might be a little concerning
>thinks this is bad
just wait until GE declares bankruptcy late this year
That's pretty steep LMAO. Get fucked boomers
Its a good sauce for ribs
also TVIX
am i an asshole for wanting this thing to crash... burn baby burn
>GE declares bankruptcy
I hope you realise that if it crashes you're probably going to die of starvation like the rest of us.
Have zero clue when it comes to stocks. Can someone explain why it dropped so hard?
Google it faggot
traitors in their midst
Wew auto maker bubble popping?
What do the numbers mean for indices?
>rapidly declining profits
>shares are constantly falling
>massive asset selloff ongoing
>huge debt issue
They'll probably do it end of this year or early next year.
There's already rumors they're going to be forced off DoWJ
pretty much everything is going down right now, there's no clear starter market for causing the big sell off
>what is greed?
fear of interest rate hikes you oblivious faggots
Could crypto somehow be related to this
uhhhhhhl go on.
DEAD CAT bounce !!!!
>there's no clear starter market for causing the big sell off
unironically it's Bitcoin's fault
Proof that the DemocRATs hate Trump, they're trying to make him look bad by crashing the economy
When will this shit end
So what exactly happened. Can anyone explain.
oh no! it is just what it was a month ago! the horror!
just hodl :^)
It's because of the memo
Oh look it's a drop like we haven't seen since...the several others over last few years like that.
looks like a crypto chart kek
Did they close early? I though they were supposed to shut it down early with losses more than -5%?
We were long overdue for a correction
So no crash?
>boomers try to ban and ruin crypto
>nvidia and amd are some of todays biggest losers
nvidia and amd made billions off the crypto craze we were the ones who got fucked
This kind of is a crash. But it's only really serious if it keeps going down for weeks consistently and goes below 20K or so eventually.
Apparently circuit breakers dont trigger unless the market goes -14% from open
I just got a job 1 month ago at GE
Fuck this place. Literally the worst and most boring palce I've worked yet.
The mother of all bubbles burst
>mfw someone bought at -1600 and sold at -800 5 minutes later, and doubled their investment in time it takes to make coffee
Isn't that illegal? The shares wouldn't have arrived in the time it took to sell them.
But why though? As far as i know, no serious news have been released. Job situtation and $ value is better.
Thanks for the explanation user. Lets see how this develops.
Unlikely. I'd estimate a 10-15% contraction
It’s beautiful
Interest rates may rise soon. We're overdue for a correction.
Also it sounds silly but I honestly suspect Bitcoin imploding could have triggered it. A lot of traders were playing in crypto.
Some Veeky Forumsraeli already made millions basically shorting them through put options due Jan. expiration. Damn madman.
people needing cash to pay their bookies from last night
If it was crypto I'd be calling manipulation.
Is it possible to manipulate stocks this much?
Why? This is insider money funneling into bitcoin because of tomorrow's favorable ruling. That's all you need to know. Act accordingly.
The Eagles winning the superbowl.
no... thats been priced in for a long time
This was a flash crash
there no reason for the markets to be shitting
No. Too much regulation. However, all of the trading bots can interact in unusual ways that increase volatility in the very short term. Googl
Google "Flash crash".
Well, you know how the well connected big money always get the news a few days before the public. Let's see where this is headed.
Maybe the loss of value in the Crypto crash could have been the first tipped domino.
Maybe as a secondary factor is how AMD slumped shortly after the crypto crash, both of these may have prompted a small dip that was the cue for the bubble bursting to other investors
We’re gonna see a shitload of inflation soon aren’t we? That’s probably the reason.
Who is ready for the Trump recession?
When markets are ready to shit it doesnt matter what the news is. We just choose the most relevant news to attribute it to. Thats why terrible news can drop in a bull market and it won't effect the market at all.
Yes it's possible, but it's very hard to profit off of it. It's for this same reason the PnD groups for crypto don't use the inner circle's money to do the pumping.
all in cryptos that cant be deflated by faggots
>comfy as fuck
>cryptos, which use GPUs, crash
>GPU manufacturers also crash
It's the opposite. The Fed wants to raise interest rates to head off inflation before it happens, hence the crash. The stock market HATES interest rate hikes.
yes, it's linked back to increased consumer spending in recent months
that's not a double r u dumb
>all in cryptos that cant be deflated by faggots
yeah about that
also, you mean INFLATED. cryptos are naturally deflationary.
So much FUD these days. It's fine you retards.
God damn it i love sweet baby rays
but this is pretty unatural
the market has never been this volatile and fast-moving
wonder if it's cryptos fault
sorry pal
we've been waiting for this
the final nail in the coffin of reaganomics is fast approachimg
it wont make trump shut his fat face but oh well
I read that a very big company is ending partnership with them for someone else, was it catipillar or DuPont pls tell
Yes it has. It's just that stocks are worth more so the numbers are bigger. Fall 2008 was insane.
ETFs mang
The more a stock is declining, the more the algos will be selling it
Ding , Ding, Ding
Currupt men are selling and getting the fuck out of dodge baby
You are not lying
user, I...
Ge has been shitting the bed for a long time nobody cares
so is this the real reason the entire crypto market is fallings? because teh stock market is dropping severely?
isnt eth and other masternode coins inflationary? unlimited supply?
>acquisitions craze to mask their stagnant core business performance
>bad ROI on those acquisition
>unfunded retirement liabilitiies
>market slowing down, contracting margins and their ability to pay back denbts
>interest rate rising
>stock price tanking surely triggering some of their conditions on their credit contract
crypto was falling before
it's just that when real securities fall, frivolous trash like crypto will fall even more
>The faggots running damage control in this thread are the same scum that spam pepe threads in the catalog when BTC drops half a percent.
Stockfags BTFO
One can only pray
lol this is nothing. Hope it drops another 40% so I can accumulate.
>BTC drops half a percent
bitcoin fell 14% today you fucking lunkhead
check the calendar again, NEET
It's only a 1 day sample. Probably looks like nothing if you bring it out a week or a month
Russia and china playing with their toy we call 'america'
>every major fiance outlet saying it's just a blip the conditions arent there for a recession
quick biz name what overinflated credit bubble is going to pop within 3 months
Nah, I'm all in in crypto, gold and ammo. I will be rich as fuck baby.
Nocoiners will suck my dick for a loaf of bread. Feels good.
I bet auto
then auto will trigger all the others