So does noone care that the stock market is starting to crash?

So does noone care that the stock market is starting to crash?
It's spreading pretty fast

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How does this affect my Satoshis?

i think i'm going to wait for it to bounce back a bit and then close some positions.

sode comment: i'm worried that crypto won't see a big pump off the stock market selling off because people won't see it as a safe hedge. in fact they'll probably want to get their money out of that volatile market as well and then crypto dumps big as well.

Which coin is this

I'm happy to see it, I''ve got lots of cash I need to deploy.

Jokes on you my stock has been crashing since December it can't go any lower

They crashed my crypto, so I hope they die.

>green 12 months in a row

No this is just a loid, but healthy correction. I've been waiting for this for a month now after I pulled half my money out following the DOW's 5% run up in only two weeks. Time to get back in

3rd impact habbenings everywhere and i'm numb to it all. what do?


It's a ponzi coin


>So does noone care that the stock market is starting to crash?
Do you expect Veeky Forums to know and care about actual business happenings?
This board is here to contain the polroach kiddies shilling their shitty virtual nothingcurrencies.


By Wednesday the stock market crash will have made crypto recover.
Screencap this.

I hope the entire world economy collapses. At least I can take refuge in the fact that other people lost way more than I did then, especially the nocoiners.

crypto is a fun meme when it crashes
stocks are too real

Oh god why do I hope we enter a recession so bad? In Aus our stocks are falling too, housing is in a huuuge bubble, electricity is so expensive it’s ridiculous and is about to rise again, wage growth has been stagnant for years and cost of living is now constantly talked about on national TV. I feel a recession would be hard now but nesessary for the long term.
That and it would make me feel good about half a million peak 2 weeks ago in crypto bleeding out to 150k.

People just got their Fidelity tax forms and realized that they owe the IRS. It's been a few years since the stock market was as good as in 2017 and the tax bill is taking people by surprise.

when stocks crash people flock to crypto

this is unironically good for bitcoin

No crashing until I get the equity from selling my house....reeeeeeee

They all flee to the bond market, screencap.
That old alzheimer faggot wanted markets to go parabolic to have something to twitter about, it's (You) paying the price for his abysmal boomer retardation now.

Just sold all my long term positions to wait this one out. No significant correction in a long time. Charts look toppy. Burger gov bragging about prosperity in the stock market. Run.





This is pretty fucking bad.
1929 happening?

I would argue the opposite. Crypto is a risky strategy.

When the market is tanking, people want to go risk off. They don't want to go into plays that have the risk of dropping 40% per day

time to gold up

No. Central banks will step in to prep up markets and keep them stable.
FED even has agreements with externals like BOJ which are allowed to help out during extinction level events.
Did I say FED?

it's called a correction

Wrong, gold bug. Do you see gold rising?
That's what I thought.
Nobody is interested in your shiny meme.

god you're fucking retarded

I wish Hitler had saved us from modern day degeneracy. We wouldn't even be thinking about this Jewish bullshit and instead we would be work towards a brighter future for our peoples according to our abilities and talents.

Okay and after it crashes despite them doing that then what

This is the start of another economic recession. Growing consumer debt, wealth disparity and local consumers having to compete with global buyers is making the economy go bust finally

is this unironically how it looks in the stockroom on a crash day like this? damn, this is suicide inducing.

no. When has ever in history have we gone straight up and straight down? No, we are still in an uptrend, a choppy future is ahead but new all time highs will continue to be hit, thats just basic knowledge of indices. Dont worry about this correction and dont listen to analysts

more like, time to realize the true value of crypto for normies. also, crypto oversold. my dick is hard thinking of the oncoming pump

The sooner it crashes the sooner that sweet boomer money will lift my bags back to space

Fuck the stock market it can suck a cock (it won't though, because it's just a dump and scare to shake out the weaklings)

All of my Canadian weed stocks are green. AMD was the only red which I sold to wait this one out.

it crashed itself because people suddenly realized it was worthless and dangerous

fucking idiot. If stocks crash bitcoin hits fucking 0.00

no you fucking moron

no you fucking moron

its china from 2015

Start of another global financial crisis? 2008 again?

kek good meme breh

Within the next 2-3 years yes


Nocoiner here. Literally all my assets are better than Friday. Stop the FUD.

>trying to meme influence the stock market

Kek. Keep in mind that the trump botfarms are meme-ing the opposite.

>it's all falling down

It's the end. 2018 is the year the world ends and everybody dies. Screencap this post.

As of now it's a healthy correction, a recession is long overdue anyway.
You are right in that the arsenal of central banks to counter severe crisis' has been diminshed, still there is stuff left.
e.g. lowering interest rates or not raising them.
I remember all those brainlets like Schiff telling people ANY rate hike would crash the market and hee we are with a DOW still at 20k.
It should correct to 20k to be able to breathe again, the fat bubble is clearly visible:
Smart money pricing in tax presents, deregulation and further enslavement of the working class all while cutting subsidies and healthcare.
Look at graphs: Under Obama / Yellen the DOW / S&P were all quite linear, then Trump inflated the bubble.
A crash is necessary and healthy, it won't be as bad as 2008.
You did this to yourself burger:
While you were listening to Comey on TV reps silently got rid of deregulation, Dodd-Frank whatnot, pretty much the same minute actually.
The recession will be blamed on Trump and he will wish a fucking pee hooker tape would be his only problem.
I unironically believe it won't be 2008 again, but who knows with this clique of GS and friends in power.
Beautiful america is getting milked by the next swamp.

