we need to talk
Hey biz
BTC pill so I can get off this wild ride and retire, travel the world
With blue you could make way more than BTC, youre supposed to make these such that there's actual tradeoffs.
Probably red as long as that jew Edison stays away from my inventions
didnt have money in 09 so it would still be zero
Blue pill sounds good but still involves work and you would still be visible to the general public and security guards and stuff. You still couldn't just walk into a bank vault or a rob a jewellery store without anyone stopping you. You would still be on CCTV, people could still identify you and track where you live. Not good.
green only works if you're successful anyway.
Red is a gamble. Lots of smart people don't achieve shit.
Red, I'm sick of having this peanut brain
If you take red you'd have to hope you aren't as retarded as Tesla and give up your stake in all electricity generated. He could have literally been the world's only trillionaire.
>tax exempt for life
i live in a tax haven
>invisible to police
>but not to NSA, etc.
>smart as nikola tesla
>getting my shit stolen by some power-hungry ego-driven cuck
>invested in BTC in 2009
i'd have sold when i 2x'ed
at this point i'd take lethal pills with alcohol. everything's only going to get worse.
>I'd have sold when I 2x'd
Lmao. I dig the honesty user, most of us would have too.
>invested in bitcoin in 2009
>tfw /g/ almost meme'd me into buying $100 worth of bitcoin in 2009 when I was 14
>had a $100 Visa card ready to go but bailed at the last minute
I probably would've cashed out when it hit $600, though, and definitely would've when I came back to it and saw it was worth $2k.
Tesla was a genius but also a TERRIBLE businessman. Unless that red pill also guarantees that I will find a partner like Westinghouse, NOPE.
Dunno how smart Tesla was in non physics/math stuff, but assuming it would apply to all areas of knowledge, Red.
>take blue pill
>take a stroll outside to celebrate my freedom
>niggers rob me
>a police car passes nearby
>the can't see me about to get shanked
Again, he was terrible at business. Being book smart is not cruise control for success.
90% of Teslas inventions were not his inventions, most overrated scientist ever
Nah you wouldve cashed out at 110
his will and his desire were 100% aligned. read his autobiography, you will wish you were 10% of the tesla he was
I wouldn't take any of them
black comes with most advantage though
tesla pill
I could invent something to usurp btc
Actual kek
Fucking blue. I'm smart enough to make 150k+ a year and avoid taxes assuming I'm invisible to police.
>walk into police station
>find hot female cop
>rape her
>everyone around her just thinks she's a slut
why do people assume Tesla cared about money? The dopamine rush his work provided him with exceeded any of the fleeting pleasures your buttcoins can buy you.
That'd still be over half a million dollars. But that was before it was a meme investment. I was going to buy in to use it as a currency.
Pretty sure police implies all authorities. Which would mean tax emption too
Blue or Black ofc
Blue, ez.
invisible to police obviously. Could rob every single bank in town for all they have and in a day make more than if you took the black pill. Plus it would come with a lot of other perks.
Even if you only invested like $300 in 2009, you'd be loaded now
Red. Make that von Goethe though
>la creatura