Getting close to initial investment

>getting close to initial investment

>below initial investment

How? Fucking how? Even if the entire crypto market fucking crashes to zero, I will STILL be up.

>start at beginning of december
>don't take profits
I have only myself to blame

>you got in at 1k
You feel like all these purple wojacks are massive soys

I still need my folio to drop 100% before I realize losses

>up in sats

please take math class again
your folio dropping 100% would mean you have no money left

Needs to drop to $580 for me to reach my initial.

>intitial investment

>current amount

please don't drop any further please please

>Down 50% from initial investment

I lost 65% of my initial investment.

t. started in January fag

Bitcoin would have to go below $1000 for it to go below my initial investment. So, I've got another week or two to go.

Are you fucking dense?
If you investment goes up 100%, you have double your investment right?
Following this logic, we can conclude that if your investment goes down 100% you will have half of your initial investment.

Then hurry the fuck up and sell, everyone sold at a loss and that is cause WE KNOW later this month its going back to $1k

You want to know the real price of BTC? See what it is right before the 1st day of 2017 when operation pump began

I startend in the beginning of december too and am still over 100% up. What did you do wrong?

Invested 40k in Oct/Nov

ATH port of 550k

low of 126k right now.

Not sure if serious

Holy shit you're retarded. That's not how percentages work.

I kept buying in throughout December

If you lose 100% of something you end up with fucking nothing, dumbfag

I held through LINK dropping from .50 to .17. I don't give a heck about this.

started with $4k in April
ATH $31k
now $12.8k

>people like this are investing in crypto
we're gonna make it boys

>cryptocucks terrible at math

you don't say

caping for next generation

He means 100% of the initial investment, not the current investment.

>down 80% of initial investment

Initial investment 13k, at 11k


I'm more inclined to think he's just retarded

What do you mean how? Are you retarded? 3 - 1 = 2. There.

People like you suck, what do you mean what did he do wrong? More like what didn't he do right. Every fucking alt and coin is down now.

put me in the screencap por favor

pffffpp blrrllrrrrrr wowowowowowowo

>You INITIALLY invest 10 dollars
>You make 10 more dollars
>You now have 20 dollars
>You lose 10 dollars
>You now have 10 dollars
Do you:
A) Have as much as you INITIALLY HAD
B) Have half of what you INITIALLY HAD
C) Have more than what you INITIALLY had?

Let me make this simple for you brainlet.

You have 10, and gain 100% - you now have 20.
10/20 = 50%, which is the relative increase and therefore also how much you would lose if your investment would go down 100%.
10 - (.5*10) = 5

I am sorry bros, didn't mean to hurt anybody. Seriously.

Don't worry, you will get it back. Stay in solid coins and have patience. We're all in this together and we're all gonna make it.

UAAAAAAAHHH blhghghlrrrrrr

That's ok, I'm confident for long term gains hence my refusal to sell even after an insane run up


t. miner

>literally OWE tax
>ZERO dollars to show for it

god help us all

>being such a cuck that you're not already down 25% on initial investment

the absolute state

I went from $12k over my initial investment down a 1500$ loss, actually only 750$ but i gave my mom all her money back. Pulled out just before it got painful.

you retard motherfucker kys