Let's say this really is all over, what else do you have? What's your job and how much do you make?

Let's say this really is all over, what else do you have? What's your job and how much do you make?

i cashed out this morning with a few thousand profit, prob pay off some debt and finish up college. get real job soon

not a shitcoin investor. I just come here to post memes and pink wojaks. I was really mad around late November and early December for not buying shitcoin in June tho. Will buy if it reaches 2.5k. Have 300k in the stock market and 500k in cash. Also get 17k a month residual income from real estate.

I'm a psych nurse. Finishing up doctorate. Will make 200k as psych NP. W/e. Hopefully this bounces back

i'm really good at sucking dicks also cute if i put time into my body again
also mommy is still alive

Unemployed NEET, $350k in ETFs and $60k cash. Cost of living is ~$500/mo so I could theoretically cruise forever on my current holdings.

>cop of 3 years in a Caribbean country
>not my dream job in the slightest but it's a secure government job that I can only be fired from if I do some incredibly dumb/messed-up shit

I'll still be miffed if crypto really is over since I never got to make any significant profit from it like I dreamed of....but at least I still have a job

>What's your job

Stop right there.

I'm a neet with a marketing degree. My parents won't kick me to the steeers so I'll have to look for a job. Since it will take a while it find one I'd expect bitcoin to shoot up again at which point I'd end my job search immediately.

Tldr I'm no worried about a got damn Thang nigga

currently unemployed (collegefag) but have a job lined up starting at 74k with a lesser known defense company after i graduate

Just cashed out today.

I’m going to the temp agency’s to look for work

I can get a factory job at worst

Or an oilfield job at best

I’m 28

I just graduated college, I'm a Software Engineer. I started at 60k in a low cost of living area. Even with the crash, I plan to put $600 a month into crypto for the rest of the year.

television producer. traded crypto while at work editing, made 5x on ripple and paid off cc debt and got out. put rest of btc on poker site and profiting from that/safeguarding from crash.

Cashed out as soon as I broke even and let the profits ride. Whatever's left over after this bloodbath is pure profit. 31, 80k a year job in IT. Feeling fine m8

Crypto crashing sucks but I make about 60k full time so I mean Its easy to just walk away and pretend crypto never happened. Not losing any of my initial investment either, pulled that out before the crash

Not once you hit your 40s/50s/60s and health problems start showing up.

Probably going to accept that I'm going to be soulless wagecuck for rest of my life.

140k but its sales, im an autistic neet at heart and crypto was my way out of this rat race.

Assuming everyone is a americuck

I'm a student (21) and make about $1k/month with my internship that will probably guarantee me a $70k/year job when I graduate. I wanted crypto to work out, but it's not the end of the world if it's over

i test drive bikes for harley davidson, i only make $14 per hour but i "work" almost 80 hours per week because i love riding and im a complete loser with no social life, so i end up with around 60k per year.

i never even got into crypto, i was too much of a brainlet to figure out how. im just here for the pink wojaks

Lolol quads

no education
no job
guide me Veeky Forums

IT job, make 6 figs, work from home..it's pretty sweet

become a sissy slave for rich older men

wtf your job sounds amazing

lawyer. 2018 salary will be $210k. I'm just hoping crypto market recovers because it will help me pay off my student loans.

engineering degree, 85k

Are you like the motorcycle version of Drive?

is that legal?

it was easy to get. all i have is a high school degree and a motorcycle license. where i live in bumfuck junkie nowhere, not having a criminal record automatically puts me above 90% of applicants.

social welfare 1100e/month

no Ryan Gosling is one of the handsome men I've ever seen and i am hideously ugly

Just started as a Trainee Investment Manager at a national company. Part of the reason I got the job was my experience with crypto trading.

Therapist. ~40k
Was hoping to pay off student loans faster but fuck it I guess.

You got everything

I study economics (eight year in) and freelance write about crypto.

No coins, no debt, 70k government tech support and part time meme enthusiast. Looking forward to a sale on index funds.

Run a restaurant. Cant take money out because we need it to open next restaurant.

My entire paycheck goes to paying off house. I used to take 1.5k usd every month to trade. But then I got my wife into it and she lost some money. So this year I dont even get that.

I draw furry porn for 100-400€ per picture.
Takes me anywhere from couple of days to a week to complete one.
When I'm fast enough to pump one out one or two per day, I'll be looking at around 70k-100k+ a year.
But for now this stuff only gets me ~1k a month.
No shortage of work, speed is the only limiting factor in this field.

yes, but you need to be cute and willing to suck old people dicks

holy shit this thread

and more

sounds cool howd you get that job

Work in healthcare consulting. Make almost $200k/year. I'm fine if crypto totally vanishes desu.

tell us funny client stories with the names/important details changed

IT Teacher at a school, love my job, 32 hours a week, drum and bass dj in my spare time i get money for gigs, making around 30k in euro`s a year my expenses are nothing tho around 600 euros a month, and i got into crypto in 2014 so cant complain.

Please tell me how to apply for this job, I'm a NEET with a motorcycle license and would relocate

Electronics Engineer 40k EuroBucks. I hope it crashes so i can jump in one some coins at reasonable prices.

Medical Student, second last year.

Got into crypto in 2012, cashed out ~120k, using it to survive through school.


Senior Linux Systems engineer, ~130k/yr

no college debt

feels good man

Props to dnb. That sounds like a fun combo user.

Say what you want about furries, they know how to pay their artists well.