>trump is good for the econo-
Trump is good for the econo-
>m-muh trump bump
Literally nobody said trump would be good for the economy. He's going to shake things up. Hillary is the wall street shill.
will he take credit for the biggest plunges in dow's history on twitter
Well, people were saying the economy doing good was because of obama.
So it doing bad now must also be because of obama correct ?
Let’s see you try and turn this around hahaha
if you are suicidal over crypto just remember this is literally an entire year's worth of gains for people
Still up 6000 points since election.
>b-b-but muh big scary red numbers!! #IMPEACH
Trump was a literal grenade elected into office as a fuck you desu
It is Obama's economy finally kicking in
Anyone with a brain knew the market was way too hot. Corrections are neither unexpected nor indicative of an unhealthy economy.
>This is Obama's fault despite Trump being in office
Every republiTARD ever.
>they earned him
>let them finally have him
thanks obama
how many times will r/thedonald fags flip the script
just go back already
Leftypol socialists are buttmad that we're only off 5% instead of 100%
>Dumbass conservatard friends and family bitch about Obama in 2008, blaming him for the tanking stock market
>rest of his term is a bull run
>2017, same people attribute continuing bull run to heir Trump
>stocks crash in 2018
I keep telling people the incoming president doesn’t get blamed/credit for the economy for a year after the election, but they keep thinking the same retarded shit. Hopefully this doesn’t keep up for 3 years because trump appointed a bunch of corrupt morons to key positions and no one noticed because muh Twitter.
>Implying these people have anything in the stock market
wages are rising cuck. deal with it
Lmao. When did /leftypol/ find Veeky Forums? Zoom out you fucking cucks.
>the bull run is because of Obama not Drumphf
>no no the crash le Drumfffs fault XD
kys faggot
I-Is it over yet? My beautiful waifu n-needs me to buy her something
Demotards can't tell the difference between points and percentage because they're economic illiterates
>if you voted kremlin agent in the White House you pretty much deserve next 20 years of economic stagnation
>poltards think that -6% is typical
>implying Presidents really affect the economy
Is there a term I can Google for japs in slutty race outfits?
>literally a years worth of gains decimated in a few days
>being this much of a delusional drumpfkin
And never forget Donnie took full credit for the economy meaning the crash is also his. Trump will be remembered like Hoover which is great because we will get New Deal 2.0 out of all this: Right to housing, right to food, right to comfort etc
Liberals are getting dumber and dumber each fucking second.
>stocks skyrocket
>Trump hasn't got an influence on STOCKS!
>stocks take a little dip
>Trump crashed muh stocks
>wages are still doubled
>Drumftards Xd
is there a discord where you memorize those talking points ?
Oh nooooooo guess I'll just cry into my bonuses and raises
>DOW at ATH thanks to Trump HAHAHAHAHA
>DOW crashing is Obama's fault REEEEEEEEEE
>t. trumpfags
can't have it both ways, you retards.
The jews did this.
THe absolute state of Trump cultists
Tell me more about Trump and his family of KIkes. How will they make america great again?
the stocks starting spiking before trump actually took office you fucking brainlets
Umm sweetie, that was all Obama’s policies. Trump disaster consequences start now.
Yeah, it's like the economy takes at least a year or longer for the president's policies to take effect, and meanwhile they're riding on their predecessor's waves.
>Wages are still doubled
Fucking what?
>ITT: Delusional burgers justifying their incompetent president
Enjoy your crisis fatfucks
Trump has been strocking his dick on twitter daily for months about the rising DOW
It's only fair to shit on him when it dips.
If you disagree you're wrong and should go back to /r/the donald
>Trump is the FED
this, also go back to your tranny discords fags
>Being mad everyone is getting paid more now
We're up 20% from last february.
most cults make you pay money to them instead of receiving more money though
This is a correction everyone's been predictibg for months, not a crash, you fucking retard
>wages are still doubled
imagine being so delusional you literally just start lying
> went up %1
> spiking
Veeky Forums is basically a /pol/ colony at this point, you wouldn't believe how many /pol/acks on their board admit to be Veeky Forumssraelis. Unless furry and pony porn is allowed on all boards. This site is good as dead. And I blame Trump and Reddit for causing all of this.
Fuck that worthless kike lover who wants to give out amnesty and let more Americans die for Israel.
I lose hope in humanity
>stocks are doubled
was a fucking exaggeration you braindead /leftypol/ trash, how the fuck do you cnn cocksuckers even get on Veeky Forums.
This board is so goddamn infested with you I am fucking dying.
We are still up 20% cunts.
1+ weeks ago:
>trump is making america great again just look at the stock market!
>I mean the president doesn't really control the economy let's be honest he's pretty much just a figurehead.
>>trump is good for the econo-
The economy is rock solid. Find a source that says the sell off was from economic weakness. The fear is that the economy is too good. The selloff is a result of trading bots dominating trading now making selloffs more violent and extreme. The same bots also push markets up much faster than they would otherwise move.
>So it doing bad now must also be because of obama correct ?
No, he left office over a year ago.
Americans were the creation of Satan and Freemasons. Their pathetic country is going to collapse and everybody will celebrate. They're circumcised mutts with no relation to Europe. This also goes to Aussies, Brits and Leafs as well.
