I don't care

I don't care.
I've seen all the fud.
Not going to sell.

Im not getting shaked out im not fucking selling

Seriously. Why would I ever bother selling my BTC when there's probably less than 16 million of them in the world remaining. It's literally online gold that you can trade to anyone on the planet for anything. It'll just take time.

Fucking retard.

sell and then buy more then lol

I believe in the vision. Not selling ever.

At what price would you finally decide to sell your pretend internet tulip bulbs?


But seriously Bitcoin could crash to its floor and start rebounding at any second. Hell, USDT might have a few billions in reserve and the investigation produces nothing. Wishful thinking but totally possible.

I hope you idiots don’t really have shorts all the way down to $1 -$3k. You call us gamblers?

Holding is comfy. Sell your stack and smell their sacks, Hold for years and harvest tears.

me neither. They need to get them out of my cold hands. I swear the hole market is down because I´m not selling. Everytime I sold in the past during a dip the market went up immediately after it

At that point I would gobble that shit up like chocolates

Why not sell at $7000 then buy back in at $5000? You'll make more money than simply hodling.

Never, I'll wait till I can buy actual stuff for it.

because like the past, it could suddenly jump to 20k for no reason the moment you sell

I will stand my ground ya I won't back down

A perfect bagholder.

I dont think you understand. We aren't selling.

Yep, it's good that there are some suckers willing to hodl this stuff all the way down to 0. Life's easier when there are bag holders around.

I'm not gonna miss the bottom just to create another taxable event.
Not fucking selling.

I'm fuding down with the ship desu. See you at zero.

I have the same amount of BTC from holding for 3 years why the fuck would I sell lmao. This is either going to 1 million or 0. I will admit I sold 5 BTC at 18k but for the most part I'm holding

100% this

Never, will hold to 0.

maybe you'll see 20k in a decade, if btc actually become useful

Fuck off reddit. You and your shitty tulip bulbs and beanie babies meme. Just want to know that I hate you, and I will spit on you from my golden yacht in 4 years

I would sell a few at 1 mil each

i'd buy the dip

I am on the duty sir!

How is it easier? You're still not touching my bitcoin. You can go fuck yourself.

this. fuck (((you))). I know (((you're))) reading this.

the market has been in the most obvious downtrend since mid january. the absolute most normie meme TA chart has predicted it so far 100%.

you actually have a bent philosophical outlook on a completely manipulated market that is at the entire whim of a few dozen massive whales, as well as ponzi riding fake money printers and scam startups.

you aren't proving anything but what an utterly gullible rube you are. cannon fodder for the whales. you the pawns that march in their game, which currently consists of shorting you to insolvency, knowing that there are enough hodlers to buoy up the next bounce, before shorting you again. all the way to the bottom.

how can you be so dense as to approach this with any kind of philosophy is beyond me. you clung on to the whale's fins on the way up, now you're going to be dragged down with them.

it's hubris beyond belief to stay in now. hubris, delusion and an inflated sense of self importance, terrified of being dropped back into a world where you have no skills beyond relying on the wealth of others.

people with a life outside of crypto are taking their earnings and counting it as a fun little adventure with a nice bit of profit, while those who are all in and can't face a life without cheat codes are going to burn up in the descent.

hmmm... I wonder who could be behind these posts. I'm not going to go very deep into this because I might risk getting discovered, but large entities influencing opinions on this stupid fucking anime board is a very real thing. People get paid more money than you'd believe for trying to poison the water upstream right where it bubbles up, which is Veeky Forums (at least this used to be it... now it's starting to switch to telegram because Veeky Forums is full of fucking mongrels). 10k per month if you have connections, no larp.

>It's literally online gold that you can trade to anyone on the planet for anything
Go and trade it on amazon.com

Sign me up dude! I'd be making way more money spreading FUD than you hodlers are making.

How can I get this job?

bitcoin > amazon

I actually bought this faggy drone with bitcoin for $380 off an amazon reseller last week

To be honest the price is so low right now that I don't even care anymore. I have written it off as a loss and I will not look at coinmarketcap for a couple of months anymore.


I'm not going to sign you up for shit soyboy. I'm just telling everyone here that there is a reason for the fud and fomo and its only partly people venting. There are people at the top who hire ppl, pajeets (cheap) and not retarded western individuals (not cheap, but more effective) alike to do their bidding in this shithole, because the sentiment here has an effect on the sentiment on Reddit and so it goes, trickling down all the way to their pockets.

you know influential people, or people who know these people, who need marketing for whatever the fuck they need that day.

This is the final challenge user. You're gonna make it.

That's fine.
Why do you guys feel the need to tell everyone about something you're not going to do though?

It just so fucking ridiculous there have been FUD news every 2 days for over 2 weeks now. Three days ago "India ban", then "UK Credit card bans", now another "China ban".
But every single one of those "news" was hugely overinflated by crypto community.
It's like some kind of global coordinated paid FUD by jews.

This crash was supposed to happen, it got so high for literally no reason other than a positive feedback loop of normies.


You think the people who play with B's instead of M's are going to let some basement dwelling neets decide the market sentiment? Coinbase just bought a fucking super bowl ad, that is the level of funds that are showed into marketing / FUDing crypto right now, and Veeky Forums (as a fountain of sentiment for Reddit) is at its epicentre. You are all being played 100% percent of the time, by someone with an agenda to at least some extent. All I can say is, always consider what the incentives behind a post are when you see one, esp BTC fud etc, NEVER fomo in or panic sell without doing some serious dyor... and buy LINK... obviously and unironically.

is he smart?

This is the greatest wojack ever

So basically we're going back to pre-normie phase prices? Around September/August prices then?

Bought my BTC for 700 in 2016, held until now, not fucking selling. if it goes to nothing I'll unironically keep it as a memento of the good times and the memes

try $1k

tether tokens have been inflating the market since June 2017.

>in a decade


>having this power
>not selling

I agree with this. We will reach pre tether pump prices. That's unless the tether fraud is exposed , if that's the case we will get to $50 btc or lower

this time its different

constant downward momentum

Probably smarter than all subhumans lurking Veeky Forums

>Dollar-cost averaging

No it is not.

im with you op. not selling shit.

call me delusional, but ive heard the stories of people holding and selling amazon shares at the bottom of the dot com bubble, and im not being one of those guys. the tech is real, and this shits just getting started. if the tech isnt being adopted, why all the fud AND industry embracing of blockchain? read between the lines

also, to anyone thinking about selling- why? the market is down hard. might as well ride it out through the other side. but, i have a comfy job and can afford to watch the market burn the deadwood for awhile while it fosters a new bull environment. if any of you are reading this and dont have a job, go get one you lazy piece of shit

the kikes tried everything to create a bitcoin happening
had gavin try to convince us craig was satoshi
had bcash shilled so hard it peaked at like .5
spammed the mempool and while coinbase didn't optimize shit and shilled bcash and eth
had china korea india etc. ban bitcoin over 20 times
and finally they dug up old news about tether and claimed it was going to crash down due to an investigation.

people got fucking rich from this and they played every trick in the book

but all in all bitcoin has never changed. It's technically better than ever.

same, fuck this
I only put in 500$ anyway so I don't give a shit

I lost all my life savings

>but all in all bitcoin has never changed. It's technically better than ever.

LN is not Bitcoin, everyone knows that.

How can you hold if your angus is loose?


how is LN not bitcoin?

why are you just hodling then?
why not buy?

The night of the Ablagab.