being women
Nice dubs and agreed on what you write. I'm from the land of conspiracy and I think you're spot on.
Is everybody on Veeky Forums so unskilled that they can only find minimum wage shit jobs? We're living in a period of historically the lowest unemployment ever, and yet all of you are so useless that mcdonald's is the only company that will hire you?