I'm done. Lost all of my money, and any money that would be going to my 3 kids. Wife already meeting with divorce lawyer. Today is my last day on this planet if someone gets trips in my thread.
Trips = Anhero
You are doing me a good service by trying, thanks.
Oh shit.
dis gonna b gud
good luck op
Rolling for an hero as I'm too weak to do it without a push
Wow.. meme magic is real
Shit just got real
Fucking scam, op isnt allowed to an hero if he gets the trips hinself
You do it to yourself user and thats why it really hurts.
Why do people invest what they cannot afford to lose? If more people thought of this as gambling people would be way better off
don't do it user, money's overrated
can you haunt the fuckers that caused this after you change into a ghost? thanks OP
lmao kys op
fucking kek OP dun goof'd himself
exactly. Nobody ever lost more than they can recover with gambling!
Bye op
This is the bottom.
12RyrZje3ze4XjZPwhXCbTFXSoouQALHK7 give me ur bitcoin trips were there.
Did it to himself. Theres a quote about this somewhere
oh shit nigguh, get the water
What do the quads say?
op is poor and cant afford a gun
You know what i mean you retard dont bring more to the casino than you are ready to lose
Remember if you need to use a gun, use a 12ga
This is the bottom. 10x gains coming up.
congrats i wish i would of been brave enough
hold and wait 1 month faggot
oh shit
>This is the bottom
KEK spotted the emotionalfags who didn't sell
what? thats the real validation. destiny spoke and it said "kys"
I would never take money from someone wanting to off himself
Nevermind the retards, you'll always get one.
Unluckiest motherfucker. It's time to die
why not? you are saving the world economy. his contribution to world GDP can be gone forever. at least theres a silver lining when you take it from him.
I could change that
well ofc, fucking dubs. Anyway rolling for dat 111
remember to stuff cotton in your ass so you don't shut your pants when you die
>2 Posts by ID.
DId he do it?
tripple dubs? does it count?
Remember to aim the barrel of the gun towards the roof of your mouth. Wouldn’t want to blow the back of your throat out and survive.
Holy fuck
OP since you done this to yourself, it is now up to you to decide how to crawl out of this black hole. Stop making a mess and start creating a masterpiece
OP is kill