Democrats are better for the US economy.
Democrats are better for the US economy
there are winners and losers to every policy
The great depression happened under a democrat.
>2% growth
we know
The stock market crash of 1929 (and 2008) happened under Republican leadership dumbfuck
kill yourself
Hoover used democrat policies
FDR expanded on those policies and the depression lasted over 10 years
lol brainwashed idiots
Shit like this is how I know Veeky Forums is a Reddit colony now.
Enjoy your 2% growth and race baiting
It is veddit crossposting. People have been posting biz screencaps there and they want to see what its really like here
Flood country with shit brown people, corporate labor costs go down, profitability goes up, every gets fucking miserable and dresses like shit, say anything about it, you are a racist.
Yay Democrats.
Reddit was right, should've been Sanders
Why are you blaming the workers instead of the corporations?
Serious question
>gets btfo
>d-democrat policies!
OP is correct, but this is troll bait.
There's no correlation between their policies and better economies. Oil and technology shocks were the main causes, and the major ones post WW2 happened during dems in power. There's no indicator that either party has any major effect on the economy. Take your partisan politics bullshit
And for civil rights
And for healthcare
And for gun regulations
And for new energy investments
And for education
because they’re foreign shitskins
Because a corporation is a collection of workers.
It's not hard user.
I know its hard for brainlets to understand, but stocks are tanking because the economy is good enough that the Fed is going to stop holding down interest rates to artificially promote growth.
In other words, the Fed is signaling that the recession is over and inflation will be increased.
Litterally was tho
Are you fucking retarded? Do you think a worker just shows up at the door and say "I'm working here now". It looks like a case of lazy fatasses unwilling to do the work that need to be done and blame it on the people who will do it. Throughout the Mid-West and Alaska there are $20+/hr jobs with barely any training required but soft-handed faggots like you aren't willing to do it.
No I mean, why aren't you blaming the corporation for hiring immigrants instead of middle class americans?
These immigrants come with low IQs and their huge, even lower-IQ families, they live 15 to a room and have much lower standards of living, these brown hordes vote for big government policies that require taxing the shit out of the goyim, reducing Whitey’s ability to have children, further dragging down the IQ of the country, bringing us closer and closer to a white minority status, where murderous monkeys run wild in the streets just like Brazil.
Even if certain economic indicators go up, so what. If we’ve wrecked a nation it’s not worth it.
donal drumpf bad
Corporations are owned by normies and normies vote Democrat. Anyone can hold majority shares in a Corp.
The government is just the errand boy of those same neoliberal corporations.
B-but muh fiscal responsibility!
>middle class americans
Nobody blamed them you fucking retard, though the term is probably just meaningless political propaganda to you.
I dont blame the workers, I blame the government that imports workers to supress wages for the benefit of their corporate masters.
>civil rights
Get in the fucking oven
"fiscal responsibility" to republicans is "fuck you, got mine."
Holy shit do you brainlets still not know what I'm asking?
I'm asking, since it's greedy corporations who choose to hire cheap immigrants instead of hard working Americans, why are we blaming the immigrants instead of the corporations who hire them?
I still laugh at the thought that people unironically like Trump
And people call coiners deluded
"Fiscal responsibility" to democrats is "Hey, give me that"
>cheap immigrants
>middle class americans
You're a fucking retard. Admit it in a reply to my post and I'll address your retarded ass point.
take it to /pol/ faggot
What the fuck are you even saying? Is english your second language?
Depression would've lasted longer without those policies. Hoover did basically nothing to stop it.
Also, if you look at debt/GDP ratio, It's always Republicans that increase it more than democrats do, even when they inherit healthy economies. They also borrow more too.
>What's particularly jarring is this is the first time borrowing has jumped this much (as a share of GDP) in a non-recession time since Ronald Reagan was president
>since it's greedy corporations who choose to hire cheap immigrants instead of hard working Americans
yes, and WHY do they do that user?
because the government makes it too expensive/not worth it to hire actual citizens. it's a symptom, not the problem
user you expect logic from literal retards that get fluted by racist propaganda.
If we were 100% real then we would rise against the robots right now because machines are taking over most jobs.
