Daily reminder that every cuck making somber Reddit posts about selling at a 90% loss and leaving Veeky Forums will be hanging themselves in 3-6 months after the market inevitably rebounds, JUST LIKE IT HAS EVERY OTHER TIME THIS HAS HAPPENED
Daily reminder that every cuck making somber Reddit posts about selling at a 90% loss and leaving Veeky Forums will be...
You have to be pretty stupid, or desperate, to be selling right now, but each to his own..
I have nothing to sell the fees would take what's leave I have to hold what I am going to tell my mom's boyfriends kid that I can't buy him those gold rims anymore
i still have my great great great great grandfathers tulips
they will rebound any century now
Kek, false equivalence 5/10
people like you were saying the same thing two weeks ago.
people are finally realising that they could well be left holding a worthless piece of binary data in a couple of months.
at the end of the story of the big bad wolf, it turns out there really is a wolf.
*drops mic*
>it did it before therefore it will keep doing it infinitely
No but user this time its different because me and all my friends got into it in December and we know this ones different
That would be the case if there was a genuine real world demand for bitcoin. But there isn't, it's a fancy many people currently share and nothing more.
i guess you are right considering some rare tulip bulbs are worth thousands of dollars today
it doesnt matter when you get in, every day you choose to buy/hold or sell
and buy/hold has seen huge losses over the last few weeks
quit larping m. night
you do know how long the last crash took over 3 years to recover?
if you believe that this is just a cycle then you must also accept the fact that you'll have to wait years before you can start to regain your profits.
but just use your brain for a moment, the higher the price BTC gets the less utility it has since it can't be used as a currency for goods and services, its intended purpose. your belief in infinite growth is impossible, it kills the very function of service.
Bulls are overbought from buying in during the last couple failed breakouts, so they have no money to push the price up. Thus, the now powerless bulls resort to spamming random shit on forums in order to try to get bears to buy back in to stop the decline.
i bought into this game knowing id be locking up my money in the market for at least 5 years
checkmate, faggot
Any country that has a completely devalued currency enjoys bitcoin. If Africans were smart enough to trade in it, it'd probably save half of the salvageable economies there. Instead of buying a tractor for ten billion oogoodoogoos they could buy one for 1 bitcoin. Because one can make a bitcoin in a year, but it takes 20 of them to make ten billion oogoodoogoos in a year.
Similarly, anyone that wants to buy a good or service from another country without bothering with a currency exchange.
Then there are the advantages of smart contracts and blockchain data vaulting...
the market has been in the most obvious downtrend since mid january. the absolute most normie meme TA chart has predicted it so far 100%.
you actually have a bent philosophical outlook on a completely manipulated market that is at the entire whim of a few dozen massive whales, as well as ponzi riding fake money printers and scam startups
you aren't proving anything but what an utterly gullible rube you are. cannon fodder for the whales. you the pawns that march in their game, which currently consists of shorting you to insolvency, knowing that there are enough hodlers to buoy up the next bounce, before shorting you again. all the way to the bottom.
how can you be so dense as to approach this with any kind of philosophy is beyond me. you clung on to the whale's fins on the way up, now you're going to be dragged down with them.
it's hubris beyond belief to stay in now. hubris, delusion and an inflated sense of self importance, terrified of being dropped back into a world where you have no skills beyond relying on the wealth of others.
people with a life outside of crypto are taking their earnings and counting it as a fun little adventure with a nice bit of profit, while those who are all in and can't face a life without cheat codes are going to burn up in the descent.
>future of crypto may depend on "if Africans were smart enough"
Wow, way to restore my hope.
>If Africans were smart enough
Excctly I'm laffin so hard all today its too funny
stop posting this pasta in every board
future of Africa, not the future of Crypto.
I am so fucking tired of brainlets posting this meme. The market took 3 years to recover because it was incredibly niche and less than 0.1% of the population knew what bitcoin was. It's a household thing now. It'll either die or rise violently, but it will never again stagnate for years.
>using a currency that collapses 80%
their oogaboogas already do that
I 100% agree, BTC needs to die for cyptocurrency to have an actual future long term. That being said, I'm fully aware I'll be HODLing for awhile, maybe even years, but what do I care, I've already got a six figure career, this was just an early retirement plan
>pic related
This is also true