1. when did you start in crypto
2. What % gains are you at
>End of November
>38% loss
1. when did you start in crypto
2. What % gains are you at
>End of November
>38% loss
>end of November
>just about breaking even, maybe 10% total loss at this point
Started mid november with 190€, took out my initial investment. Still up 560€.
This guy doesnt need crypto, a personality or anything. He truly can be just himself.
July 2017
Still up 250% overall
April 2017. Crash took me from 1000% gains to 400%
I never got delusional during the November-December madness so I was expecting this.
>July 2017
Up 110%
30% up
october 2017, still up a little over 100%
200% which is actually pretty awful
Started a few days ago, I only know bad times, I'll genuinely blow my load if we actually see a decent increase
bought at ~19000
up 7x
>all in on ICX then JNT
June up only 1000%
>Started in August 2017 with $2500
>ATH was $33k before The Great Dumpening
>Now sitting on $12k
>Start of october
>Currently at 500% what I started with.
Watching myself fall from above 1000% currently though.
>September 2016
Early December 2017
So your saying if you put in 1k you turned it into 450k? Bullshit
Glad I'm not the only one.
Yeah newfag, look at the fucking graphs. Fuck biz has gone to complete shithole overrun by these fucking normans.
Late November 2017
we should start a FOMO gang club
Oh I figured you were so dumb you didn't know the difference between 450% and 450x turns out your just lieing
Moar qt 3.141592653589 cock pls
End of December
June 2017
>End of December
>38% loss
How can you start in November and be at a loss? I started mid December and I'm still up several thousand.
No you’re not
Early December. -22%
beginning of december
I started in December and I'm still up, what's so hard to believe?
Beginning of Dec +17%
New Years day, 91% down.
50x gains
2017 September (I bought at the fuckin September all time high)
At a 15% loss
May 2017
(made an awful investment, and it basically took me down 80% at the time)
Beginning of 2016
Not even sure now, a bit under two thousand percent.
2 years go jan 2015 up 70% i started with like 10k now i have about 120k but at the ATH i had about 300k
>Know a guy who mad 300K in Bitcoin
>He invested everything into a Bitcoin mine
How fucked is he?
early january
down 50% on 3k
>clicked and looked
>was about to click again to check out that d
Not today my friend
You must've invested in the shittiest of shit coins. That or you did absolutely no trading. I flipped coins like DBC and Theta for quick gains
why doe
started recently
50% loss
I want to buy the dip and cut my losses in the future but who knows.
April 2017
converted 5k into 350k. got in may 26th.
Got in last part of eth train. Got in half of neo train. Got in full OMG train. Lost alot after that. Then will latest bull run, got in XRP train, XVG train, LTC train. I should be a mutimillionaire by now with my trades, but i was still noob because i sold out too early and fomoed everytime it kept on going up. I have learnt my lesson now.
Looking for 10mil EOY
June 2017
12000% up
december 21
up %600
in all honesty if you dont make a million from 5k in a year, you are retarded. There are always so much opportunities its hard to not make money.
ouch man
December '17
Was up 4000% though before the crash.
End of December. Made x4 in January, now only have 25% of my initital investment
>everyone is shorting, they said
>easiest money ever, they said
>100 leverage, they said
Mid December. Up 46.75% on total initial investment. Including a large sum (a 50% increase in my initial investment) during this crash.
Simply impossible
>end of January
It's been pretty fun watching all this drama unfold. I haven't risked more than I'm willing to lose.
February 2017, up roughly 100x despite this crash, so I guess that equals 10,000%.
Lmao at people posting their returns before this recent crash ( ) as if that means anything.
One of my first investments was XVG and it went x10, bought at 1.8 cents and got out at 18 cents. After that I went mostly all in VEN.
56.25% VEN
3.82% DRGN
11.12% MCO
2.03% BPT
7.26% TEL
1.13% AXP
1.01% COV
0.02% USI (left over from mining)
17.37% BTC
Start of Jan. 2017, about 11x still down from 30x ATM high
I would still be in the green if I didn't try margin trading like a retard, since my portfolio is mainly XLM and NEO. Don't margin trade, kids.
do we even care about crypto
let's discuss this guy's aesthetics, why is he so perfect
chads don't need to rule the world... even the rothschilds can't experience the life a body like this can give you
thats why you dont do new years resolutions
1% more than my initial investment
January 2016
At the beginning of January I was at like 80000%. Right now probably like 45000% from my initial investment two years ago.
Thanks ETH.
end of december
still at 3x-4x. was at a 10x.
>40% gain
it comes tomorrow friend. watch the markets
Between June-September 2017
Up 500%
>begin of december
>started with 1k
>still up 15k now
>end of October
>roughly 300% after cashing out my initial investment last month
last week
pretty much infinite % up
Was finally selling worth it? Or instant regret? I took a couple of -75% hits along the way (always go all-in like a Chad).
>late august
>30% up
Late november, went as low as 75% today.
I mean i went as low as 7,5x my original investment
mid january -73%, it really boils down to me not knowing how to use stop loss and being a general retard and listening to shills. I bought some books and when the market returns ima jump back in. Mostly in tether right now (even though i don't fucking trust it at all).
mid november - up 70%
end of november
33ish % gain
May 2017
If anyone is interested
1) put 500$ in ark 150$ In link and req and 100 in powr
2) link doubles: I buy 200 ven , sold req at 30cent for a 6x in to cryptopia shitcoins
3) powr and ark not doing anything: exhange them for XRB (100$) and VEN(700$) both between 0,65-0,70
4) profit
>November 2016
>421% up
-40% loss
2.600% gain
He is fucking larping. I have about little under 50x and started late 2013. 450x is absolute bullshit
t. newfag who has only seen literally the best year for crypto
it just takes a vouple of good trades user
No-coiner here
Is there some sort of crypto-trading simulator I could use?
Jan 2017
Still up 1000%, was up 2500% at my height
Maybe to turn 1 into 450 with some micro cap shitcoin. But no way can you hold decent coins and make those gains on larger capital. The only exceptions are if you held btc, eth, dash and similar since the beginning and never took profit and never made losses
>July 2017
>only 300% up
brb, kms myself
up 1700%
mostly since figuring out you can buy good coins and still make a killing
quit doing ICOs too. buy stuff with insider connections and real world application. it's literally that easy. then HODL.