Well anons, its been fun but I'm done. Just sold everything. Portfolio was $145k in December...

Well anons, its been fun but I'm done. Just sold everything. Portfolio was $145k in December, fell for the IRON HANDS meme, woke up this morning and I'm at $35k. Can't take it anymore, was waiting for things to turn around but I can't sit here and bleed to $0 and be the laughing stock of all my friends and family that I'd been bragging to about how I finally made it in life.

Its been a wild ride, and I've defended crypto through ups and downs, thick and thin, but I can safely say now that it's over, the bubble has popped, the ride has ended.

I wish all of you success in whatever you decide to do next. I think crypto will make a resurgence one day, but that is not today. The world just wasn't ready for blockchain technology - maybe in ten more years.

The only advice I'll give to any of the "IRON HAND" memers is to take a good hard look at things, put the memes and the ideology aside, and preserve what you can. Cashing out 5% of what you once had at your all-time-high is better than having nothing left to cash out. This will be a free fall to sub-$4k BTC in the coming days, and then a free fall back to sub-$1k and eventually sub-$100

Its been an honour gentlemen

Point and laugh at the bottom selling retard who threw away 90k

took u long enough sleepy head.
we've been waiting for you for weeks now.
jeeez looooeeeez

ok.. full ath. full ath now. he's out.

thanks for the cheap coins you retard

>”Yes, that’s right....he sold. Pump it.

If you haven’t sold yet you would be an idiot to sell now

>t. r/the_donald cuck with small hands

Yes it was a bubble yes the bubble has popped no you can't call the bottom. Enjoy fomoing in later you fucking cuck.

If the reversal hits right now I will die laughing at OP

HODL meme is just to get the price to go up

and it worked for a while

>commence the pump

Well, my friend. I was also worth over 100k In December and I cashed out at the wrong time a couple of days ago when the price was 8500. Still, I'm hedging so I only sold half of my BTC and part of what's left I will now be using to short the market.

wait do you guys take posts here seriously?

>its all going according to plan

Inb4 bog liquidation

Don't forget to pay your taxes.

full ath. full ath now.

if I don't make it on crypto I'm killing myself, no point cashing out yet

As I said, I am hedging. Of my original portfolio:

We'll be laughing at you at the end of 2018 when BTC reaches $100k

God bless user, I have always told myself and everyone who asks that I am holding for 10 years. I hope you make it user. Godspeed.

Capitulation or despair?

buy high sell low

>>maybe in ten more years (Blockchain)

Post your address now I’ll buy you out you weak will faggot, your cuck hands don’t deserve to hodl

Ok guys that's bottom we can start the bull run now.
This Monday is bottom, next monday 13k

Dubs we moon so op is spited

capitulation obviously

That's 10 months away. What prevents OP from buying back when bitcoin floors out at $1000?

Lmao I hope for you it's satire.


I've gone from 105k to 45k and honestly I'm thinking about selling it all...

Any time I feel like selling, it's the wrong decision.

I have learned the hard way that I need to do the opposite of what my emotions tell me.

We might go to 6k, but but soon the sideways movement will come, then the slow rise, then fomo will kick in.

>OP’s face when