So fuck the prez and see who surround him= knowledge of outcome.
isnt the stock market completely manipulated at this point
What a fucking faggot are you this is healthy correction you 14 year old retard.
Msnbc* cocksuckers. Iff you're gonna talk shit about us at least do it right.
Unlike buttcoin, stock index corrections don't mean the end of the world or an unhealthy economy. People have been expecting a 10-15% correction for a while. Nobody with anything to lose didn't anticipate this
Pepe is now a boomer meme, by posting him you're proving to everybody that you belong on plebbit. Amerinigger
Trump is hated for the wrong reasons, what he should be hated for his how he's going to give out amnesty to every single beaner and not to mention worship Israel on whatever they say. Only brainlets hate him for shit like "muh democracy in the darkness"
At least he has the decency to totally ruin the economy during his presidency rather than letting it rollover.
Clinton spends his time cleaning up after Bush Sr
Obama spends his time cleaning up after Bush Jr
Pence spends his time cleaning up after Trump is impeached
thats not the point libfag
Say it with me:
President Bernie Sanders.
The best thing about this thread is complete lack of market knowledge and economic insight. /biz is a pack of retards.
look at the DAX and FTSE dumbfucks must be because of Theresa May and Merkel? fucking brainlet partytards
Did you just fucking confess to being a liberal. This is the day of Veeky Forums's funeral, it was good when it lived guys. It's gone, normies took over.
>4% drop
the sooner you end your life, the better
>ironically using /biz instead of Veeky Forums
You're just proving your plebbitness, newfag. Go back to r/the_cuckold and talk about how you want to dicksuck based black men.
>people actually think the word is this simple
* recession during obama's presidency * "This is all Bush's fault" * economy skyrockets during trump's presidency * "This is all because of Obama" * recession during trump's presidency * "Wow this is all trump's fault"
>stock market on a bull run from 2015 to jan '18
"My great amazing economic policies are single-handedly responsible for this tremendous success in the stock market, believe me. New record every week!!!This is all thanks to the Make America Great Again agenda!"
>today, the sharpest single drop since the 2008 crash
"Despite our HUGE efforts to help American families, the mess left by bear-market Barack ruin-the-economy Obama strikes again! This is not the fault of #MAGA, this clearly is the fault of immigrants, unwed single mothers, and people who don't support the troops. SAD!"
no foreskin no economic growth
Do you guys have anything worthwhile to say besides
>drumpf is literally hitler conservanazis
>No! trump is literally god incarnate libcucks
this. Every MSM shill is saying the same thing. The markets are up because of Obama. The markets are down due to the interest rate increase scaring the shit out of people that have a colossal amount of debt.
>an entire year
Lol its worse than that. A DOW plunge like this could mean several years worth of gains lost for some people.
>trickle down economics
>muh stock market = good economy
>b-but Obongo
When the DOW goes up again, libtards will once again claim that it had nothing to do with Trump
The spirit Veeky Forums had is long gone, everywhere you look, a trump hater, sad, a really sad day indeed.
A minute of silence for a fallen politically incorect image board. LIberals rushed in, it's fucked.
>down 4%
>ytd up 5000 points and 40%
Yes it whiped our YEARS of gains oh the humanity
Go jump off your roof nerd
Do the world a favor, end it. Please.
We were always there, fuck off /pol/fugee.
This is the internet.
Either you're a SJW who wants to turn all kids into the opposite gender and only use neutral pronouns or you're a borderline nazi who acts like everyone is persecuting you.
Being a Nazi is objectively the better option between the two
Ftse is down 108 points, dax regularly shits 2% for fun, wow its fucking nothing.
Mutt problem.
The truth is it has literally nothing to do with the politician in office and everything to do with whatever the central bankers decide is in their best interest.
The point is that Trump and his shills have been boasting that he's the reason the market has been booming over the past year. Now that the market is correcting, Trump is silent and his shills are saying that the president doesn't have much of an effect on the market. It's the fucking hypocrisy which makes me glad you mutts have a statistically higher chance of dying before me. You can't have your cake and eat it, too, you niggers.
Everything can be a gain when you look at it a certain way.
This is a bad sign, it fucking crashed today, if this trend continues tomorrow we'll have panic selling for the rest of the week and next monday could be the start of a real recession.
It might be up that much this year but you should read up on volatility.
Nonsense, this economy is thanks to Obama, so it's his fault the Dow dropped 1700 points in two days.
he is and the market booming is why a correction is happening.
I bet you voted for Hillary bitch.
go bac to pol dumbshit
>>literally a years worth of gains decimated in a few days
Literally unable to do elementary level math
i think one of the reasons i enjoy the smell of my own farts is because my body associates the smell with a sense of relief that comes from expelling pressure that had been building up.
Bad for nocoiners, good for us.
>recession will start over 10% fall on the Dow even though almost every other indicator is good
No user get off Veeky Forums we have gdp growth hitting 3% we aren’t in a recession stocks=\= econemy you fucking cut
It always has been. It runs the same way crypto does, with whale dumps and buybacks albeit at a slower pace. Companies are known to FUD themselves or allow a "crash" to convince holders to drop their stocks so they company can buy them back up before they make major announcements or deals that are expected to inflate stock value.
wow thanks Obama...................................