I finally found a coin early on that can pull a 1000x. Its not on CMC. No ICO, just slow PoW. The devs are serious and have completely rewritten a popular privacy coin and are adding smart contracts to it. Current market cap is 400k, can be 400mil right?
Dear god, if this market survives I will be loaded af
Holy shit, I'm getting rich af
Thanks just bought 100k.
Turtle bait?
... go on. You have piqued my interest. Which one is it?
Is op bamboozling us :(
I found something awesome too, and it's your moms nudes. It can be worth 500 mil right?
turtlecoin has a 1.7m mcap
>I found something awesome too, and it's your moms nudes. It can be worth 500 mil right?
Pretty sure we've all seen that before, so no.
Well shill is the fucking coin then pajeet
sounds like Monero Gold
thanks just found it, u shouldnt have given a hint dumb frogposter ;)
Its not TRTL, thats my 2nd bet.TRTL has huge inflation in the first years. This coin has extreeemly low inflation over its life time.
I can't give out the clear name because brainlets here would drive up the hashrate and price in no time like they did with turtle.
But the SHA256 of the name is
Good look, non-brainlets.
thank you :^)
thx lad
Some1 help, I'm a brainlet
thank you very much see you on the moon
Larp as always in these retarded threads
Found it.
for the shit birds out there
its a meme because you can't decrypt sha256, AKA Bitcoins hashing algorithm
It looks like garbage buddy. Have fun with those bags
Brainlet detected. I decrypted it, looked it up, and it looks good. OP is right.
Delete this you fuck you dumb pisser oh my fuck....
so according to you noone ever mined a BTC block lol
This is why I keep reading this shit board
You can only decrypt sha256, if you encrypt it twice with md5 hash. Good luck guys, im done accumulating and dont care who knows now.
HEXX is a good buy yes
It doesn't work like that. Miners do not decrypt the full 256 digits.
t. brainlet or pumper
hint: sha 256 can be decrypted by brute force, but it will take you a long time with a strong mind and talent for cryptography. Us 115 plus IQs have laready solved it,
Did no one really decrypt this?? It's GRIN for fucks sake.
You're not supposed to decrypt it you fuck.
You guess a random coin, hash it with sha256 and check if the hashes are the same as the one posted.
this is it.
A random number*
thanks user!looks good
Now's the time to buy Gay Money.
>Premine: 2 million total premine .
>First 1 million premine locking for 4 years straight.
>Second 0.5 million reserved for various activities. Get unlocked only 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% each year.
>Third 0.5 million for development get unlocked only 20%, 20%, 30%, 30% each year.
Yeah fuck off with your shitcoin
Convoluted marketing campaign + feeding buzzwords to an appropriate audience (smart contracts etc)...
OK effort I guess, but anons are just too smart to fall for bullshit like this. Maybe if you went to that other site with the reddeets and whatnot it would have been a better execution of your plan.
Turd bait
Big if true
these are the best to PnD
>TFW i have more than 115
Looks like a scam
hash comes out as DERO