REQ marines?
just bought another eth's worth bros
still here. crazy to think i couldve 4-5x my holdings by selling the top. im a bad trader.
Same - bought 2.5ETH worth about 30 mins ago.
Holding fast captain.
This coin will never hit 1 dollar again. I have to agree with you sir you are not a very good trader.
That is a such stuoid statement
>mfw a greentext meme literally destroyed this coin
Sold as soon as "marines" started appearing. An amazingly accurate sell indicator.
May drop 500-1000 on this to mass accumulate
I'm HODLing like a beast my bro.
Even with everyone else losing their butts, I still know we're going to make it.
REQ will be the gateway for all crypto payment and will gloriously save crypto within the year.
Aye. Just cashed out my MTN tokens for a small profit and bought more Req.
so what exactly is going to cause a REQ bullrun now that bitcoin is dying?
Request is great. Why?
+ Solid fucking team backed by Y Combinator, harder to get into than Harvard.
+ At least 14 projects being worked on, there'll be a metric fuckton of development.
+ Coins will be burnt, value goes up. People will FOMO into REQ when they see the supply going down.
+ Real world usage. There'll be people in your office who haven't touched bitcoin/ethereum who will be using Request.
+ People who want crypto to succeed will invest in REQ. It's one of the few coins that benefits the whole crypto ecosystem.
+ More Y Combinator partnerships are possible, they love networking.
+ Request has a ton of followers on reddit. Constantly mentioned on the daily altcoin posts.
+ Plenty of use cases. Possible for ICOs to cam girls to use Request in the future.
+ Ton of people hate paypal and will switch to a better alternative.
+ Online stores stopped bitcoin support? Request will be ready when they want to get back into crypto.
REQuesting the stacey pasta
I bought the fucking dip feelsgoodman literally free money
what does it mean when coins become burnt, are the coins just one time use
literally no-one's gonna use req.
sure, day-trade it, but it aint gonna moon or even be around 2 years from now.
Not a REQ marine but I lost a shitton of money by not selling at the top
and you know this how?
b/c any coin that relies on being "adopted" by other companies never thrives.
good fundamentals for a coin means that the coin itself does something by solving either a novel or universal problem that no other coin does, and individuals just pick it up becuase they can use straight off the shelf.
only coins like XLM which are already tied to a company (IBM in their case) can do what req is trying to do. REQ is not a good buy
Every transaction on the Request Network will burn some REQ as part of the fee. The supply is lowered, you’ll actually see the number decrease on coinmarketcap. Will increase the demand on remaining REQ tokens.
>only coins like XLM
are you fucking retarded?
"Hey Stacey, want anything from Starbucks?"
>"Yeah, I want a mocha roastie supreme! But can you go get it for both of us, I don't want to stop watching Netflix!"
"Sure, can you send me some money though? My credit card is almost empty, I spent everything on Chad!"
>"Yeah, I just go this new app "Request Network". Download it and send me a request!"
"Wow, I just got it too! I'll put in a request. Hmm, that's weird Stace, it's saying I need "REQ tokens". Wtf is that?"
>"Uh, this app is so fucking weird. WEIRD AND CREEPY. Why do I need a token to send money? How do I even get them?"
"Just delete it Stace and use venmo. That app was made by virgins and creepy ugly losers."
Three weeks later...
"Stace, remember that Request Network app?"
>"Ugh. that ugly looking one that was obviously made by no life virgins?"
"Yep, that's the one. Well I GUESS I had to use it to send money because it has lower fees, but it's such a shit app and you can tell that ugly virgins made it. Guess what the app MAKES you do Stace."
>"Lay it on me girl, I can only imagine what the neckbeards that made that app make you do to use it."
"Get this Stace, I wanted to send 10 grand to Chad, and instead of just being NORMAL like Venmo and Paypal and entering Chad's name to send it to him, I had to enter his "wallet address". LOL!"
>"Holy shit, that is the nerdiest thing I've ever heard! I'm drier than the Sahara just hearing such nerdy, gay words."
"It's unbelievable, if you want to send money, you have to enter a 40 character string of letters and numbers. If you screw up, and of course what normal, non autistic person wouldn't under those circumstances, no refunds, because the app uses a "blockchain". Imagine the autistic spergs that made that app Stacey, they're so fucking creepy and their app is shit! Let's use Venmo only from now on!"
Three years later...
>"Chad, someone's in the house, I just heard a window break"
"I'll check it out babe"
>>"Hand it over! Hand over the money you little pussy!"
>"Chad, Chad just give him the money, it's not worth it, he's got a weapon!"
"Listen guy, I don't know who you are, but we don't have fiat around here! We only have cryptocurrency."
>>"What the fuck is wrong with you you freak, how am I supposed to rob someone with fake internet money? You've got ten seconds to tell me how you pay for things, or the girl gets a bullet!"
"Alright, calm down man, we use this app called "Request Network". It converts the crypto into any other currency you ask for"
>>"Jesus Christ, that is so fucking gay. Alright, whatever, send me 500 bucks. NOW!"
