Ok boys, whos unironically still holding and whats your biggest bag

Ok boys, whos unironically still holding and whats your biggest bag

pic related

the real question is where are you driving to OP?

Unironically all in on Chainlink, baby



I’m still holding ven. I’m at 10.2 my breakeven would have been 12k but I don’t think Ven will disappear so no point selling


Half a BTC bought at 12k

I bought XRP at 13 cents in september as my initial noob start, its still x4 so it can still half in price and i'd still have double my entire investment. I'm just sitting this out, I didn't sell any other coins either. I'll give it a few months at least.

Grabbing a bite to eat, may have a glass of wine

Xrp xlm req
I'm getting FUCKED

30% XMR
22% BTC
21% ETH
19% ETH
3% XLM
3% XRP and need to sell

Still holding my DBC
These 25k bags are so heavy

Why the hell didn't you sell at 3.5?

Every single one

Yes HODLer here. biggest bag is NEO, but i have like 25 solid coins

enjoying the shitshow


These FUN bags are heavy boys go ahead, you can laugh

holy shit are you me? wanna suicide pact?

10x ICX and 15k ITC
pretty fucking red on ITC and only about 5% down on ICX

see you all in 2019

Will be $500 - $1000 EOY no matter what grampacoin does. Not selling.

What the fuck happened to XRP


10k ICX******


This is literally Mr Robot right now
She’s taking bitcoin down and pumping up her NEO

Everything is fine

I make it or i die, BAT is my only bag, down 60-70% ETH still up 1000%

70% ETH
20% ICX
10% FUN
These bags are heavy anons.

I'm currently holding 2 BTC, but I sold slightly more than that for fiat the other day.

BTC. Still holding strong but goddamn these bags...

I sold a third at 2$, bought a bunch of other coins for that. I still think XRP is one of the main competitors for becoming a main pair after bitcoin is phased out. I'm keeping some ETH, XLM, XRP around at least until the crash ended or forever if this whole crypto thing goes in the bin. I'll never have lost much anyway.

Plez Mr. Banker, pump

all in on ETH

flippening is plausible but i dont even see 2k by end of year desu

this is gonna be a 2015-esque rut



Strat is my biggest loser

I'm holding 60% ETH, 20% Neo and 20% tether :/

exactly two ETH I'm not selling

>unironically selling

All in on AION at 4850 SATs. I plan on holding until at the very least EOM.

23k XLM


monero and neo. got a nice bag oif xrp that i could have let go at 3.30 regret everything.

its very interesting , its doing what it was set to do yet its being dragged down with the ship.

hahaha that thing got de-listed from bitrex.

khakis lol
Are you afraid of losing your 100k?

13,500 XLM


Not selling. BNTY is only bag at about 40 pct loss, but it's one of the biggest risers in last couple hours.

Send help

axpire + Mobius all in on ICOs is the way to go i think
just gotta wait 1 year minimum till this shit blows over

About 8k eth 1k eos

100% ZCL baby

You fags need to realize that when a coin is getting heavily advertised here it’s because someone is seeking to use you to make a quick buck.

1.1k lsk - still comfy, (bought it at 0.8$) and desu it can go up (at least against BTC/ETH)
6k odn - i `ve sold 4k two weeks ago, now volume is so low, that it is impossible to sell this shit
and other really small bags: ark, html, sky
1k shift - yeah, i`ve fucked up. I have should sold this week ago, but now it is too late (and i cannot deposit to bittrex lol)
I am waiting for 6k$ btc and then i am going back with my tether.

fucking Carvertical, don't know what the fuck i was thinking with that one.

I'm not checking prices, but probably ADA.

77K PRL. 255K BNTY. 250K OPT. 88K REQ. 214k € Fiat.

Point of no return was 3 weeks ago. So I'll hold. Already made a killing so whatever. Just stopped looking at my blockfolio.

>the only people who haven’t sold are fucking linkies


no one is dumb enough to hold after a bubble bursts right?

I bailed last week out of all my last positions.

Big amount of ENG and RLC and slightly smaller bag of AST, holding till 0. Got my initial investment out anyway.

OP unironically sold at a massive loss

90% Factom
Tell me it's gonna be alright. I don't give a shit about fiat, I just want my satoshis back

Icon and Vechain here. Everything will be okay in 1-2 months r-right? Maybe the USA will have good news for us tomorrow at their jew meeting.

the official JUST starter pack

also I unironically just bought more REQ with the ETH I had left. I'm not selling, who gives a shit anymore

ETH BAT FUN, down 65%

Currently holding:
35% ICX
15% DBC
10% LTC
10% FUN

I'm going to be fine r-right g-guys?

Still holding everything

XMR is probably my biggest bag, but it's because I bought it way after everything else so I didn't have as much of a safety net.

What about LINK though? It’s shilled here non-stop but it’s going to be huge

Snovio. Down 86% which is ridiculous, so I'm more amused by it than anything else.

Yes, let's put an end to it all

Checked. 50K LINK, 35K DBC, 600 OMG. We're all gonna make it.

Deleted delta so can't show pics but about 80% req and then 10% each of hpb and BNTY.

Guess which one is heaviest.

still holding 600 btc.

sold 200 at 16k$ , bought 200 at 8k$
50 at 12k$ . will buy at 6k back

Nice bloom bag. I am all in on drgn and am holding until the Starbucks contract.

sure m8.
show rolex in front of this thread then

ARY. Bought in at 0.000258 ETH. Its at 0.000197 right now. Plus, before that, I went down to 0.45 ETH from an initial investment of 0.568 because I fucked something up trading.

ARY is holding up damn well, all things considered.

800$ worth of REQ. I watched that bitch fall from $1 to .20 and i'll watch it half again, but I beliebe in this shit

100% REQ

4 LTC @ 194$ avg as of now. My will is unbroken

don't have one faggot. I don't do it for the money like you poor fags.

was rich before btc. mined them nearly all though and bought 20000 neo at 0.15$

Holding 170 OMG and 600 RLC
Dips don’t bother me because I know both of these tokens will break 4 digits one day.

This Bad Boy. Doesnt feel too heavy.

Bloom is pumping out updates every month so I'm not worried about it. Icx makes me worried with all the speculative hype. Hopefully the rollout doesn't go as bad as their summit presentation.


Holding my presale ETHs with deathgrip

we droppin sub 40 cents

DLT, I'm down 70%, dangerously close to zero.

ENG, RLC, XMR, LSK. Holding ‘til 0. Slightly annoyed that Lisk rebrand is happening in the midst of this, was hoping that it would start of the 2018 gain season for me. Oh well.

You’re LARPing too hard

Sounds pretty comfy.

Looking pretty stable on Bibox rn. But even if, this coin is going to be a winner in the aftermath.

6/10 larp



ICX is my biggest fucking bag

At one point i have $730

Who here /wagecuckforlife/?

And having said that, I have just went below my initial investment for the first time since October. Pink fucking Wojak.

if you think so. there are a lot more like me . they are just not here anymore because they fuck elite hookers 24/7 and driving lambos. btc will go to 2.5k$ or below and I will hold.