I told you idiots to invest in real estate...

I told you idiots to invest in real estate. Now I sit while you all you fags meme'd your life on bitcoin and watch it melt away.

Here's the reality. Land is finite. Population keeps growing. Values especially near cities will forever rise until population starts to decline

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I told you idiots to invest in stocks.

stocks/real-estate are dropping heavily.

Because stocks are doing great

All i'm hoping is that Veeky Forums will go back to being more than just a crypto board.
I want to talk real estate, stocks, business ideas etc.

NASDAQ is down, what? 5% this year? How much is bitcoin down?

what is if I tell you that the current BTC price just was a new ATH on the 2.November.2017

Fuckin shit - you mad bro?

>Dude just like invest one million dollars!

Well thanks, you will give me that million?

tiny little sp500

Hurr durr it's so easy supply and demand big demand and finite supply Hurr dur

OP what are you goin to do when all boomers start dying and their assets need to be divided by their kids? Every house on the market owned by a boomer goes on sale at current prices which no millennial can afford.

What happens when there's tons of people selling and no one buying?

Tell me op, what will happen then?

but it isnt...

true....its sad that good financial advice is no longer on this board

>but it isnt

isnt it?

>implying you need huge amounts to invest in real estate

look into REIT's

if BTC drop another -80% from this level, (where it is already -65%) it reached the performance of the SP500 the last 12 months, I wouldnt bother anyway my friend.

>interest rates rising
>tons of land never marked to market in the last crash
How does I shot reits?

how much did it rise? ya faggot

but you get every months rents which paid already previous investments.
A fucking crypto code doesn't pay rents.

real estate peaked in 2007 boomer faggot

In the past year bitcoin is up several thousand percent dumbass

ya until nigs or spics move into your town...

real estate will fuck you up this year

But.. dividend crypto like NEO, ARK, XLM, VEN (eventually) does.

Imma short real estate then start WWIII.

kek have fun with your 10% roi

Yeah like, stocks and real estate are DEFINITELY going to rise, no way we are heading into a global markets crash..at...all...

nocoiner will never understand that you also can buy and HODL crypto over years. They just seein -50% and are happy that they didnt bougth it, but didnt get the fact that the asset is up 10.000% the last 6months 20.000% the last 24months 100.000% the last 40months.

If someone think that a real estate can outperform inflation, without doing speculation or go into deep debit never really tried. most of them just read some expensive books about how to save wealth over time and have 100.000$ invested in a REIT - so they are professionals now

I know, they're too retarded to go on coinmarketcap and look at historical prices, or even look at a 1 yr graph.

BTC is down 60% from WHEN?????!!!!

good point...in the last crash of '08 rents remained high through the whole recession

they've actually surpassed the 07 peak in certain areas already

Get a job at mcdonalds until you can afford to invest otherwise your not an investor and should not be investing, stop playing wolf of wall street

See you faggots at $1k, keep HODLing for me lol

if have some numbers for


Real Gross Rent History for the US
2005 $858
2015 $959

rental rate increased by a total of: 11,77%

lets look at the inflation
2005 $858
2015 $1,041.27
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics consumer price index, the dollar experienced an average inflation rate of 1.95% per year. Prices in 2015 are 21.4% higher than prices in 2005.

have fun with it

But user real estate has outpaced inflation. Its about choosing the right areas. Take stockton,CA for example. Its the last 5 years its doubled in value. 150,000 invested is now 300,000..its steady and gradual and can be rented out so its pays for itself....stockton sucks but its near the bay area so people are moving there.

lets assume those figures...your original loan from 2005 doesnt inflate assuming a fixed rate...so any increase in rent is just all extra for property owners