>"Please Chad do it, he's got a gun"
"Okay man, I'm opening the app right now. I need your USD wallet address."
>>"What the fuck are you talking about retard?"
"Calm down, I just created a wallet for you, I'm going to send it 500 dollars"
>>"Good, now make it quick! 500 dollars, BOY!"
"Alright, I'm gonna send it as bitcoin Stace."
"Shit, Bitcoin just went up as I made the request, I need to readjust the amount"
"Damnit it's still going up, I don't want to send too much"
>>"I'm gonna give you to the count of ten to send that money boy, or she's gonna GET IT!"
>"Chad, send it now! Please!"
"Hang on, I'm gonna time the dip guys."
"SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT I don't have any REQ tokens, I can't perform the transaction"
>"Chad...I'm bleeding could that virgin app screw us over like this..."
33% REQ 33% ICX 33% JNT
gonna be billionaire in 5 years
lol, the ppl that pump REQ are the same ppl that pumped TEL.
think on that for a moment, then we'll talk.
your shitty greentext get's filtered out. don't worry lmao
reddit pumped TEL?
Laura's last blog post actually debunks this FUD
Even normies will be using REQ even if they don’t realise it.
The team has their REQ vested for 2 years, they’re not gonna let the price be shit.
well, it's your choice.
i wouldnt touch it with a barge pole tho.
Literally not going to argue with you, REQ solves a major issue, and with the SEC saying the UNITED STATES approves of crypto, people are going to be looking for an easy gateway in and out of crypto that adds tax and everything else easy with a normie friendly UI. You. Stupid. Stupid. STUPID. Fuck.
REQ plz save us
Anyone with ETH will be shoving Request down everyone’s throats so they can spend their crypto.
yeah REQ will be huge, it almost feels unreal im alive at the right time and right place. What is a simulation
answer me this:
what benefit will increasing the price of a REQ token to the ecosystem that uses it?
thank you, and i rest my case.
bought some at 22cents I have some other shitcoins that make me sweat but this one I will just buy more if it goes down more
REQ slowly increases its value over time by it being used, the point of owning REQ is to FOMO in before anyone else then have a massive amount of passive income..stupid. STUPID. stupid fuck
Do you have the one that takes place in the far future and Sacey becomes a cyborg hooker?
Fees won’t increase even if the price of REQ is $10.
The transaction fee will be 0.05% to 0.2%, the equivalent value in REQ will be burnt.
The price of REQ will be constantly rising as the supply goes down.
Holding a bag of REQ is making it.
REQ is for patient people only. Fill HUGE bags before people go "oh fuck THATS what REQ does buy buy buy"
Bought 75k REQ at $0.33
I believe in it and will only sell 5k at the start of next year to take a year off work. Staking should be happening by then, so I'll live as long as I can off that.
One of the few that will make it.
I hope you make it as well my friend.
>tfw only 7.2k REQ bought at average of $0.50
wish I had more money to put in but I'm a poor college student so fuck.
Yep, holding a similar bag.
REQ and XLM hodlers will make it.
open your eyes guys. crypto is over. its going to 0. it was jsut a ponzi. i got in almsot a decade ago. its over
>i got in almsot a decade ago. its over
I purposely FUD req threads so brainlets who actually fud feel safe..for now
Hodling 35,000 I bought at $.11. Feeling pretty good right now.
Off to a good start.
Plenty of opportunities to be made in the future.
Thanks for the kind words, hoping to at least be able to pay off my student loans. You think REQ will ever hit 5 dollars? That's all I really need.
>You think REQ will ever hit 5 dollars?
sure it will. and i have a beach front property in denver to sell you if youre interested?
$10 by EOY.
That seems to be the conservative estimate from what I’ve seen.
>tfw YComb also works with Coinbase
Seriously doubt itd be that low
Oh wow they have two years vested into this do realize that the majority of projects in the dot com bubble went out of business? This is no different. Like trying to find a needle in a haystack. This will not be the next PayPal dumbass. It will quickly fizzle out just like 99% of all the other cryptos of today.
Take a step back, readers, and ask yourself why someone with no stake in REQs success or failure would post like this. Then draw your own conclusion. (hes holding xlm and hes a faggot)
xlm is a far safer and potenttially lucrative hold than req. no?
>he didnt look at the market cap
>he fell for the IBM meme
>hes going to stay poor
I hold no xlm lol. I have 5k REQ that i bought today. I'm confident you faggots will pump the price and this will be the next Tron so I got in. When I'm ready to sell ath ($0.60) and make an easy 3x I'll know by then if this is really the shitcoin i think it is.
>falling for the marketcap meme
you will be able to pay for things using any currency crypto or fiat with smaller fees than existing solutions
>18,436,450,943 circulating supply of XLM
>thinks its going to get above 2$
stay poooooooooor
Would be surprised if Coinbase and Request didn’t partner.
Buy crypto with Coinbase, spend with Request.
Extremely profitable for both sides.
Holy shit and they're both owned by Ycomb..... Holy shit.