You are wrong. Unless the government puts wage raises for every job themself you won't see companies ever picking up lazy first worlders that want more pay.
Thanks for addressing my point unlike those brainlets earlier.
>too expensive/not worth it
But CEOs make millions of dollars every year, you're saying they can't afford a few dollars more per hour to hire Americans instead of immigrants?
>Attributes Lyndon B Johnson's recession to Nixon
"fiscal responsibility" is the Republican code word for borrowing more money and increasing the government debt to fund tax cuts for their wealthy donors.
Trump shouldve done a JFK and lower business tax rates but increase it on the wealthy
He is bad. MSNBC, CNN and NPR told me so. I hate corporations and government though.
wrong. unemployment was already dropping, then skyrocketed to double digits after FDR intervened.
>taking more money out of people's hands is better for the US economy
yeah, you're beyond retarded
kys. "Taxes are good for the economy"
>They also borrow more too.
Which one borrowed more than Obama, again?
>much tax cuts for da wealthy!!!!
Who the fuck else would get a tax cut? The poor assholes that don't pay taxes in the first place? Bitches like you threw a fucking fit when W gave everyone a tax refund because "THAT'S NOT FAIR TO THE MOTHERFUCKERS THAT DIDN'T PAY NOT NONE NO TAXERS!"
>pro civil rights
>anti gun
do you braindead socialist even realize your own contradictory positions?
You admitted being a retard without even realizing it, so I'll accept it.
We're blaming the Democrat government for not enforcing immigration law, you're the one who makes up some mythical contradictory hard-working illegal middle class American to distract from your party's abrogation of the law. And blaming "the corporations maaaan" for not following laws that the government shows no interest in enforcing is the stupidest shit.
I'm not really writing this for you btw, this is for anyone else who's reading this. It's wasted on your retarded ass who can't distinguish between illegal immigrants and middle class Americans while you desperately flail in an attempt to stay on-point.
> live in "free" country US
> talk about "democracy"
> have no other choice except dems or reps
> get voting right taken away by garrymandering
mfw a simple x-ray image costs >500$ without insurance, basically a life necessity at this point.
Nice politics you got going there, bros...
Go see DJIA and compare periods of democrat presidency and republican presidency, then come back
>attributes clinton's housing collapse to bush jr
>But CEOs make millions of dollars every year, you're saying they can't afford a few dollars more per hour to hire Americans instead of immigrants?
Yes. Race traitors, rich or poor, need to be shot. The real question is why do white democrats/liberals shill for nonwhite immigration when it hurts the working class?
So negotiate it down. Fucking TALK TO YOUR DOCTORS. That's a god damn sticker price for negotiating with insurers, not set in stone.
Reminder that this is actually real
>can't distinguish between illegal immigrants and middle class Americans
My ENTIRE POINT is literally asking why we're giving corporations a free pass to hire illegal immigrants instead of middle class Americans.
Also I'm not a democrat, in case my responses haven't made it abundantly clear, retard.
>What's particularly jarring is this is the first time borrowing has jumped this much (as a share of GDP) in a non-recession time since Ronald Reagan was president
Borrowing money makes sense when it happens during a recession, both parties do it. However, bush did most of the spending and borrowing during his last years as president, which means most of it fell on Obama's two terms.
The thing with Trump though, is he had the luxury of not having to face the USSR in the cold war, or the fallout of the Great Recession and the deficit spending from the last administration. So Trump has basically zero excuse for why he is borrowing as much money as he is. Maybe he's just doing what benefits him the most, and doesn't really give a shit about his supporters?
Looks like it.
Talk to your doctors?
Negotiating about basic life necessities?
I don't know, this one guy I know went to europe without insurance, went to the ER, after 20 minutes got an x-ray and paid 60$...
They say in india it's 5$...
They just set the price and the insurance pays it. What's there to negotiate? Being efficiant is their job, isn't it? Making people healthy and stuff...
Well, go get your opium, lads.
> sample size: 2
>this is too expensive but I don’t want to negotiate
Stay cucked I guess. And something tells me $5 indian medical care isn’t as good as something first-world.
just block immigration then
I can totally see everything thanks to your shitter compression.
