I sold

I sold.
I threw up into the sink but missed half of.
I'm just sitting here in my puke soaked pants staring into the black.
I feel dizzy.
I need to pay taxes on this.

Yeah I sold too. I fucked up entering so late, I knew it was too good to be true but I did it anymore. Fml. 50% loss on my $10,000 investment, luckily it was extra savings but I won't make that mistake again. Just a fucking ponzi scam.

10/10 laughed for 15 seconds

Why are you retard tho?

Someone should make a poem out of this

LMAO either u larp or u should kys damn thats stupid.

I had to sell too... I can’t lose anymore money on this. I don’t know how to tell my girlfriend, she kept saying it was a bad idea to invest when I was already in so much credit card debt. I didn’t tell her I maxed out a new credit card either.

I wonder how many people are killing themselves over going bankrupt because of capital gains tax.

Thank you for buying my bags, sucker.

You're all larping right? Holy fuck you guys are pajeet-tier retarded scrubs. Leave my board pls

>FUD and Jew lies about taxes in the same post
(((They))) are evolving.


There's a good chance that it's over. I'm down 40%

You don't pay gains tax on losses. Hence why it's called a gains tax you fucking brainlet.

Your mistakes, dont blame crypto retard

No I wish. I have 3 maxed out credits cards that I haven’t been paying in months. I can’t afford to lose anymore money haha. I will use what I have left to buy more when it hits the bottom :/ but right now I’m at a 48% loss

you idiot, all the gains were last year, all the losses are this year

you pay captal gains tax year per year

He likely realized gains in 2017 and then got assraped in 2018.

Losses dont carry back into 2017. All gains realized = locked in the year you traded. And taxes are owed at your normal income tax rate

Burgers only

the good news is I can write my losses off to soften the blow

Here's my attempt

I sold my crypto stack today
I vomit in the sink, missing half away
I sit in puke soaked pants, and stare
I feel so dizzy, I’m only half aware
I need to pay taxes on this

You cant write off taxes owed for 2017 gains by losing money now

Lovely, user.


I managed to change my pants btw. I need a strong drink now
Thanks for immortalizing my feelings in art

>they’re not buying the dip and acquiring massive sats

how are you holding up?
give us some numbers

I was at 100K once.
I bought in early November.

ok so you've already payed your tax so what the fuck are you talking about????
how the fuck is it relevant to your losses in a new fiscal tax year.
are americans honestly this mentally challenged? is your tax system honestly this archaic?

so much larp in this thread. so much larp in all of biz.. getting tired



You pay taxes for the profits of the previous year. The losses are from this year, so you can only add them to this year's profits. It's not hard, is it?
Every trade if a taxable event. Your tax is the gain in fiat you made though this particular trade.

>invest at top of bubble
>lose money
>"What a fucking ponzi"
kek, I don't even care about being being 50% down from ATH, you retards deserve everything you get
btw I bought at 2k, don't give a shit even if I lose it all

Are you a moron? This year he will have to pay tax on the gains for the previous year, next year he will be able to declare the losses from this year but that doesn't help with the gains he's declaring





unironically this

Who else here unironically lost all life savings?

I lost everything

I hope this is true. Now get ur gf pregnant and then tell her.

Im down 6k from my 12k savings
I'm gonna gamble my 5.2k buy btc at 8950 and chuck on TEL, its stupidly solid through this entire dips

*6950 and TEL buy for 38

Ive nonironically made a lot of money. Just buy high and sell low user.

Can you pretend you didn't do most of your trades?

2017 taxes are not paid until 2018 april or something like that

so if OP made 1,000,000 gains in 2017 and lost 900,000 in 2018 january he still has to pay 333,000 in taxes if the tax rate is 33 percent. That means he now owes more in taxes than his total net worth. What happens then? Bankruptcy I guess. Taxation really is theft.

This can't be real. You cannot be this stupid to get into debt in such a volatile asset.

Do not reproduce. You do not have 'balls of steel'. You are stupid and failure genes must not proliferate.

>I will use what I have left to buy more when it hits the bottom

yeah you're definitely larping


i'm still up 4x. Y'all are retards.

i probably lost 2 thirds by now

im gonna have to get a mcjob

That's going to be 2x if you keep hodling.

Yes it is. But the irs will change the rules soon cuz they cant really track or enforce tax on every trade. They even admitted it. Less than 20,000 on crypto gains ppl should just report as honest as they can IF they r worried. Or stop payin taxes and starve the beast and stop being such weak ass slaves.

>unironically buying high and selling low
>and paying taxes on top of that

like, I entered in decemb, put 10k in and currently have 4k but I am not retarded enough to cash out near the floor.

Like, unbelievable.

Describe how this scenario can actually happen.

If he realized the gains, he would have cashed out and paid taxes and had the after tax income in his pockets.

This year, he will lose money, but unless he was buying and selling and not paying taxes along the way, there's no reason to be broke

Pic related is my super small investment for BTC and LTC on Coinbase. I haven't traded anything and just wanted to Hodl/wait for a good altcoin. As that Bitconnect guy said "WHAT AM I GONNA DO?????"
Can't I just write off the coins as purchases and be done with it?