>tfw Fed will have to print money to prop up the market

*Dow at 25k

>i think lowering the world's standards would be a good idea!!!

It may not be as bad as 2008 again but if somehow the economy stays afloat for another 5-6 years automation will make it the biggest crash since the depression and it could take us a decade to recover.

wow another worthless shitcoin redirecting to 0.00

how interesting

Major, like 2008 and 1929 major, financial crisis happen about 70~ years.
We'll be fine.

No, that was based on bad debt, which made some big banks insolvent. If this was based on defaults, I think we'd hear about it pretty soon. This is just a downturn that is probably due to expectations of rate hikes.

>down 3.5% in past month

>hurr what is margin call

it's still up for the year you fucking monkey

>11% is all it took for the depression

its not even down on the month

its up 2% since the 1st

2008 wasn't major. That was just a large recession and for most of the world it was minor.

1929 was a depression, much larger.

They also dont happen every 70 years, they happy more every 10 years with larger depressions coming at times of serious changes.

That's not even counting global stock market crashes. Recessions are a regular part of the economy, think of it as a forest burning in a natural forest fire to pave way for new trees and life.

I believe automation will take longer to show impact.
America is turning into a service society, that's why it's braindead to try to compete with the chinese in manufacturing cheap underwear.
Automation will be a problem only if you let it:
basic income e.g. would easily counter the effect, but in muh socalism kill it! murrica? Doubt you are clever enough to see any benefits.

2008 was the edge of fucking oblivion, it was so fucking bad you dont even know it.

this still isnt a crash tho

I don't disagree with you there i'm just saying that automation is certainly a catalyst that could lead to 1930's level depression. All the other tools are in place, now it's just disrupting labor. Once unemployment goes up we're in for a rude awakening.

>should have invested in real money like stock or god instead of imaginary BTC

>4% dip is 1929
meanwhile bitcoin is down over 60% and shows no signs of stopping

Invest into Aerospace/Aviation companies, only way your gonna make it.

>war happens
>they go up
>nothing happens
>they remain steady
>everything crashes
>they crash the least

if the bailout hadn't happened, americans would be speaking another language right now

we were literally on edge of collapse.

Interesting, you may be correct, but I doubt it will happen that quick.
These are slow changes, lots of automation already happened.
In the end it could be beneficial for all of us if it isn't just a single monopoly company building robots that build robots that build robots that do the work.
Maybe trailer park bubba gets his chance at painting and selling art one day instead of having bromance parties in the rust belt?

I just shorted every stock on the stock market with 1000x leverage. How'd I do biz?

Do you know what is leverage, retard?

Nobody uses leverage on stocks you fucking idiot.

They just delayed the inevitable by a few years. None of the structural issues have been resolved.

not true btw

Wageslaves such as yourself don't. Professional wall street traders do.

>The aviation company you invested in gets Malaysia Airline'd
Nah, now the renewable energy sources on the other hand...

More money going into crypto. Also, the american economy going into recession again and millions losing their jobs, but who cares about you.

and now we have Trump as president, who definitely wont do shit to restructure the economy

My portfolio is 700k and i trade every single day. Wallstreet does not use leverage on stocks. Nobody leverages stocks. There are leveraged ETNs which are not actually leveraged, and then there are forex, options, and futures which do have extensive leverage.

You dont know what the fuck youre talking about

>2008 wasn't major. That was just a large recession and for most of the world it was minor.

Get a load of this guy. Were you 10 years old when it happened?

>this is /biz for you

>More money going into crypto
thats why its down 60% right? all that capital inflow? The economy is the best its been in over a decade and the last jobs report added 200,000 jobs.

You are 16 years old.

Thanks for sharing your opinion.
Trump is a big shit talker. He can't really do anything. How's that wall doinv btw?

>the stocks are crashing
>better pull my money out
>and put it into an even harder crashing market

seriosuly interested

do you think that there is any non-shitcoin out there?

dont mention btc or monero pls

I don't live in america so my economy wasn't affected by your sub prime crisis.

theyre all worth nothing.

then you live somewhere that isnt relevant in the world

this shit makes me so happy.
When the stock market pajeets move to crypto as safe harbour after the SEC shit tomorrow we will see a rise like no one has ever seen before.

>When the stock market pajeets move to crypto as safe harbour
that will literally never happen. If the actual market becomes a bear market crypto will literally hit 0 overnight

>dumbass gets embarrassed and tries to use semantics to safe face
Yea, don't forget to add the extra ketchup

It's great news because people invest in our shitcoin when stock market does bad

Pretty much the entire rest of the world was largely unaffected. In Canada we had a slightly recession just because of our reliance on American trade but overall it was hardly a crisis. Our mortgage and lending controls were much stronger. I kind of wish it did crash though, our banks are now richer than ever and housing is through the fucking roof


people dont use leverage on stocks. Its just not a common practice. what the fuck would you know about it

>Pretty much the entire rest of the world was largely unaffected
you are clearly underage then

>it crashed itself because people suddenly realized it was worthless and dangerous

Fuck off boomer.

They are consumers for actual the manufacturing ones. You don't invest in the consumers. Renewable are fundamentally shitty thing to invest into because they "grow" up to meet demand of usage but inevitably by nature their demand quickly depletes. Especially in nations where populations are declining.

oh sorry, global governments and financial institutions saw how dangerous it was to have morons buying speculative trash on margin and put an end to it

Fiat currency?

You know its true. All the conspiracy BS are lies people sell themselves to avoid the hard reality that people are rushing for the exit.

We were propped up by oil. The world isn't america centric. Many economies were largely unscathed by 2008.