Next time try with an ifunny watermark.
>My ENTIRE POINT is literally asking why we're giving corporations a free pass to hire illegal immigrants
Because we can't mass deport the illegal immigrants because that would be "racist" and we can't punish businesses that hire illegals because that would be "racist" as well. Why do think people get mad over shit like sanctuary cities? Its because illegals can artificially drive down wages because they can't be deported.
There is no incentive for corporations to follow the law if the government won't enforce the law. Shit, cali just made it illegal for employers to give legality status of employees to ICE.
how the fuck is anyone supposed to read that when it's so pixelated
Taxes funded the creation of technologies like the internet and integrated circuit. So yes, it can be good for the economy.
>basically a life necessity at this point.
How can something that hasn’t existed for thousands of years become a necessity?
If it was really as necessary as you think, you’d get fucking insurance
So white immigration doesn't hurt the working class?
what gun control legislation did Obama pass ? You gun freaks think anyone who doesn't want you to conceal carry in nurseries is anti-gun.
>I want things for cheap or free and I can't even be bothered to ask for a discount
Well fuck you then, faggot, tough shit.
Are we a product of our environment or is our environment a product of us?
Are the dems talking about putting that money into the NSF or NIH or DARPA? No, they want to spend it on diabetes medication for obese niggers.
It’s not immigrants fault, it’s the government.
No one blames Mexicans for wanting to just walk into America and live it up, and no one blames corporations for wanting to cut cost, but both are the result of poor policy making and bad law enforcement
What if I told you that the presidency has little effect on the economy
you are what you eat
He didn't pass anythibg because he didn't have the votes. He actively promoted totalitarian shit like magazine bans.
i dont like blumpf he is meanie
Also there's no reason to not allow conceal carry anywhere, including a nursery.
>shut up shills, MAGO!!! MIGA!!!
Drumpfy boy is goinhg down
It does, but it doesn't hurt the country culturally as much, which is the real effect. I singled out "nonwhite" because that's what the left pushes for. I don't see dems clamoring to give amnesty to Europeans. The "nonwhite" part is why the US will become Brazil or South Africa 2.0.
Him getting on tv crying about the 2nd amendment and getting the media to push that da real terrorists are white christian gun owners was just for fun.
>shitty pixelated graph
>blaming the effects of the Great Recession
and boomers retiring due to old age on the democrats, even though they have no control over it
>not blaming Republicans when they have more control over the debt during a healthy economy.
>not realizing that during healthy economies, Republicans actually increase the US debt faster relative to the GDP
>under healthy economies, democrats actually decrease US debt or keep it the same relative the GDP
How many white immigrants take jobs vastly under the standard pay?
1st of all, the x-ray machines in India are bought from US factories...
2nd, it is about a fucking basic medical service. Just turn it on and look at the fucking screen. How can you all defend this insanity?? Worldwide insurances usually don't include the US because of this shit.
I don't know, it's just strange that most americans are so proud of the "democracy", the "freedom" and are even defending the most obvious fuckery like I described.
This was a simple example how people get fucked over.
I didn't get started on the whole "free country" meme, or "democracy".
Clinton deregulation of mortgage lending under the guise of giving poor people houses allowed and encouraged 2008. Literal fact.
Hoover was a republican dummy
Getting fucked is having half your paycheck stolen at gunpoint to give free meds to retards.
Yeah, the first thing those freaks in Congress did, after crying bloody murder about the deficit for 8 years, is blow a trillion dollar hole into deficit so their rich donors could make back their investments.
>Who the fuck else would get a tax cut?
How about they just don't do a tax cut.
I thought republicans were the ones that hated (big) government?
Nah Indian medicine is good. Homeopathic medicine. The problem with health in America is how we educate and advertise health and fitness. You as a country preach for people to be healthy yet every fucking commercial is KFC, McDonald's, and other nonhealthy restaurants or food products. HEALTHY PEOPLE = NO MONEY FOR BIG PHARMA AND CORPORATIONS WHO FUEL THE UNHEALTHINESS.
Same desu