Same here.
Only lost $2000 though, which is a lot less than some people..

>If he realized the gains, he would have cashed out and paid taxes

If you use coinbase or US exchange they are going to enforce every trade.

how fucking dumb are you to sell now you retards?

shouldve sold two weeks ago if you wanted to.

jesus christ...

First example would be exiting the market and then reentering. Maybe he exited during the DEC 22 dip and then reentered for example. Taxable event.

Secondly, every crypto to crypto trade is taxable. So if you got a shitload of gains and decided to diversify, well then there we go all your gains are now taxable.

Now imagine a scenario where a person had crypto and nothing else. He made tons of gains on crypto in november and march, and all of this is taxable because he is always looking out for the best opportunity and as a result of this he is always trading his crypto around to ride various moon missions etc. Enter 2018. Massive january dip, 75% losses. The first date you could even pay taxes on 2017 was in the end of January 2018. But you already lost 75% of all your money. You are fucked.


This thing is hitting rock bottom, if you don't sell now you're losing every penny

Yeah that's pretty much the scenario I was thinking of. Greed, lack of understanding, poor decisions

good to know Im not the only one who vommited today
my trash bin is full

>november and march
Dunno where that came from. November and december of course

>buying 3 dollar of bitcoin.
dude you are irrelevant, go buy some stamps or something

Diversifying is only a poor decision in this case because of government taxation you cuckold.

Literally wanted to start slow.

Even CNBC said if you wake up and want to throw up on your shoes that is the time to buy.

It's commonly known that 90% of Veeky Forums users are fucked because of crypto to crypto short term gains in 2017 and having losses in January that don't carry backwards.

So it's possible to owe more tax than you even have in gains now.

The guys that shilled ripple at $3?

Why do morons like you who got in early even say this? He's right, he got ponzi'd, and you benefited. He's not stupid for cutting his losses. He's much smarter than you on that front.

Please, please keep selling, you fucking idiots. Can't wait to buy in when the street price is less than $500 so we can moon it all again and watch the world look stupid twice

he said, wiping the tears away from his face

>our meme currency is failing, boy, aren't we the geniuses!

>put in 200$
>lose a lot via stupid fees
>down to 195$
>dips when south Korea backs out
>down to 178, because played it smart
>was going to hold it, but it kept going down over only a few hours.
> currently have 100$.

Why do you faggots put so much money into it? The only reason people get rich off this shit is because they use other peoples money. That's how investment works.

Gains aren't realized if you hold though, only if you sell your shitcoins for another shitcoin or back to fiat

You realize that capital losses are tax deductible right?

If he didn't cash out he didn't realize the gains.

You can claim this as a loss on your taxes I think.

doesnt matter when all the gains were last year and all the losses were this year

>So much money
Out. You must be 18 or older.

Its already like a haiku

If he didn't cash out he didn't realize the gains, it's consider accrued not realized.

Not for 2017 but 2018 yes. This is why HODL is best for now until tax laws are changed. You won't incur a taxable event at short term tax rate. Or just do what most do and get accounts on foreign exchanges that don't have your identity linked to them.

Crypto to crypto could be covered by like-kind rules, which would exclude them from taxation. It's a pretty grey area though. Most CPAs won't go that route because their #1 priority is not getting audited. But if most of your trading is on some chink exchange, you probably won't get hit.

These have to be trolls, right?

i tried you warn you guys in those tax threads to take our expected tax amount in dec and dont reinvest until taxes are paid.

You don't pay taxes until you cash out. And assuming you had ANY profit, and as long as you've held for more than one year you only pay 15% long term investment tax ON YOUR GAINS.

You don't pay taxes on your original investment, or any potential gains you had on paper but never "cashed out". The only amount that matters for tax purposes is what you leave with vs your initial investment

it's a loss dumb fuck, you don't pay taxes

Sell before it's too late, mate.

Use your brain faggot

If you sold you're literally saying crypto will never ever go above the current market cap. That is retarded and you're a weakhanded fag who will regret this in six months

I laughed at “i have to pay taxes in this”

Do this

Currently at 18 thousand, with credit card debt.

ATH was 37 thousand. I don’t know how much longer i can keep staring at these dropping prices. I feel fucking sick. My “boomer” stocks are still way in the fucking green from this months rally (only 1.5k since i sold it all to put into tradh alt and eth).

I feel like im fucking done with life.

>I need to pay taxes on this.

Or if you traded between cryptos, then it's realized in FMV at the time of trade measured in dollars.

No, like-kind never applied. And it isn't excluded from taxation, only deferred.

If you have any decent job 18 thousand is a drop in the bucket if you can live frugally for one year. Don't freak out, you only live once, let this be a lesson for you to stick to the 10% of liquid savings for high risk investments.

You faggots realize it's going to $1k right?

Sell and reinvest later pajeet


>ATH was 37 thousand. I don’t know how much longer i can keep staring at these dropping prices. I feel fucking sick. My “boomer” stocks are still way in the fucking green from this months rally (only 1.5k since i sold it all to put into tradh alt and eth).

kek exit the stock market, that bubble is just about to burst too